Introduction to Instrumental Performance
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When we talk about instrumental performance, the way of doing it, that is, the way of interpreting, playing and planning the performance is relevant.
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While it works as a reward for instrumental performance such as bar pressing, it also functions as an aversive stimulus to establish Pavlovian conditioned avoidance of the paired stimulus.
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The six constructs analysed include: instrumental performance, social context appraisal, paralinguistic decoding, instrumental performance, affective expression, and paralinguistic signals.
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Keywords: Sergei Slonimsky, Antiphons, string quartet, aleatory technique, the process of performance, instrumental performance.
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The paper is about process of the initial stage of the bandura singer’s voice-training; it outlines a number of general professional and theoretical factors of preparing the student for bandura singing, identifies the main aspects of the formation of the student's performing skills; self-knowledge and voice improvement as an "internal" instrument to stimulate the self-development, perfection, harmony of physiological and psycho-emotional components of vocal and instrumental performance.
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The six constructs analysed include: instrumental
performance, social context appraisal, paralinguistic decoding, instrumental performance, affective expression, and paralinguistic
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The paper deals with the role of art, in particular musical and folk-instrumental performance, as a factor in the musical and aesthetic education of adolescents.
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The research questions that guided this component of the study were: What is the profile of early childhood and care educators? What beliefs and values for music engagement are held by early childhood and care educators? What shapes early childhood and care educators' music beliefs and values? Findings indicated that educators' beliefs and values on all items are above the mid-point indicating overall positive attitudes toward music despite the majority having no formal qualifications in music or a history of instrumental performance and/or singing.
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Gong Kebyar serves the instrumental performances, accompanying various types of dances, and accompanying Himdu's religious ceremonial activities in Bali.
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We analyzed the attitudes of the students of the Department of Music Art from the Faculty of Arts in Nis according to musical skills acquired in solfeggio teaching, in the context of their impact on the instrumental performance.
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