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Locally Enhanced sentence examples within electric field treatment
Here, we show that locally enhanced electric field treatment (LEEFT) can cause rapid bacteria inactivation by electroporation without any side reactions.
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Locally enhanced electric field treatment technology has shown the most potential for low-density algal-bloom control, which could effectively inactivate algal cells with low energy consumption.
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Locally Enhanced sentence examples within Induced Locally Enhanced
Here, we show that N2-fixing trees in secondary Neotropical forests triggered twofold higher in situ weathering of fresh primary silicates compared to non-N2–fixing trees and induced locally enhanced nutrient cycling by the soil microbiome community.
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Experimental demonstrations illustrate that the capturing and operation of microparticles is closely related to the size of particles, due to the vibration-induced locally enhanced acoustic field and resultant propulsion force.
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Locally Enhanced sentence examples within locally enhanced electric
Here, we show that locally enhanced electric field treatment (LEEFT) can cause rapid bacteria inactivation by electroporation without any side reactions.
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Locally enhanced electric field treatment technology has shown the most potential for low-density algal-bloom control, which could effectively inactivate algal cells with low energy consumption.
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Locally Enhanced sentence examples within locally enhanced heat
However, we propose that the intact nature of preservation is a result of the rapid growth of near-surface halite crystals, with their darkening a consequence of locally enhanced heat flux due to the relatively high thermal conductivity of salt.
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In this paper, based on the heat distribution of diode partially end-pumped slab (Innoslab) laser, a shunt rectangular microchannel heat sink with locally enhanced heat dissipation is designed.
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Locally Enhanced sentence examples within locally enhanced acoustic
After attaching, locally enhanced acoustic streaming generated around the linear manipulator would transport the microparticles along the given pathway.
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Experimental demonstrations illustrate that the capturing and operation of microparticles is closely related to the size of particles, due to the vibration-induced locally enhanced acoustic field and resultant propulsion force.
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Locally Enhanced sentence examples within locally enhanced electromagnetic
The unique optical properties of the AuBPs, such as tunability of the LSPR band ranging from the visible to NIR regions of the spectrum, great absorption capabilities and locally enhanced electromagnetic field at their tips and edges, enable an improved efficiency of the IR absorption of the target analytes.
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Coupling of the two platforms generates locally enhanced electromagnetic field 'hot spot', formed at the junctions and interstitial crevices of the nanostructures and consequently provide significant amplification of the SERS signal.
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Locally Enhanced sentence examples within locally enhanced chemotherapy
Introduction/Background Electrochemotherapy (ECT) represents a locally enhanced chemotherapy that combines the administration of chemotherapeutic agents with cell membrane electroporation via electric pulses.
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Introduction: Electrochemotherapy (ECT) is a locally enhanced chemotherapy that combines the administration of chemotherapeutic drugs with welldosed electric pulses for cell membrane Electroporation (EP).
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Locally Enhanced sentence examples within locally enhanced field
We attribute this to doubly resonant plasmon–exciton interactions: the laser drives nanosponge plasmon hot spot resonances, and this locally enhanced field induces two-photon excitation of localized ZnO excitons.
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The interaction between the locally enhanced field around graphene ribbons and its surrounding analyte leads to ultrahigh sensitivity (4.
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Locally Enhanced sentence examples within locally enhanced inter
In addition, fracture surface morphology and the crack-tip strain field evaluated by the digital image correlation technique revealed three important observations: (1) the cross-layer fracture resulted in a larger fracture process zone ahead of the crack tip compared to the inter-layer fracture, (2) the cross-layer fracture exhibited a fibril-bridging toughening mechanism along with fiber pull-out failure at the micro-scale, and (3) the inter-layer fracture showed a uncracked-ligament toughening mechanism arising from the locally enhanced inter-layer adhesion due to short fiber-bridging.
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First-principles calculations reveal that such unusual properties can be ascribed to the locally enhanced inter-layer coupling associated with the Moiré potential modulation.
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Locally Enhanced sentence examples within locally enhanced information
To address these drawbacks, this study proposes a Global and Local enhanced residual U-nEt (GLUE) for accurate retinal vessel segmentation, which benefits from both the globally and locally enhanced information inside the retinal region.
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To address these drawbacks, this study proposes a Global and Local enhanced residual U-nEt (GLUE) for accurate retinal vessel segmentation, which benefits from both the globally and locally enhanced information inside the retinal region.
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Locally Enhanced sentence examples within locally enhanced water
The persistent reflux of surface outflow occurring in the lower-middle bay due to the irregular geometry and rapid shoaling in the channel bathymetry results in the locally enhanced water exchange.
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The small-scale impact of submerged vegetation (locally enhanced water transparency) on abiotic / biotic parameters was studied in a shallow (.
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Locally Enhanced sentence examples within locally enhanced surface
Herein, we show that at the single particle level, plasmon-coupling-induced holes can be greatly accumulated at the plasmonic Au nanoparticle dimer/TiO2 interface in the nanogap region, as directly evidenced by the locally enhanced surface photovoltage.
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We discover that temperature hotspots can induce significant lithium metal growth as compared to the surrounding lower temperature area due to the locally enhanced surface exchange current density.
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Locally Enhanced sentence examples within locally enhanced terahertz
Besides the natural extension to fabricating van der Waals heterostructures, our method can also be applied to future-generation UED that enables additional control of sample parameters, such as electrostatic gating and excitation by a locally enhanced terahertz field.
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This goal is achieved by coupling spins in antiferromagnetic TmFeO3 (thulium orthoferrite) with the locally enhanced terahertz electric field of custom-tailored antennas.
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The distance between the calcified front and calcein labeling as a parameter representing the mineral apposition rate was significantly greater in the areas with strain intensity ≥100 με than in the area with strain intensity <100 με, suggesting that the bone formation activity of osteoblasts was locally enhanced by a higher mechanical strain.
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For the conditions studied, budget analysis shows that the main combustion mode is premixed deflagration with locally enhanced or reduced reactivity.
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As an interesting conjecture, like magnetic catalysis, the chiral condensate is locally enhanced by the strong color-magnetic field around the monopoles in QCD.
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Conversely, groundwater recharge was locally enhanced by the restoration of riparian wetlands and storage-dependent water losses from the stream to the subsurface.
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The inner product of the incident laser beam vector and the normal vector to the surface is locally enhanced on the 'sunny' side.
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, cluster virial shocks or galactic wind termination shocks), where the CR pressure is locally enhanced.
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The observed polarised signals can only be explained by assuming that this polarisation is locally enhanced by velocity fields.
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The structural change may be locally enhanced by a possible zone of material weakness in the southern sector.
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This is achieved by combining the plating process with locally enhanced in situ etching of the poylmer template, for which we propose a theory.
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Moreover, such inaccuracies may be locally enhanced where the [0001] pole intersects the surface of the analyzed specimen, leading to a lower fraction of Ga measured.
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Hence, the internal field (the total effective field in the film) is locally enhanced which suggests a better improvement of effective permeability than thinning the film simply.
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This aspect opens to the potential risk of contamination of the drinking water reservoir from mixing with the saline groundwater upconing, locally enhanced by shallow pumping activities.
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Interestingly, cave-originating individuals reacted to wounded conspecific cues by increasing the frequency of their aggressive displays, suggesting cannibalistic behavior is locally enhanced in populations from resource-depleted habitats.
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This phenomenon can be locally enhanced by the DWH that resulted in increased particles in the water column as evidenced by the marine snow layer in the sediments.
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