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Large Scale Climate sentence examples within volcanic forcing strength

The unidentified volcanic eruption of 1809: why it remains a climatic cold case

The unidentified eruption of 1809: a climatic cold case

Large Scale Climate sentence examples within large scale climate mode

Charactersing spatio-temporal variability in seasonal snow cover at a regional scale from MODIS data : The Clutha Catchment , New Zealand

A classification of synoptic weather patterns linked to extreme rainfall over the Limpopo River Basin in southern Africa

Large Scale Climate sentence examples within large scale climate change

Variability and change of precipitation and flood discharge in a Japanese river basin

Climate Responses to the Splitting of a Supercontinent: Implications for the Breakup of Pangea

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Large Scale Climate sentence examples within large scale climate index

Variability, teleconnection, and predictability of Korean precipitation in relation to large scale climate indices

On the Co-Variability between Climate Indices and the Potential Spread of Seasonal Climate Simulations over South African Provinces

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Connecting the dots between climate change, household water insecurity, and migration

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Bayesian Analysis of Multifidelity Computer Models With Local Features and Nonnested Experimental Designs: Application to the WRF Model

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A 350-year multiproxy record of climate-driven environmental shifts in the Amundsen Sea Polynya, Antarctica

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A study on copula-based bivariate and trivariate drought assessment in Godavari River basin and the teleconnection of drought with large-scale climate indices

Predictability of Coastal Extreme Wave Heights Based on a Nonstationary Hierarchical Bayesian Model: The Role of the Sea Surface Temperature

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Headland bypassing timescales: Processes and driving forces.

Previous Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) modulates the lightning-ignited fire regime in the boreal forest of Northeast China

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Seasonality of precipitation extremes and their connections with large-scale climate patterns over the contiguous United States

Environmental and anthropogenic constraints on animal space use drive extinction risk worldwide.

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The 2019 flash droughts in subtropical eastern Australia and their association with large-scale climate drivers

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Inter-annual and inter-colony variability in breeding performance of four colonies of short-tailed shearwaters

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Local Climatic Factors Mediated Impacts of Large-Scale Climate Oscillations on the Growth of Vegetation Across the Tibetan Plateau

Leaf Trait Plasticity Alters Competitive Ability and Functioning of Simulated Tropical Trees in Response to Elevated Carbon Dioxide

Multidecadal daily resolved growth increments reveal climate effect on the growth of a highly migratory shark in the North Atlantic

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Linkages of surface air temperature variations over Central Asia with large-scale climate patterns

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The Interplay between Volcanic and Solar Cooling in the Early 19th Century

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The locust plagues of the Ming and Qing dynasties in the Xiang-E-Gan region, China

As the Arctic becomes boreal: ongoing shifts in a high-Arctic seabird community.

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Filling the Matrix: An ANOVA-Based Method to Emulate Regional Climate Model Simulations for Equally-Weighted Properties of Ensembles of Opportunity

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Conceptualization of the indirect link between climate variability and lake water level using conditional heteroscedasticity

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Appraising the Status of Fish Community Structure in the Yellow Sea Based on an Indicator-Testing Framework

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Spatial–temporal changes in meteorological and agricultural droughts in Northeast China: change patterns, response relationships and causes

Overview: Recent advances on the understanding of the Northern Eurasian environments and of the urban air quality in China - Pan Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) program perspective

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Large-scale siliciclastic input during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in the North Sea Basin

Global Within-Season Yield Anomaly Prediction for Major Crops Derived Using Seasonal Forecasts of Large-Scale Climate Indices and Regional Temperature and Precipitation

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Impacts of El Niño-Southern Oscillation on surface dust levels across the world during 1982-2019.

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Tree-ring Cellulose δ18O Records Similar Large-scale Climate Influences as Precipitation δ18O in the Northwest Territories of Canada

Early Season Hurricane Risk Assessment: Climate-Conditioned HITS Simulation of North Atlantic Tropical Storm Tracks

Ecological considerations for species distribution modelling of euphausiids in the north east Pacific Ocean

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Linkages of surface air temperature variations over Central Asia with large-scale climate patterns

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Rapid radiation of Southern Ocean shags in response to receding sea ice

Recurrent pattern of extreme fire weather in California

Climate change projections for sustainable and healthy cities

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Heat flux, water temperature and discharge from 15 northern Canadian rivers draining to Arctic Ocean and Hudson Bay

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Response of Siberian trees to climatic changes over the past 1500 years

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Are large scale models useful? A case of nested model domains for assessing current and future stream runoff and sediments

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A study of dry spells in Iran based on satellite data and their relationship with ENSO

“Beyond Weather Regimes”: Descriptors Monitoring Atmospheric Centers of Action. A case study for Aotearoa New Zealand

Early Growing Season Anomalies in Vegetation Activity Determine the Large‐Scale Climate‐Vegetation Coupling in Europe

Beyond Indicators and Success Stories: An Emerging Method to Assess Social Learning in Large-Scale Transdisciplinary Research Programs

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Drivers of spatio-temporal variation in mosquito submissions to the citizen science project ‘Mückenatlas’

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Mesoscale wind stress-SST coupling induced feedback to the ocean in the western coast of South America

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Influence of ENSO and tropical Atlantic climate variability on flood characteristics in the Amazon basin

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Hydro-climatological variability in Lagunas de Vilama System, Argentinean Altiplano-Puna Plateau, Southern Tropical Andes (22° S), and its response to large-scale climate forcings.

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Influence of low-frequency variability on high and low groundwater levels: example of aquifers in northern France

A Medium and Long-Term Runoff Forecast Method Based on Massive Meteorological Data and Machine Learning Algorithms

Weather systems and extreme rainfall generation in the 2019 north Queensland floods compared with historical north Queensland record floods

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Development of Rainfall Prediction Models Using Machine Learning Approaches for Different Agro-Climatic Zones

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A review of the observed air temperature in the Antarctic Peninsula. Did the warming trend come back after the early 21st hiatus?

More Large Scale Climate sentence examples

Large Scale Climate Teleconnections Driving Marine Black Shale Formation Across the Jurassic Boreal Seaway (KFC): A Geochemistry-Modelling Perspective

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Large Scale Climate