Introduction to Journalism History
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Considering King’s “core knowledge” for college courses in journalism history, a set of “core dynamics” is proposed to provide additional perspective and suitability for courses in general mass communication history.
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Fields’s story adds to a growing body of literature in the areas of women’s history and journalism history, which has omitted the experiences of women political correspondents at the state level, and this article describes a brand of journalism and set of professional experiences that challenged the status quo.
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This study analyzes discourse about journalists’ privilege and libel law from 1894 to 1897 to explain how the press articulated the public policy rationale for legal protection at a pivotal moment in journalism history.
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The methodological approach on which this study is based is Historical News Discourse, which applies the conclusions and methods of critical discourse analysis to newspapers of the past, in addition to contextualising and explaining the results in terms of journalism history and communication approaches (Conboy, Brownlees and Broersma, among others).
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Readers of Journalism History are invited to suggest collections that they would like to see appear in future articles, and the editors would welcome volunteers to write such articles.
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