Introduction to Journalism Research
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Journalism Research sentence examples within Datum Journalism Research
The present study draws upon literature on data journalism, media management, and sociology, aiming to contribute theoretically to data journalism research.
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As the emphasis of data journalism research shifts to the Global South, one region that remains relatively under researched is Latin America.
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Journalism Research sentence examples within Citizen Journalism Research
This research aims at investigating current progress of body of knowledge of citizen journalism from 1990 to 2013 through a document analysis of 55 citizen journalism research studies in Asia, Europe, and North America.
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It is just, citizen journalism research in Indonesia is not varied, dominated by research on the extent of its role and whether its management is effective based on certain models.
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Factuality, in turn, is regarded as a discussion factor comparable to news factors in journalism research (Ziegele, Breiner & Quiring, 2014).
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Field of application/theoretical foundation:
Labels for groups and events are of interest in journalism research, political communication, research on terrorism and violence as well as stereotyping.
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ABSTRACT – This article analyzes the challenges, obstacles, and theoretical and methodological advances that the ethnography of organizations can bring to journalism research based on two studies on legislative media in the Brazilian National Congress.
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This chapter makes the case that the task of engagement for journalism researchers is far more challenging than is typically appreciated.
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Review of: Journalism Research in Practice: Perspectives on Change, Challenges, and Solutions, Robert E.
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The study findings will thus have broader implications for journalism research.
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We follow a call to put place at the centre of journalism research and to investigate the emerging forms of environmental citizenship.
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Some studies suggest that different models of democracy have different implications for public discourse and media performance—however, journalistic roles as an important category of journalism research have not been sufficiently differentiated so far.
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In fact, environmental journalism in this South Asian country is one of the least studied topics in the area of journalism research.
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The conceptual framework presented is intended to inspire and guide future studies relating to the emerging sub-field of journalism research that we refer to as “Epistemologies of Digital Journalism”.
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If you are a journalism researcher in Brazil you will certainly remember this name.
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Epistemology is a central issue in journalism research.
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Data journalism has enjoyed an increasing amount of attention and success both in media practice and in journalism research.
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Results and conclusions: The research responds to the need for a journalism degree programme that is adapted to the digital society and the transformation of the profession, undergraduate studies and journalism research, that requires its own agenda, an adequate research language and evidence of collaboration between the journalism industry and the university.
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We connect the existing literature on fake news to related concepts from political communication and journalism research, present a theoretical framework to study fake news, and formulate a research agenda.
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Following claims for standardization of concept in journalism research, this article aims to cross-validate the most recent understanding of the concept.
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When all is said and done, technology has continued to play a critical role in unveiling new thinking in journalism research and practice.
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Accordingly, we considered it necessary to first re-think the nature of journalism, closely linked to international research, and to formulate the research questions very generally, in order to develop a basis for a comprehensive survey 2019 in Austria: What is journalism? What defines a journalist today? How can journalists be identifiedand then recorded? Answers will, ideally, not only serve as a starting point for the new survey of Austrian journalists but will also provide a basis for discussion of journalism researchers in other countries.
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Results and conclusions: The research responds to the need for a journalism degree programme that is adapted to the digital society and the transformation of the profession, undergraduate studies and journalism research, that requires its own agenda, an adequate research language and evidence of collaboration between the journalism industry and the university.
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