Introduction to Label Fusion
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Label Fusion sentence examples within multi atlas segmentation
To tackle these problems with multi-atlas segmentation, in this paper, we propose a new metric for image registration and new descriptor for label fusion.
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Background Label fusion is a core step of Multi-Atlas Segmentation (MAS), which has a decisive effect on segmentation results.
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Label Fusion sentence examples within multi atlas joint
Compared to several existing state-of-the-art segmentation methods for subcortical structures, including a multi-atlas joint label fusion method and a representative 3D FCN method, the proposed method performed significantly better for a majority of the subcortical structures.
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Compared to several existing state-of-the-art segmentation methods including a multi-atlas joint label fusion method and three representative fully convolutional network methods, the proposed method performed significantly better for a majority of the 12 subcortical structures, with the overall mean Dice scores being respective 0.
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Label Fusion sentence examples within Joint Label Fusion
Specifically, we extend the joint label fusion method by taking model uncertainty into account when estimating correlations among predictions produced by different modalities.
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We first report a machine learning framework for brain tumor growth modeling, tumor segmentation and tracking in longitudinal mMRI scans, comprising of two methods: feature fusion and joint label fusion (JLF).
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Label Fusion sentence examples within Atla Label Fusion
The framework integrates groupwise multi-atlas label fusion and template-based medial modeling with Kalman filtering to generate quantitatively descriptive and temporally consistent models of valve dynamics.
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We integrate multi-atlas label fusion, which leverages high-resolution images from another sample as prior spatial information, with parametric Gaussian hidden Markov models based on image intensities, to create a robust method for determining ventricular cerebrospinal fluid volume.
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Label Fusion sentence examples within label fusion method
In this paper, we propose a robust discriminative label fusion method under the multi-atlas framework.
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The T1-weighted images were automatically parcellated for hippocampus and amygdala, as well as the intracranial volume (ICV), total brain volume, total gray and white matter, using a multi-atlas label fusion method implemented in the MRICloud ( https://braingps.
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Label Fusion sentence examples within label fusion approach
Label Fusion sentence examples within label fusion strategy
We propose a new voxel/patch correspondence model for intensity-based multi-atlas label fusion strategies that leads to more accurate similarity measures, having a key role in the final brain segmentation.
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Label Fusion sentence examples within label fusion technique
We then conduct an empirical study on their cost-effectiveness, showing that the performance of the existing active learning approaches is affected by many factors in hybrid classification contexts, such as the noise level of data, label fusion technique used, and the specific characteristics of the task.
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We extend the graphical model used in label fusion techniques for the segmentation of multi-modality Magnetic Resonance brain images.
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Label Fusion sentence examples within label fusion term
Second, an intensity prior information term and a label fusion term are constructed using intensity information of the initial lesion region, the above two terms are integrated into a region-based level set model.
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We define a new energy functional by combining a weighted label fusion term, a bias field based image information fitting term and a regularization term together.
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We compare our method with the label fusion of 13 organs on state-of-the-art Deeds registration method and achieved Dice score of 92.
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Multi-atlas-based segmentation (MAS) methods have demonstrated superior performance in the field of automatic image segmentation, and label fusion is an important part of MAS methods.
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In this paper, multi-atlas based methods for brain MR image segmentation were reviewed regarding several registration toolboxes which are widely used in the multi-atlas methods, conventional methods for label fusion, datasets that have been used for evaluating the multi-atlas methods, as well as the applications of multi-atlas based segmentation in clinical researches.
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Choosing well‐registered atlases for label fusion is vital for an accurate segmentation.
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Patch-based label fusion in the target space has shown to produce very accurate segmentations although at the expense of registering all atlases to each target image.
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Our approach dynamically selects and weights the appropriate number of atlases for weighted-label fusion and generates segmentations and consensus maps indicating voxel-wise agreement between different atlases.
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Unlike traditional multi-atlas methods, our proposed approach does not rely on label fusion on the voxel level.
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After the label fusion with majority voting, we finally constructed a 3D-FCN to further refine the boundary voxels with low voting values.
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Label fusion is one of the key steps in multi-atlas based segmentation of structural magnetic resonance (MR) images.
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In the single robot semantic mapping process, Bayesian rule is used for label fusion and occupancy probability updating, where the semantic information is added to the geometric map grid.
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In label fusion, the coefficient as a specific weight is assigned to target label image based on the correlation function between atlases.
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We incorporate neighborhood information to label fusion so that final label estimation is more accurate and robust for diseased hips with joint space narrowing.
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