Introduction to Liquid Phase Reactions
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Applying the un-reacted shrinking-core model in the solid–liquid phase reactions, it can be inferred that the predominant dissolution mechanism of uranium is diffusion controlled only.
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The gas phase and liquid phase reactions are believed to undergo different mechanisms due to differing kinetic results.
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In this work, the chelating products of Bismuth(III) ion with this effective agent were prepared by solid state and liquid phase reactions, and proved as a new kind of n-type semiconductor.
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This methodology seems attractive for a whole-range of organic catalytic reactions, including those related to biomass valorization, that require the use of highly acidic catalysts, such as acidic resins, in liquid phase reactions.
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Therefore, the purpose of this work is the development of a new TKI model for liquid phase reactions, which combines the Laminar Rate model (for kinetic controlled systems) with the Multiple Time Scales model (for turbulence controlled systems) allowing its use also when kinetic and turbulent mixing characteristic times are comparable.
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Such particles with a magnetite-supported core could also be easily separated in liquid phase reactions.
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The xylal-based crown compounds proved to be efficient catalysts in a few liquid-liquid phase reactions.
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