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Liquid Ternary sentence examples within liquid ternary alloy

Study of excess free energy of mixing and heat of mixing of liquid ternary Al–Li–Zn alloy by assessing the thermodynamic properties of sub-binary alloys

Estimation of the viscosities of melt for Sn-based ternary lead-free solder alloys

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Study of excess free energy of mixing and heat of mixing of liquid ternary Al–Li–Zn alloy by assessing the thermodynamic properties of sub-binary alloys

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The mutual solubility of organic-liquid membrane and aqueous phases at different water pH for the stability of SLM using Aliquat 336 as an ionic-liquid extractant

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Estimation of the viscosities of melt for Sn-based ternary lead-free solder alloys

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A simple approach for the determination and characterization of ternary phase diagrams of aqueous two-phase systems composed of water, polyethylene glycol and sodium carbonate.

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Liquid Ternary