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Football Fan sentence examples within English Football Fan
Chapter 4 critically explores the more independent and organised responses within English football fandom to the significant transformations of English football in the last decades of the twentieth century.
Chapter 4 critically explores the more independent and organised responses within English football fandom to the significant transformations of English football in the last decades of the twentieth century.
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We then draw on 53 semi-structured interviews with English football fans’ perceptions on the success of this policy, highlighting that while some progress has been made, there are still numerous shortcomings of the FA’s attempts to implement change on the game.
We then draw on 53 semi-structured interviews with English football fans’ perceptions on the success of this policy, highlighting that while some progress has been made, there are still numerous shortcomings of the FA’s attempts to implement change on the game.
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Football Fan sentence examples within football fan club
The growth of professional football club in Thailand also generated new culture of football fan club: migrant football fan club, long distance football fan club, and gambling football fan club.
The growth of professional football club in Thailand also generated new culture of football fan club: migrant football fan club, long distance football fan club, and gambling football fan club.
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Linking the local practices that are used to build an apparently shared identity and generate personal and group attachment towards ʽPersibʼ, a local football club in West Java Indonesia, we examine ʽbobotohʼ that use football and football fan clubs as means of creating an in-group–out-group identity.
Linking the local practices that are used to build an apparently shared identity and generate personal and group attachment towards ʽPersibʼ, a local football club in West Java Indonesia, we examine ʽbobotohʼ that use football and football fan clubs as means of creating an in-group–out-group identity.
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Football Fan sentence examples within football fan culture
The landscape of football fan culture in Cyprus contains a good deal of antagonistic communicative actions of explicit political content.
The landscape of football fan culture in Cyprus contains a good deal of antagonistic communicative actions of explicit political content.
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Indeed, relying on certain statistical data, which reports a decline in racist incidents in stadia, might lead many anti-racist policymakers to champion liberal doctrines and to proclaim football fan cultures as quantitatively ‘less racist’.
Indeed, relying on certain statistical data, which reports a decline in racist incidents in stadia, might lead many anti-racist policymakers to champion liberal doctrines and to proclaim football fan cultures as quantitatively ‘less racist’.
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More Football Fan sentence examples
The ‘foreign ownerships’ apparent in the English Premier League have received little academic attention, despite being a controversial issue for football fans and commentators.
The ‘foreign ownerships’ apparent in the English Premier League have received little academic attention, despite being a controversial issue for football fans and commentators.
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More Football Fan sentence examples
The paper concludes that stadium and crowd management measures, backed up by a robust regulatory system which has the support of all stakeholders, are necessary to ensure the continuing safety of football fans in England and Wales.
The paper concludes that stadium and crowd management measures, backed up by a robust regulatory system which has the support of all stakeholders, are necessary to ensure the continuing safety of football fans in England and Wales.
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More Football Fan sentence examples
Finally, in previous studies, football fans’ motivation and test-match cricket fans’ motivations are studied, hence one-day cricket as a context is also unique to this study.
Finally, in previous studies, football fans’ motivation and test-match cricket fans’ motivations are studied, hence one-day cricket as a context is also unique to this study.
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More Football Fan sentence examples
A Significant difference was not established between football fans' views on fanaticism and violence on the basis of their gender.
A Significant difference was not established between football fans' views on fanaticism and violence on the basis of their gender.
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More Football Fan sentence examples
The article analyzes the subculture of football fans as a form of youth unification and self-organization.
The article analyzes the subculture of football fans as a form of youth unification and self-organization.
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More Football Fan sentence examples
The programme is constantly improving and developing new projects, like Football Fans in Training (FFIT) or European Fans in Training (EuroFIT).
The programme is constantly improving and developing new projects, like Football Fans in Training (FFIT) or European Fans in Training (EuroFIT).
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More Football Fan sentence examples
This finding illustrates a similarity regarding the perspective of German football clubs, as well as football fans, and a contrast regarding the perspective of current investors.
This finding illustrates a similarity regarding the perspective of German football clubs, as well as football fans, and a contrast regarding the perspective of current investors.
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More Football Fan sentence examples
The area contains a mixture of Ohio State University (OSU) and University of Michigan (UM) football fans and merchandise featuring each school is widely available.
The area contains a mixture of Ohio State University (OSU) and University of Michigan (UM) football fans and merchandise featuring each school is widely available.
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More Football Fan sentence examples
However, we also highlight deficiencies in national coordination and coherence as well as highlighting important innovations with regard to approaches to dialogue with football fans.
However, we also highlight deficiencies in national coordination and coherence as well as highlighting important innovations with regard to approaches to dialogue with football fans.
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More Football Fan sentence examples
Aim: This study aims to investigate the team image, team loyalty and identification levels of football fans.
Aim: This study aims to investigate the team image, team loyalty and identification levels of football fans.
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More Football Fan sentence examples
Moreover, I ask further questions like “how do such talks, conversations and discussions affect sports journalists’ views on football fans and grassroots players?”.
Moreover, I ask further questions like “how do such talks, conversations and discussions affect sports journalists’ views on football fans and grassroots players?”.
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More Football Fan sentence examples
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the identification level of football fans with their teams in Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia Region.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the identification level of football fans with their teams in Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia Region.
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More Football Fan sentence examples
Seven basketball and football fans complained of ankle joint soreness and discomfort after strenuous exercise, and the symptoms were relieved after treatment.
Seven basketball and football fans complained of ankle joint soreness and discomfort after strenuous exercise, and the symptoms were relieved after treatment.
