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Liquid Jet sentence examples within high speed air

Cross-sectional droplets distribution of a liquid jet in supersonic crossflow

Air-Assisted Atomization at Constant Mass and Momentum Flow Rate: Investigation of the Ambient Pressure Influence With the SPH Method

Liquid Jet sentence examples within Free Liquid Jet

On-chip mass spectrometric analysis in non-polar solvents by liquid beam infrared matrix-assisted laser dispersion/ionization

Stagnation line due to colliding wall jets of two liquid impinging jets on a horizontal surface

Liquid Jet sentence examples within Speed Liquid Jet

Shock-induced collapse of surface nanobubbles.

Surface Tension and Related Ions Behavior of Silicate Melts of the Na2O–K2O–SiO2–CaF2 System under Ultrasonic Irradiation

Liquid Jet sentence examples within Axial Liquid Jet

Rupture of a rubber sheet by a cavitation bubble: an experimental study

Air-Assisted Atomization at Constant Mass and Momentum Flow Rate: Investigation of the Ambient Pressure Influence With the SPH Method

Liquid Jet sentence examples within Two Liquid Jet

On the nature of instabilities in externally perturbed liquid sheets

Air swirl effect on spray characteristics and droplet dispersion in a twin-jet crossflow airblast injector

Liquid Jet sentence examples within Vertical Liquid Jet

Air bubble bursting phenomenon at the air-water interface monitored by the piezoelectric-acoustic method.

Impingement of high-speed cylindrical droplets embedded with an air/vapour cavity on a rigid wall: numerical analysis

Liquid Jet sentence examples within Direct Liquid Jet

Advanced (Metal 3D-Printed) Direct Liquid Jet-Impingement Cooling Solution for Autonomous Driving High-Performance Vehicle Computer (HPVC)

Experimental characterization and model validation of liquid jet impingement cooling using a high spatial resolution and programmable thermal test chip

Liquid Jet sentence examples within Plunging Liquid Jet

Oxygenation by Plunging Jet Aerators: A Review

Discussion on instabilities in breaking waves: Vortices, air-entrainment and droplet generation

Liquid Jet sentence examples within Cavitating Liquid Jet

Cavitation Erosion Behaviour of Martensitic Stainless Steels SUS 420J2 and SUS440C by High Pressure Liquid Jet

Nonlinear Evolution and Breakup of the Cavitating Liquid Jet Surrounded by the Rotary Compressible Air

Liquid Jet sentence examples within Flat Liquid Jet

Tracking chemical reaction using soft–X–Ray absorption spectroscopy with a table-top water-window X-ray source

Varying pre-plasma properties to boost terahertz wave generation in liquids

Liquid Jet sentence examples within Impinging Liquid Jet

Impingement Dynamics of Jets in a Confined Impinging Jet Reactor

A review on multiple liquid jet impingement onto flat plate

Liquid Jet sentence examples within Viscoelastic Liquid Jet

Simulation of impulsively induced viscoelastic jets using the Oldroyd-B model

Electrohydrodynamic instability of confined viscoelastic liquid jets

Liquid Jet sentence examples within Flowing Liquid Jet

A self-referenced in-situ arrival time monitor for X-ray free-electron lasers

Nonuniform Flow Dynamics Probed by Nanosecond X-Ray Speckle Visibility Spectroscopy.

Liquid Jet sentence examples within Subcooled Liquid Jet

Liquid jet fire: The impact of rainout on the predicted hazard

Pressure Elevation of High-Performance Steam-Water Condensing-Injector

Liquid Jet sentence examples within Viscou Liquid Jet

Drop-on-demand painting of highly viscous liquids

Stability of a Viscous Liquid Jet in a Coaxial Twisting Compressible Airflow

Liquid Jet sentence examples within liquid jet impingement

Inclined free-surface liquid jet impingement on semi-cylindrical convex curved and flat surfaces: Heat transfer characteristics

Experimental study on secondary droplets produced during liquid jet impingement onto a horizon solid surface

Liquid Jet sentence examples within liquid jet breakup

Numerical study on the mixing and evaporation process of a liquid kerosene jet in a scramjet combustor

Analysis and evaluation of drop point for water jet based on wave model

Liquid Jet sentence examples within liquid jet fuel

Development of High-Energy-Density Liquid Aerospace Fuel: A Perspective

Morphology, composition and optical properties of jet engine-like soot made by a spray flame

Liquid Jet sentence examples within liquid jet break

Liquid jet breakup and spray formation with annular swirl air

Effect of fiber suspension jet stability on alignment quality of discontinuous carbon fiber tapes

Liquid Jet sentence examples within liquid jet flow

Large eddy simulation and experiment of shear breakup in liquid-liquid jet: Formation of ligaments and droplets

Modeling of gas jet flow into a liquid bath using the inhomogeneous poly-dispersed method

Liquid Jet sentence examples within liquid jet formation

Liquid jet-based broadband terahertz radiation source


Liquid Jet sentence examples within liquid jet separator

Gas cyclone–liquid jet absorption separator used for treatment of tail gas containing HCl in titanium dioxide industry

Treatment of CS2 in waste gas from rubber refining by gas cyclone-liquid jet separator

Liquid Jet sentence examples within liquid jet injector

Analysis of Multi-Hit Crystals in Serial Synchrotron Crystallography Experiments Using High-Viscosity Injectors

Miniaturized Needle Array-Mediated Drug Delivery Accelerates Wound Healing.

Liquid Jet sentence examples within liquid jet impinging

Decay of stationary capillary waves on impinging liquid jets

Numerical investigation of conjugate heat transfer on a rotating disk under round liquid jet impingement

Liquid Jet sentence examples within liquid jet injection

Needle-free Mental Incisive Nerve Block:in vitro, cadaveric, and pilot clinical studies.

Needle-free Injection: Dental Infiltration Anesthesia.

More Liquid Jet sentence examples

Impinging liquid jets on flat fluid interfaces

More Liquid Jet sentence examples

Sub-Millisecond Integrated Mix-and-Inject Microfluidic Sample Delivery Devices

An Anti-Clustering Model for Stability Enhancement of a 3D Moving Particle Semi-Implicit Method and Two-Phase Coupling between MPS and Euler Grids

More Liquid Jet sentence examples

Simulation of a liquid jet in supersonic crossflow by a hybrid CLSVOF-LPT method

More Liquid Jet sentence examples

Effect of liquid elasticity on the behaviour of high-speed focused jets

More Liquid Jet sentence examples

On the jets produced by drops impacting a deep liquid pool and by bursting bubbles

More Liquid Jet sentence examples

Numerical and experimental investigation into the dynamics of a bubble-free-surface system

More Liquid Jet sentence examples

Numerical Investigation of Droplet Properties of a Liquid Jet in Supersonic Crossflow

More Liquid Jet sentence examples

Effect of X-ray free-electron laser-induced shockwaves on haemoglobin microcrystals delivered in a liquid jet

New Downhole Sand Entry Detection Technology Leads Directly to Successful Remedial Work and Additional Oil Production

More Liquid Jet sentence examples

Rayleigh–Plateau instability of anisotropic interfaces. Part 1. An analytical and numerical study of fluid interfaces

More Liquid Jet sentence examples

Flow and heat transfer characteristics of high temperature continuous rising bubbles

More Liquid Jet sentence examples

Energy saving based on minimization of water consumption in housing and communal services machines

More Liquid Jet sentence examples

A Needle-Free Jet Injection System for Controlled Release and Repeated Biopharmaceutical Delivery