Introduction to Hydrous Mantle
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Progressively more hydrous mantle-derived mafic magmas feed this chamber from below, providing heat, H2O, S and metals, but no unique “fertile” Cu-rich magma was involved in the formation of the deposit.
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The slab window opening induced upwelling of anhydrous mantle and formation of the Fe-Ti gabbro dykes.
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Helens dominantly formed by partial melting of metabasaltic lower crust, the geochemical and thermal models of this thesis indicate that the dacites are derived by fractional crystallization from a hydrous mantle-derived endmember with a maximum of 20-30% assimilation of pre-existing crustal material.
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The coincidence of (1) the depth of a rheological transition, marked granular to porphyroclastic textures, and (2) the depth of a phase transition, from subsolidus hydrous peridotite to a hydrous mantle with melt in localized pockets, is the remarkable feature of the LAB beneath Ichinomegata.
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We use phase equilibria and trace element modelling to characterize the Hf–Nd isotopic evolution of a chain of melting from anhydrous mantle through hydrated basalt to TTG.
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Progressively more hydrous mantlederived mafic magmas feed this chamber from below, providing heat, H2O, S and metals, but no unique “fertile” Cu-rich magma was involved in the formation of the deposit.
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