Introduction to Journalism Education
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Journalism Education sentence examples within Within Journalism Education
Also included is a review of religious literacy from within journalism education standards and examples of several successful religious literacy initiatives.
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This perspective takes into account forces of neoliberalism and hegemonic ideologies within journalism education that, if addressed, could turn trials of “post-truth” into a redevelopment of journalism education for the common good.
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Journalism Education sentence examples within Datum Journalism Education
Drawing from our experiences teaching journalism students in higher education, we assert that the goal of data journalism education amidst this complexity is not to teach tech, nor even to teach technical skills, but rather to model for students strategies of dealing with transformation and complexity.
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This paper explores data journalism education, with a particular focus on formal training in the higher education sector globally.
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Journalism Education sentence examples within journalism education must
Journalism education must account for the high level of skills required by journalists, and the ‘mediation’ function of journalists in fragile states should be conceptualised.
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On the contrary, journalism education must also take into account other skills that foster the achievement of critical thinking, which is fundamental for the exercise of the journalistic profession.
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This article offers a scholarly review of the literature and research on journalism education and fake news from an international and a local (Croatian) perspective.
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The article considers the experience of using case study method in the sphere of journalism education.
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The proliferation of mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets with powerful audio-video features, image and video editing apps, and powerful sharing tools has served as catalyst for the deployment of mobile devices in both journalism education and practice around the world.
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ABSTRACT This study examines one of the most critical questions about journalism education by looking beyond the quandary between the classroom and the newsroom while dwelling on the career expectations and choices of journalism students in the era of convergence when newsroom jobs are shrinking globally and when amateurs are contending with professional journalists in terms of contents production and distribution.
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Other less developed areas, such as policy, methodology, ethics, or journalism education, are also discussed.
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Journalism is in a state of flux and so is journalism education.
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The article, being a part of a major study into fake news phenomenon, fact checking and information verification, analyzes the issues related to journalism education in the context of the increasing amount of fake news.
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Using qualitative content analysis we identify a total of fifteen themes related to journalism (journalistic norms, regulation, sensationalism, investigative journalism, journalism and PR, organizational aspects, war reporting, technological aspects, gender and journalism, media freedom, democratic aspects, economic aspects, journalism education, the function of journalism in a political system, and the history of journalism) and nine normative roles for journalists ( gatekeeper, social-political worker, public sphere promoter, watchdog, commercial role, emancipatory role, neutral disseminator, advocacy role, defender of democracy).
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Journalism education is presented as an integrated complex that combines multi-sided social and humanitarian enlightenment, translation of progressive professional ideology and practical training.
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A mobile microlearning course for journalism education was developed using the design principles and instructional flow reported in literature.
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Ramifications for journalism education in situations of low connectivity and poor technology resources are discussed.
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This chapter offers evidence-based data of needed change for journalism education to meet departmental requirements plus support needs in this technological digital artificial intelligence new media age.
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China’s journalism education has been changing all the time to meet new demands brought by the political and economic reforms over the last two decades in the 21st century.
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Journalism education is not only knowledge of imperative and dispositive norms, but also apodictic ones.
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We conclude by discussing what these trends mean for the future of journalism and the audience gap in journalism education.
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In the contemporary news distribution environment, the boundaries between media are no longer distinct, therefore media/journalism educational institutions should adapt curricula according to the needs of each type of medium.
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This article contextualizes the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach to journalism education in Ethiopia.
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The content of the subject “Journalism and gender” proposed in the Model curricula for journalism education: a compendium of new syllabi by UNESCO is analyzed.
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Maynard Institute for Journalism Education.
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In the context of the Cold War that affected the first steps of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), journalism education was the topic dealt by attendees from West and East Europe during the 1968 conference in Pamplona, Spain.
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However, unlike the transformative impact of social media on journalism and journalism education (Mulrennan, 2017), VR has taken several years for this to filter into the curriculum of journalism higher education.
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Being a missionary kid, having a journalism education, especially from the Missouri School of Journalism, or being raised in the northeast region with an Ivy League education, were among the kinds of valued social and cultural capital that conferred an advantage in becoming a China correspondent.
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Implications for the future of journalism education are discussed.
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The conceptual implications of this study are addressed and the practical implications for journalists and journalism education are discussed.
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Producing digital and interactive journalistic products offers unique and important new learning opportunities for journalism education.
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We illustrate the theoretical, methodological and practical considerations with two concrete cases related to media policy: (1) a serious game to promote positive bystander behavior in the context of cyberbullying and (2) the use of games for journalism education.
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The main task of the media that can be advanced is not just to collect, receive and present information but to present new technical possibilities in journalism education.
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Due to journalism’s place in a functioning democracy, journalism education is also tied to a democracy’s success.
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Over several decades, scholars have questioned the multilateralism of journalism education on the grounds that journalism education adopts a dominant paradigm that renders it predominantly Western.
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Kata kunci: peran kontributor, jurnalisme warga, masyarakat informasi The current level of journalism education is becoming a trend for the mass media industry.
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These post-truth realities also call for new approaches in journalism education to address phenomena like fake news.
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Journalism education in Kazakhstan, like elsewhere, needs to account for changes in the information environment.
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In particular, we apply the lens of temporal reflexivity to discuss issues of time and attention across three key areas of concern for journalism studies’ development as a field: first, the need for an analytical approach that balances change and stasis; second, the need to address issues of scale in which it is difficult to discern passing fads from deeper shifts that may lead to new institutional forms; and third, the need to understand the complicated and circular role of journalism education, both in reinforcing discourses of ‘crisis’ and ‘innovation’ and in lending stability to the boundaries of journalism as professionalized practice.
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In the age of digital and non-linear journalism, the practices of newsgathering, production, distribution and consumption have changed greatly, creating challenges in journalism education.
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The advancement in ICT and media convergence are redefining the scope of journalism education (ACRL, 2011).
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Well over a hundred years after the first journalism programmes were established at university level, the so-called academisation of journalism education is still subject to dispute.
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The approach of this article bridges these gaps by making transfer projects a third pillar of journalism education.
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This essay is a call to increase research in an underdeveloped aspect of journalism education.
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This development has profound implications for journalism education.
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The experience described can be implemented by other academic institutions to improve the quality of journalism education in Ukraine.
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From a historical perspective, journalism studies has grown out of journalism education, with its emphasis on training journalists.
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It makes the compelling argument that journalism education has a moral mandate to help lead the profession out of its current quagmire, to better educate citizens and help them take actions to improve their lives, and to fulfill social justice commitments.
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