Introduction to Liquid Metal
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within eutectic gallium indium
Eutectic gallium indium (E-GaIn) alloy based liquid metal is considered to be a promising material for manufacturing interconnects in stretchable electronics based applications due to its high electrical conductivity and inherent mechanical deformability.
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The device relies on a low thermal conductivity aerogel–silicone composite that secures and thermally isolates the individual semiconductor elements that are connected in series using stretchable eutectic gallium-indium (EGaIn) liquid metal interconnects.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within low melting point
Recently, low-melting-point liquid metal materials have emerged as an attractive heat transfer medium, owing to their unique properties, such as, low melting point, high thermal conductivity, high latent heat, nonflammability, and non-toxic characteristics.
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Indium, a low melting point metal, is well-known for constructing eutectic gallium-indium liquid metal.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within high thermal conductivity
It was clear from the outset of work on nuclear power that liquid metals are attractive coolants (small neutron absorption cross section, high thermal conductivity, etc.
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In this study, Ga-based liquid metal, with distinct properties of high thermal conductivity, excellent phase transition, injectability, targetability, easy-preparation and biosafety, is found to exhibit remarkable transformation from sphere shape to cactus-like structure in micro-scale under freezing.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within resistance spot welding
Unfortunately, under specific thermomechanical loading conditions such as during resistance spot welding galvanized, AHSS-HD sheets tend to show liquid metal embrittlement (LME).
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However, the zinc coating on AHSS can cause liquid metal embrittlement (LME) cracking during resistance spot welding.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within technique stir casting
The present investigation is an attempt made to develop Al6061/Basalt/Zirconium oxide Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) by liquid metallurgy technique (stir casting) and to study the wear properties of Al6061/Basalt/Zirconium oxide reinforced hybrid metal matrix composites.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within two phase flow
The characterization and modelling of the flow features in gas and heavy liquid metal two-phase flow are required for the development of next generation nuclear reactor systems.
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Adapting an efficient method for pumping gas-liquid metal two-phase flow can make liquid metal magnetohydrodynamics (LMMHD) power generation systems economically feasible.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within high surface tension
Liquid metals are an ideal candidate for flexible devices; however, the high surface tension and poor surface wettability restrict their application on diverse substrates.
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Gallium based room temperature liquid metal alloy has attracted continuous attention due to it combined properties of both liquid and metal, such as low viscosity, high surface tension, great thermal and electrical conductivity.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within turbulent heat transfer
The turbulent heat transfer of the liquid metal is resolved through the SST k-ω turbulent model with modified turbulent Prandtl number, and the CFD model is verified with experimental data.
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This paper attempts to give a brief overview of the work conducted through some recent EU funded projects under the Euratom research for innovative nuclear systems (THINS, SESAME and MYRTE) concerning the use of high fidelity (HiFi) simulations, namely Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) and Large Eddy Simulations (LES), to adapt Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) models for the computation of turbulent heat transfer in liquid metal flows.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within Temperature Liquid Metal
Liquid Metal sentence examples within Heavy Liquid Metal
The characterization and modelling of the flow features in gas and heavy liquid metal two-phase flow are required for the development of next generation nuclear reactor systems.
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Since 2000, ENEA, the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy, and Sustainable Economic Development is supporting the core design, safety assessment, and technological development of innovative nuclear systems cooled by heavy liquid metals (HLM) and, most recently, fully oriented on LFRs.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within Stretchable Liquid Metal
Liquid Metal sentence examples within Magnetic Liquid Metal
In this work, we fabricated magnetic liquid metal nanoparticle (Fe@EGaIn NP) loaded calcium alginate (CA) microspheres (denoted as Fe@EGaIn/CA microspheres), which integrate CT/MR dual-modality imaging and photothermal/photodynamic functions of the Fe@EGaIn NP core, as well as embolization and drug-loading functions of CA microspheres.
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Magnetic liquid metal is regarded as a promising material due to its integration of fluidic, metallic, and magnetic properties simultaneously.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within Ga Liquid Metal
The measured peak brightness is over 24 times higher than the highest brightness observed in a Ga liquid metal ion source (LMIS), and thousands of times higher than other Cs+ ion sources.
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This talk will discuss the applications of Ga liquid metal ion source (LMIS) and Xe plasma sourced FIB tools (PFIB) as well as the general applicability of laser ablation to materials characterization.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within Functional Liquid Metal
In order to realize self-powered tactile sensing, four triboelectric nanogenerator tactile sensors (TTSs) based on functional liquid metal (FLM) with thorny-structured bionic whiskers are developed and attached on the SCR.
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Tin-based functional liquid metals (FLMs) including lithium are considered as the working fluid for the blanket.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within Point Liquid Metal
Recently, low-melting-point liquid metal materials have emerged as an attractive heat transfer medium, owing to their unique properties, such as, low melting point, high thermal conductivity, high latent heat, nonflammability, and non-toxic characteristics.
