Introduction to Instrumental Delivery
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Instrumental Delivery sentence examples within Decreased Instrumental Delivery
ResultsCaesarean delivery in Sweden increased from 10% in the early 1990s to 17% in 2015 concomitantly with decreased instrumental delivery and increased labour induction.
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Caesarean delivery in Sweden increased from 10% in the early 1990s to 17% in 2015 concomitantly with decreased instrumental delivery and increased labour induction.
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Instrumental Delivery sentence examples within Unsuccessful Instrumental Delivery
To study whether history of cesarean delivery for arrest of descent (failure of fetal head engagement or unsuccessful instrumental delivery), is a factor of unsuccessful vaginal birth after cesarean delivery.
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This was a large retrospective study of 7954 women that underwent either a successful or an unsuccessful instrumental delivery in a single centre over a 10 year period.
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Instrumental Delivery sentence examples within Vaginal Instrumental Delivery
Analysis of variance revealed that women who had cesarean section or vaginal instrumental delivery had higher somatization, obsessive compulsive, depression, and anxiety symptom levels than those who had natural or vaginal delivery as well as overall general distress, controlling for premorbid mental health, maternal age, education, primiparity, and medical complication in newborn.
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Vaginal instrumental delivery rates, analgesia and motor blockade scores were also recorded.
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Instrumental Delivery sentence examples within instrumental delivery rate
Background: The optimal oxytocin infusion regimen to induce labour with the lowest caesarean section rate, instrumental delivery rate and length of active labour is unclear.
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For example, France currently has a national cesarean section rate of 30% 14, while the combined operative and instrumental delivery rate in Spain is 40% 12.
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On univariate analysis, only instrumental delivery was a significant risk factor (odds ratio: 2.
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8%) with instrumental delivery and 3 (2.
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8)] and instrumental delivery [AOR = 5.
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In summary, the authors concluded that women who had an instrumental delivery were more likely to have a 3C or 4th degree tear than those who had a spontaneous vaginal delivery.
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Composite maternal outcome included: post-partum hemorrhage, blood products transfusion, and cesarean or instrumental delivery.
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22), the need for instrumental delivery (1.
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53% after instrumental delivery.
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A fetal adiposity composite of fetal thigh adiposity and fetal abdominal thickness was compiled for each infant in order to clarify if fetal adiposity >90th centile was associated with an increased risk of cesarean or instrumental delivery.
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Elective CS perform in 99 patients and vaginal delivery achieved by 320 mothers, 40 ended by instrumental delivery and 141 went through emergency CS.
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085), with one case of instrumental delivery in scarless group.
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Malposition complicates 2‐13% of births at delivery, leading to increased obstetric interventions (cesarean section and instrumental delivery) and higher rates of adverse fetal and maternal outcomes.
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Certainly, this rising rate could be explained by better recognition of OASIs, although the increasing recourse to instrumental delivery and the use of a “hands-off” approach at delivery have played an important role in this growth.
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Main outcome measures: Incidence of caesarean section births, babies with moderate to severe HIE, instrumental vaginal births, obstetric anal sphincter injuries (OASIS) associated with instrumental delivery, and major post-partum haemorrhage (MPPH) of 2500 mL or more.
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To determine whether psychological variables (perceived stress, pregnancy-specific stress and psychopathology symptoms) and physiological variables (hair cortisol levels) are related to type of delivery (eutocic or instrumental delivery; spontaneous or induced labor).
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MethodsCohort study of 23,183 consecutive, term, singleton vaginal deliveries, including spontaneous and induced labours, at a single institution from January 2004 to June 2016 to determine the association between epidural analgesia and different mechanical complications affecting maternal health such as severe perineal tears (SPT), abnormal foetal head position at delivery, instrumental delivery and caesarean section (CS).
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3) fear of an instrumental delivery and/or caesarean section.
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There was no difference in the rate of instrumental delivery between the Carbohydrate (21.
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SCI is a rare, serious, and often fatal complication of instrumental delivery.
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3 Multiple etiological factors have been identified for this increasing trend of second stage caesareans like decline in the use of instrumental delivery, lack of training and supervision in second stage decision-making, a loss of technique associated with difficult-assisted delivery and concerns relating to maternal and neonatal morbidity with associated litigious issues.
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In present study 62% cases had normal vaginal delivery, 10% had instrumental delivery and about 28% had LSCS.
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Furthermore, the risk for subconjunctival haemorrhages was not increased by a history of instrumental delivery as it was for retinal haemorrhages.
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The parturients were observed for the incidence of instrumental delivery and incidence of conversion to cesarean section along with duration of labor, maternal satisfaction score and fetal outcome.
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The strongest risk factors for anal incontinence after vaginal delivery were high maternal age, high birthweight of the child, and instrumental delivery.
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SGA neonates were more often delivered by instrumental delivery or cesarean section and admitted to NICU.
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Infants cried more after normal delivery than after instrumental delivery.
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Nulliparity, instrumental delivery, or a negative delivery experience was associated with early postpartum onset.
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The coccyx is a bone with its own morphology and mobility and pain can occur due to trauma such as a difficult or instrumental delivery.
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Following analysis of numerous obstetric variables, it was shown that women who had an instrumental delivery were more likely to have a major tear compared with those who had a spontaneous vaginal delivery (p = 0.
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Nevertheless, the use of the instrumental delivery and epidural analgesia is necessary in the last stage of delivery due to weakness of abdominal muscles from fatigue.
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The percentage of instrumental delivery was more in Group RF.
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22), instrumental delivery (1.
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Prior evidence linking maternal ADS and AAS with adverse birth outcomes and caesarean section (CS) or instrumental delivery is conflicting.
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The risk factors for OASI include prolong second stage of labour, instrumental delivery, large gestational weight of child and the use of induced labour [2-3].
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8%) had instrumental delivery, and 58 (26.
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There was significantly more incidence of lower (uterine) segment caesarean section (LSCS), instrumental delivery, wound sepsis and PPH in patients with higher BMI.
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The coccyx is a bone with its own morphology and mobility and pain can occur due to trauma such as a difficult or instrumental delivery.
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We compared population birthweight centiles to those customised by height, or height and weight for complications including intrapartum caesarean section, instrumental delivery, postpartum haemorrhage, anal sphincter injury and neonatal outcomes.
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Conclusion In our series, as previously described in the literature, women with systemic autoimmune and inflammatory diseases have higher risk of abortion, pregnancy complications and instrumental delivery than general population.
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