Introduction to Instrumental Action
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Collectively, these findings suggest dissociable effects of devaluation procedures on instrumental actions and consummatory behaviors in BEP rats, and may indicate that pre-existing differences in goal-directed behavior and sensory-specific satiety contribute to the propensity to overeat palatable food.
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Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer (PIT) tasks assess the impact of environmental stimuli on instrumental actions.
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The wise response by policy workers is then to reduce the ‘over-sell’ so as to restore their authority, in part by arguing that predictive power may be impossible (or would spend too much of the limited budget), so the mode of engagement should be non-instrumental action, and/or place far greater emphasis upon ensuring that those who are the objects of policy work are given adequate voice (lest they vote for Trump or Brexit).
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It is now commonly accepted that instrumental actions can reflect goal-directed control; i.
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Theories of instrumental actions assume the existence of multiple behavioral systems, one goal-directed which takes into account the consequences of actions, and one habitual that depends on previous reward history, both of which are predicated upon the notion of prediction-error to learn which actions should be performed.
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Control of instrumental actions relies on a dual system of goal-directed and habit strategies ([Liljeholm and O'Doherty, 2012][1]).
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As a result, jihadist violence is typically studied as instrumental actions related to the organizers’ strategic objectives.
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After the third social defeat episode, stressed animals required significantly more time to respond to cues (instrumental action) and to poke in the food-trough when no food pellet was delivered.
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Considerable evidence suggests that the learning and performance of instrumental actions depend on activity in basal ganglia circuitry; however, these two functions have generally been considered independently.
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The process of enforcing criminal law in Indonesia is only based on patterns of reasoning and argumentation using the ratio of instrumental actions.
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, as compared to research on instrumental action).
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I first distinguish between five ways to express emotions: through involuntary muskoskeletal displays, through involuntary autonomic displays, through intentional bodily displays, through instrumental actions and through displaced actions.
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41 For examples, see: Anthony Dickinson and David Shanks, “Instrumental Action and Causal Representation,” in Causal Cognition: A Multidisciplinary Debate, ed.
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