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Locally Enhanced sentence examples within electric field treatment

Operando Investigation of the Locally Enhanced Electric Field Treatment (LEEFT) Harnessing Lightning-Rod Effect for Rapid Bacteria Inactivation

Inactivation and Removal Technologies for Algal-Bloom Control: Advances and Challenges

Locally Enhanced sentence examples within Induced Locally Enhanced

Legume–microbiome interactions unlock mineral nutrients in regrowing tropical forests

Local Enhanced Acoustic Traps based on Vibrations of Microtpillar Arrays

Locally Enhanced sentence examples within locally enhanced electric

Operando Investigation of the Locally Enhanced Electric Field Treatment (LEEFT) Harnessing Lightning-Rod Effect for Rapid Bacteria Inactivation

Inactivation and Removal Technologies for Algal-Bloom Control: Advances and Challenges

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Locally Enhanced sentence examples within locally enhanced heat

Evaporite palynology: a case study of the Permian (Lopingian) Zechstein Sea

Design and simulation of locally enhanced microchannel heat sink for diode partially pumped slab laser

Locally Enhanced sentence examples within locally enhanced acoustic

Closed-Loop Control Strategy For Acoustic Microrobot Based On Vibration Of Microstructure

Local Enhanced Acoustic Traps based on Vibrations of Microtpillar Arrays

Locally Enhanced sentence examples within locally enhanced electromagnetic

Ultrasensitive SEIRA detection using gold nanobipyramids: Toward efficient multimodal immunosensor

Graphene oxide and gold nanoparticle based dual platform with short DNA probe for the PCR free DNA biosensing using surface-enhanced Raman scattering.

Locally Enhanced sentence examples within locally enhanced chemotherapy

EP1292 Minimally invasive palliative treatment of vulval cancer: is there a role for electrochemotherapy?

Ablative Treatment of Hepatic Recurrence of Lung Cancer Using Electrochemotherapy : A Case Report

Locally Enhanced sentence examples within locally enhanced field

Doubly Resonant Plasmonic Hot Spot–Exciton Coupling Enhances Second Harmonic Generation from Au/ZnO Hybrid Porous Nanosponges

Enhancing sensitivity to ambient refractive index with tunable few-layer graphene/hBN nanoribbons

Locally Enhanced sentence examples within locally enhanced inter

Fracture behavior of 3D printed carbon fiber-reinforced polymer composites

Bottom-up growth of homogeneous Moiré superlattices in bismuth oxychloride spiral nanosheets

Locally Enhanced sentence examples within locally enhanced information

A Global and Local Enhanced Residual U-Net for Accurate Retinal Vessel Segmentation

A Global and Local Enhanced Residual U-Net for Accurate Retinal Vessel Segmentation.

Locally Enhanced sentence examples within locally enhanced water

Water exchange and its relationships with external forcings and residence time in Chesapeake Bay

Submerged vegetation in a shallow brackish lagoon does not enhance water clarity but offers substantial refuge for zooplankton

Locally Enhanced sentence examples within locally enhanced surface

Probing of coupling effect induced plasmonic charge accumulation for water oxidation

Fast lithium growth and short circuit induced by localized-temperature hotspots in lithium batteries

Locally Enhanced sentence examples within locally enhanced terahertz

A versatile sample fabrication method for ultrafast electron diffraction.

Temporal and spectral fingerprints of ultrafast all-coherent spin switching

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Effect of load-induced local mechanical strain on peri-implant bone cell activity related to bone resorption and formation in mice: An analysis of histology and strain distributions.

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A 2-D DNS study of the effects of nozzle geometry, ignition kernel placement and initial turbulence on prechamber ignition

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Local Correlation among the Chiral Condensate, Monopoles, and Color Magnetic Fields in Abelian Projected QCD

Using isotopes to understand landscape‐scale connectivity in a groundwater‐dominated, lowland catchment under drought conditions

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Sunflower effect: enhancement of laser-pulse-induced impulse in the beam incident direction due to surface undulation

Sound-Wave Instabilities in Dilute Plasmas with Cosmic Rays: Implications for Cosmic-Ray Confinement and the Perseus X-ray Ripples

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Asymmetric shocks in $\chi$ Cyg observed with linear spectropolarimetry.

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Detection of pre-eruptive seismic velocity variations at an andesitic volcano using ambient noise correlation on 3-component stations: Ubinas volcano, Peru, 2014

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Shape-Selective Electroless Plating within Expanding Template Pores: Etching-Assisted Deposition of Spiky Nickel Nanotube Networks.

Compositional accuracy in atom probe tomography analyses performed on III-N light emitting diodes

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Enhancing Film Effective Permeability with Surface Pattern for Sensor Applications

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Boundary condition control on inter-aquifer flow in the subsurface of Berlin (Germany) – new insights from 3-D numerical modelling

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Safe as a cave? Intraspecific aggressiveness rises in predator-devoid and resource-depleted environments

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Mercury bioaccumulation in tilefish from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico 2 years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: Insights from Hg, C, N and S stable isotopes.

Locally Enhanced