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Inequalities Within sentence examples within Health Inequalities Within

The Effect of Additional Private Health Insurance on Mortality in the Context of Universal Public Health Insurance

Health promotion in emergency care: rationale, strategies and activities.

Inequalities Within sentence examples within Reducing Inequalities Within

Reducing Socioeconomic Inequalities in the European Union in the Context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Epilepsy in China: major progress in the past two decades

Inequalities Within sentence examples within Social Inequalities Within

Analysis of Research on the Sdgs: The Relationship between Climate Change, Poverty and Inequality.

Analysis of Research on the SDGs: The Relationship between Climate Change, Poverty and Inequality

Inequalities Within sentence examples within Gender Inequalities Within

Do We Really Want to Keep the Gate Threshold That High?

Keeping silent or running away. The voices of Vietnamese women survivors of Intimate Partner Violence

Inequalities Within sentence examples within Structural Inequalities Within

Normalizing necessity? Support networks and racial inequality in Namibia

Getting and Keeping a Foot in the Door: Strategies by Migrant and Informal Sector Women to Remain Relevant in the Labour Market

Inequalities Within sentence examples within Economic Inequalities Within

The Impossibility of Home: Displacement and Border Practices in Times of Crisis

The reproductive crisis in neoliberal capitalism: Commenting on D. Elson’s recent paper

Inequalities Within sentence examples within Existing Inequalities Within

Herbicides and Zero Tillage in South Asia: Are we creating a gendered problem?

Gender-Based Violence, Twin Pandemic to COVID-19

Inequalities Within sentence examples within Socioeconomic Inequalities Within

Rethinking Collaboration: Medical Research and Working Relationships at the Iranian Pasteur Institute

Socioeconomic deprivation and cancer survival in a metropolitan area: An analysis of cancer registry data from Hamburg, Germany

Inequalities Within sentence examples within Power Inequalities Within

Governance of Water in Southern Chile: An Analysis of the Process of Indigenous Consultation as a Part of Environmental Impact Assessment

Front-line work and interpretive labor in an Angolan development program

Inequalities Within sentence examples within Widen Inequalities Within

Desk Rejects Widen Inequalities within Academia

Facing the pandemic: Considering partnerships for widening participation in higher education in Australia

Inequalities Within sentence examples within Racial Inequalities Within

Discrimination in lending? Evidence from the Paycheck Protection Program

‘Hard hearts’ resounding now: anatomising race, resistance, and community in The Merchant in Venice (2016) and Julius Caesar (2017)

Inequalities Within sentence examples within Exacerbate Inequalities Within

Appropriation of mHealth Interventions for Maternal Health Care in Sub-Saharan Africa: Hermeneutic Review.

Private funding in Australian public schools: a problem of equity

Inequalities Within sentence examples within Reduce Inequalities Within

327-OR: Multicountry Analysis of Trends in All-Cause Mortality among People with Type 1 Diabetes

Does fiscal decentralization affect regional disparities in health? Quasi-experimental evidence from Italy

Inequalities Within sentence examples within Clas Inequalities Within

Dinero y poder en la intimidad de pareja en Argentina: indicios desde una mirada de género y clase social

An Exploration of Educational Underachievement from the Perspectives of Teachers and White British Working-Class Pupils in an Urban Pupil Referral Unit

Inequalities Within sentence examples within Systemic Inequalities Within

Exploring creativity and vitality of women academics: Reflections on the call for responsible and responsive management education

Special Issue commentary: Specific impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on staff and patients from racialised groups

Inequalities Within sentence examples within Type Inequalities Within

k -Fractional Variants of Hermite-Mercer-Type Inequalities via s -Convexity with Applications

Morrey inequalities in the Monge-Ampère quasi-metric structure

Inequalities Within sentence examples within inequalities within country

Climate Change and Child Health Inequality: A Review of Reviews

Limits of lockdown: characterising essential contacts during strict physical distancing

Inequalities Within sentence examples within inequalities within family

Keeping silent or running away. The voices of Vietnamese women survivors of Intimate Partner Violence

Preventive behaviours and family inequalities during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study in China

Inequalities Within sentence examples within inequalities within city

Socioeconomic deprivation and cancer survival in a metropolitan area: An analysis of cancer registry data from Hamburg, Germany

Does urbanization make emergence of zoonosis more likely? Evidence, myths and gaps

Inequalities Within sentence examples within inequalities within urban

The roles of education in expenditure inequality in Bhutan: an analysis in an urban–rural context

Education and expenditure inequality in Myanmar: An analysis with the 2006 and 2012 Household Income and Expenditure Survey in an urban and rural setting

Inequalities Within sentence examples within inequalities within society

The Intergenerational Transmission of Life Satisfaction between Parents and Children and the Mediating Role of Supportive Parenting

Socio-metabolic class conflicts in the Anthropocene: Developing a novel class theory based on German population data

Inequalities Within sentence examples within inequalities within population

A systematic review of inequalities in the uptake of, adherence to and effectiveness of behavioural weight management interventions

Use of joinpoint regressions to evaluate changes over time in conscript height.

Inequalities Within sentence examples within inequalities within community

Re-examining critiques of resilience policy: Evidence from Barpak after the 2015 earthquakes in Nepal.

Appropriation of mHealth Interventions for Maternal Health Care in Sub-Saharan Africa: Hermeneutic Review.

More Inequalities Within sentence examples

Reimagining Multilateralism: A Long but Urgently Necessary Journey

Does the treatment of minority doctors by the UK regulator demonstrate Institutional Racism?

More Inequalities Within sentence examples

Does time heal all wounds? Life course associations between child welfare involvement and mortality in prospective cohorts from Sweden and Britain

More Inequalities Within sentence examples

Impacts of COVID-19 on the finfish aquaculture industry of Bangladesh: A case study

More Inequalities Within sentence examples

How Men Can “Stand Up” for Women in Group Settings

More Inequalities Within sentence examples

WIID Companion (March 2021): global income distribution

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‘It’s hard to be what you can’t see’ - gender representation in marketing’s academic journals

More Inequalities Within sentence examples

Os Direitos Humanos como primado de um sentido holístico de Educação para o Desenvolvimento em contexto de multiculturalidade

More Inequalities Within sentence examples

Brazilian National Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) in partnership with Brazilian Ministry of Health launch the major national household survey using Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT) in the world

What about the health workforce distribution in rural China? An assessment based on eight-year data.

More Inequalities Within sentence examples

Inequality of industrial carbon emissions of the urban agglomeration and its peripheral cities: A case in the Pearl River Delta, China


“Glocalisation” doctrine in the Israeli Public Education System: A contextual analysis of a policy-making process

More Inequalities Within sentence examples

Inequalities in access to bike-and-ride opportunities: Findings for the city of Malmö

More Inequalities Within sentence examples

Ambivalent investments: lessons from LGBTIQ efforts to reform policing

More Inequalities Within sentence examples

A relational approach to exploring inequalities within the human resource management model in the Middle East

More Inequalities Within sentence examples

Inequalities: A Concern for Capitalism and Global Strategy

More Inequalities Within sentence examples

Reply to Bombard and Mighton