Introduction to Karya Tbk
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Karya Tbk sentence examples within Adhi Karya Tbk
Karya Tbk sentence examples within Wijaya Karya Tbk
The results of this study are expected to be a benchmark in assessing the financial performance of PT Wijaya Karya Tbk.
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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahu pengaruh quick ratio, debt to equity ratio dan working capital turnover terhadap pertumbuhan laba PT Wijaya Karya Tbk periode tahun 2007 sampai dengan tahun 2017.
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Karya Tbk sentence examples within Waskitum Karya Tbk
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Karya Tbk sentence examples within karya tbk periode
Waskita Karya Tbk periode 2012 sampai dengan periode 2019.
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The results of this study are expected to be a benchmark in assessing the financial performance of PT Wijaya Karya Tbk.
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Adhi Karya Tbk in the 2016-2019 period, showed that the company always received the title of Unhealthy BBB Category; (b) financial performance of PT.
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Adhi Karya Tbk contents a high poten cy to any work accident occurance.
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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahu pengaruh quick ratio, debt to equity ratio dan working capital turnover terhadap pertumbuhan laba PT Wijaya Karya Tbk periode tahun 2007 sampai dengan tahun 2017.
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