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Low melting point liquid metal alloys are progressively utilized in different research fields due to their unique physicochemical properties.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within Gallium Liquid Metal
Gallium liquid metal ion source focused ion beam (FIB) instruments are widely used for cross-sectional sample preparation of specific areas of interest for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
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To overcome these issues, an easy-to-control and straightforward method is reported to coat a wide range of fabrics by using gallium liquid metal (LM) particles to facilitate the deposition of liquid metal copper alloy (LMCu) particles.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within Active Liquid Metal
We have examined model systems for the recently reported Pd-Ga Supported Catalytically Active Liquid Metal Solutions (SCALMS) catalysts using near-ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (NAP-XPS) under oxidizing conditions.
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We present a comprehensive structural and analytical characterization of the highly promising supported catalytically active liquid metal solutions (SCALMS) system.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within Assisted Liquid Metal
In this work, we investigate the effect of electrode degradation on such a defect, Zn-assisted liquid metal embrittlement (LME) cracking, in RSW by producing 400 consecutive welds of galvannealed TRIP steel.
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Since Zn-assisted liquid metal embrittlement (LME) is now accepted as an inevitable consequence with respect to RSW process, the methodology demonstrated in this work can potentially offer the insights into an effective and automatic method of quantifying LME cracks.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within Emerging Liquid Metal
Compared to conventional electronic manufacturing, the recently emerging liquid metal printed electronics (LMPE) is opening many extraordinary opportunities, such as large-area printing, pervasive adaptability, flexibility for personal use, low cost, high performance, and environmental friendliness.
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The emerging liquid metal catalyst possesses the characteristic of quasi-atomically smooth surface with high diffusion rate.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within Iv Liquid Metal
The design phase and safety assessment of Generation IV liquid metal-cooled fast reactors calls for the improvement of fuel pin performance codes, in particular the enhancement of their predictive capabilities towards uranium-plutonium mixed oxide fuels and stainless-steel cladding under irradiation in fast reactor environments.
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Fluid flows through rod bundles are observed in many nuclear applications, such as in the core of Gen IV liquid metal fast breeder nuclear reactors (LMFBR).
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within Flexible Liquid Metal
Flexible liquid metals of GaIn alloy have been prepared using the melt technique as a novel radiation attenuation material.
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This study presented a flexible liquid metal-based microdroplet capacitive sensor that would simply and accurately measure the speed and length of droplets flowing in microchannels.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within Bulk Liquid Metal
Further, thermal analysis suggested that grain refinement delayed the onset of dendrite coherency in B206 and therefore enhanced the duration of bulk liquid metal feeding for the refined casting conditions.
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Extensive characterization using various physicochemical techniques revealed the unique properties of the solid nanoparticles of Hg compared to its bulk liquid metal phase.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within Pure Liquid Metal
A generalized version of hole theory, recently developed as a modification of Frenkel’s hole theory has been applied successfully, for the first time, to six pure liquid metals (K, Rb, Na, Cs, Pb and Sn) and four liquid metal alloys (K-Rb, Na-Cs, Sn-Pb and Na-K) at different temperatures.
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The non-linearity acoustic parameter (B/A) has been computed for six pure liquid metal alloys (Na,
K, Rb, Cs, Pb and Sn), four liquid metal alloys (K-Rb, Na-Cs, Pb-Sn and Na-K) and other several
liquid metals at different temperatures.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within Make Liquid Metal
Adapting an efficient method for pumping gas-liquid metal two-phase flow can make liquid metal magnetohydrodynamics (LMMHD) power generation systems economically feasible.
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We report a versatile method to make liquid metal composites by vigorously mixing gallium (Ga) with non-metallic particles of graphene oxide (G-O), graphite, diamond, and silicon carbide that display either paste or putty-like behavior depending on the volume fraction.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within New Liquid Metal
Liquid Metal sentence examples within Fermi Liquid Metal
A long-standing mystery of fundamental importance in correlated electron physics is to understand strange non-Fermi liquid metals that are seen in diverse quantum materials.
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Here, the ThFeAsN parent compound is described as an orbital-selective marginal Fermi liquid metal, with coexisting Fermi liquid quasiparticles and pseudogapped electronic states.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within Melting Liquid Metal
The technology of diffusion saturation of austenitic steels by chromium and nickel in the medium of low-melting liquid metal melts is shown.
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The paper shows the mechanism and kinetics of the formation of diffusion coatings deposited in the medium of low-melting liquid metal melts depend on the nature of the interaction of the elements forming the coatings with the elements of the coated steel.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within Healing Liquid Metal
Liquid Metal sentence examples within Also Liquid Metal
Surface tension has a great influence on the shape of the fluid interface, and is an important physical characteristic in expressing not only liquids but also liquid metals such as mercury and gallium.
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Its geometrical flexibility allows future modeling of complex and irregular geometries of (very) small and medium size reactor concepts –(v)SMRs –being in the spotlight for energy provision in remote residential and industrial regions or for space applications, and also liquid metal cooled Generation IV reactors where thermally induced core deformation results in localized assembly lattice distortions which cannot be treated by traditional 3-d neutron kinetics codes devoted to the regular lattices of LWR and Generation IV systems.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within Contain Liquid Metal
Printable inks that contain liquid metal are strong candidates for these applications, but the insulating oxide skin that forms around the liquid metal particles limits their conductivity.
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The proposed MA has two built-in glass grooves of different shapes but equal volume, which contains liquid metal (eutectic gallium-indium) and liquid oil, respectively.
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Liquid Metal sentence examples within Encapsulating Liquid Metal