Introduction to Journalism Practice
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Journalism Practice sentence examples within Datum Journalism Practice
Arguably a space that has pioneered data journalism practices, and that has enormous potential for social change and development, Latin America has excelled in many areas related to the field—La Nacion in Argentina has, to date, one of the most innovative and successful data journalism units in the world.
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This chapter interrogates how data journalism practices are being appropriated and centred in Nigeria’s mainstream media.
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Journalism Practice sentence examples within Tabloid Journalism Practice
Drawing on studies of journalism practice, prior professional experience, and ethnographic fieldwork and qualitative interviews in Scotland, I discuss the conventional preference among journalists for “official sources” and the problems this can present in terms of hierarchy in Islam.
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This special issue examines the intricacies of journalism practices, policies and media regulation in contemporary Africa.
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Yet what differentiates data in the region is less availability of skills than limitations on journalism practice both real and imagined.
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This paper attempts to examine the alternative facts in Indian and Nigerian societies as well as the Journalism practices in this contemporary media-savvy phase.
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How does minding the audience, interacting with readers or viewers and engaging with them at various stages of the news production process, make journalists feel about their jobs, themselves, their workplace and their audience? How might this outcome affect journalistic output? Answering these questions is a contribution to the discourse about the future of journalism practice in a hostile economic environment.
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Research has outlined the benefits and challenges of data to journalism practice, transnational experiences in teaching data journalism and the changing nature of the profession in a data-dominated society, be it in practice, pedagogy and empiricism.
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Although the analysis has started off with the characteristics that are taken as reference in examining texts of literary journalism genre, this study, rather than evaluating the text’s relevance to the genre, aims to put forth the contribution of Orwell’s journalism practice and understanding to these characteristics along with his pioneering position and influence in the literary journalism tradition.
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Constructive journalism is steadily finding its way into journalism practice.
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It presents a three-fold approach differentiating between (1) articulated knowledge and truth claims, (2) justification in the journalism practices and (3) the acceptance/rejections of knowledge claims in audience activities.
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Details of the relationships among variables are reported and the implications for theory and journalism practice are discussed.
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Guided by the actor-network theory, this study employs in-depth interviews with news editors managing teams of journalists to deconstruct their understanding of “automation” and journalism practice in the age of automation.
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However, much less is known about the citizens who follow them and whether their motivation to seek information directly from political actors is linked to perceptions of journalism practice.
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Our chapter sheds light on how journalists behave below the line and what this might mean for journalism practice in the digital age.
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In this chapter, Jacob Udo-Udo Jacob offers a much-needed discussion of the libertarian construct upon which conventional journalism is built and the need for an ethical makeover of journalism practice, particularly in crises societies and areas of limited statehood.
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Data Journalism represents a double challenge for journalism practice and theory in Chile.
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First, this chapter will show the process of news construction in the news coverage of Korean conflicts to place the nature of journalism practices in the Korean Peninsula in a sociological perspective.
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We suppose, from the point of view of discourse analysis, that such performance speaks about the journalism practices in relation to its field, as a whole, and in relation to the vehicle, in its editorial politics.
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We conclude that fixers learn from international journalists by being exposed to journalism practice over extended periods of time.
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His work has appeared in journals such as Journalism, Information, Communication & Society, International Journal of Communication, Journalism Practice or International Journal on Media Management, among others.
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The article identifies the most common typologies of commercial pressures according to the producing source (internal or external), and addresses their main effects for journalism practice, specifically for journalists’ autonomy and newspapers agenda setting.
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But what do these digital advancements mean for television news in terms of sourcing, interactions with audiences, relaying dominant ideologies, distributing content, and contributing to diversifying news landscapes? More importantly in this time of flux, where and how in the field of Journalism Studies are these and other questions being asked and answered? This special section of Journalism Practice, therefore, highlights four articles that should encourage scholars to do more in this area, to address and push the methodological boundaries in capturing and interpreting television images, languages, distributive innovations, and cultural meanings in terms of audience reception and interaction with television journalism.
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