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Reduced sensitivity to devaluation for instrumental but not consummatory behaviors in binge eating prone rats

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Human appetitive Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer: a goal-directed account.

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Yes, but what about the authority of policy analysts? A commentary and discussion of Perl et al., ‘Policy-making and truthiness: Can existing models cope with politicized evidence and willful ignorance in a post-fact world?’

Hierarchical Action Control: Adaptive Collaboration Between Actions and Habits

A theory of actions and habits in free-operant behavior: The interaction of rate correlation and contiguity systems

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RIM1αβ Are Required at the Corticostriatal Synapses for Habit Formation

“Cleansing the Earth of the Stench of Shirk”: The Islamic State’s Violence as Acts of Purification

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Time-dependent changes in cognitive flexibility performance during intermittent social stress: Relevance for motivation and reward-seeking behavior

From learning to action: the integration of dorsal striatal input and output pathways in instrumental conditioning

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The Ratio of Instrumental Action to Criminal Laws: Throwing in language game

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The quantification of gesture–speech synchrony: A tutorial and validation of multimodal data acquisition using device-based and video-based motion tracking

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Affective Pragmatics Extended: From Natural to Overt Expressions of Emotions

Neo-Thomism and the Problem of Animal Suffering

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Instrumental Action