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More Football Fan sentence examples
In our regular articles, in Being women in a male preserve, Pitti looks at the gendered characteristics of contemporary sports audiences, focusing on the phenomenon of female ultras or ‘professional’ football fans.
In our regular articles, in Being women in a male preserve, Pitti looks at the gendered characteristics of contemporary sports audiences, focusing on the phenomenon of female ultras or ‘professional’ football fans.
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More Football Fan sentence examples
There is a lively debate on whether football fans should pay an additional security fee, added to the price of tickets, to finance police activities on match days.
There is a lively debate on whether football fans should pay an additional security fee, added to the price of tickets, to finance police activities on match days.
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More Football Fan sentence examples
En segundo lugar, el estudio exploratorio de las experiencias de barrismo social de la Guardia Albiroja Sur y la Banda Tricolor, permite ofrecer sugerencias puntuales a los hacedores de politica publica: por un lado, se muestra como la construccion de politica publica participativa con barras es deseable en la medida que genera procesos de apropiacion y defensa del discurso politico-normativo del barrismo social dentro de las barras; y, por el otro, se explica el impacto que tienen en terminos de aciertos y desafios el contexto, la estructura interna de la barra, los liderazgos y el rol del Estado, para el proceso de articulacion con las barras futboleras en Colombia EnglishThis paper analyzes the current state of the implementation of the Decenal Plan of Coexistence in Soccer 2014 - 2024, exploring the phenomenon of the football fans “barras” in its political dimen-sion, and the part of an acknowledgment of its organizational pro-cesses around the category of “barrismo social”: The article has as a general objective analyzes the factors that have influenced the results of the implementation of the Decenal Plan for the Co-existence in Soccer 2014-2024 from the axis of “barrismo social” programs in Bogota and San Juan Pasto.
En segundo lugar, el estudio exploratorio de las experiencias de barrismo social de la Guardia Albiroja Sur y la Banda Tricolor, permite ofrecer sugerencias puntuales a los hacedores de politica publica: por un lado, se muestra como la construccion de politica publica participativa con barras es deseable en la medida que genera procesos de apropiacion y defensa del discurso politico-normativo del barrismo social dentro de las barras; y, por el otro, se explica el impacto que tienen en terminos de aciertos y desafios el contexto, la estructura interna de la barra, los liderazgos y el rol del Estado, para el proceso de articulacion con las barras futboleras en Colombia EnglishThis paper analyzes the current state of the implementation of the Decenal Plan of Coexistence in Soccer 2014 - 2024, exploring the phenomenon of the football fans “barras” in its political dimen-sion, and the part of an acknowledgment of its organizational pro-cesses around the category of “barrismo social”: The article has as a general objective analyzes the factors that have influenced the results of the implementation of the Decenal Plan for the Co-existence in Soccer 2014-2024 from the axis of “barrismo social” programs in Bogota and San Juan Pasto.
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More Football Fan sentence examples
The purpose of this study is; It was aimed to determine the level of aggression of football fans in Bingol.
The purpose of this study is; It was aimed to determine the level of aggression of football fans in Bingol.
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More Football Fan sentence examples
This article looks at the characteristics of contemporary sports audiences from the perspective of gender, focusing on the phenomenon of female ultras or ‘professional’ football fans.
This article looks at the characteristics of contemporary sports audiences from the perspective of gender, focusing on the phenomenon of female ultras or ‘professional’ football fans.
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More Football Fan sentence examples
Based primarily on research into the policing of football fans in Scotland following the implementation of the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications Act (Scotland) Act 2012.
Based primarily on research into the policing of football fans in Scotland following the implementation of the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications Act (Scotland) Act 2012.
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More Football Fan sentence examples
The research framework are studies of the management of organizational communication in sport, with the particular focus on social networks as strategic channels to establish relationships with football fans.
The research framework are studies of the management of organizational communication in sport, with the particular focus on social networks as strategic channels to establish relationships with football fans.
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More Football Fan sentence examples
Schlusselworter: Sportpolitik, Stakeholder, Investoren_innen, Profifusball, 50+1-Regel ----- In German professional football there is a central sports political issue that is emerging from the current discussions regarding the retention or repeal of the 50+1-Rule: should professional football clubs in Germany continue to be controlled by their Verein, or instead by investors in the future? When taking into consideration the stakeholder approach, it appears essential to consider the perspectives of football clubs and football fans with regards to this current debate.
Schlusselworter: Sportpolitik, Stakeholder, Investoren_innen, Profifusball, 50+1-Regel ----- In German professional football there is a central sports political issue that is emerging from the current discussions regarding the retention or repeal of the 50+1-Rule: should professional football clubs in Germany continue to be controlled by their Verein, or instead by investors in the future? When taking into consideration the stakeholder approach, it appears essential to consider the perspectives of football clubs and football fans with regards to this current debate.
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More Football Fan sentence examples
The methods proposed can act as a catalyst for the gradual corporatisation of Russian football clubs and will be of interest to investors, business analysts, economic scientists and football fans alike.
The methods proposed can act as a catalyst for the gradual corporatisation of Russian football clubs and will be of interest to investors, business analysts, economic scientists and football fans alike.
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More Football Fan sentence examples
The article deals with the issues, related to the existence of such a phenomenon of modern times as football fanaticism.
The article deals with the issues, related to the existence of such a phenomenon of modern times as football fanaticism.
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More Football Fan sentence examples
The most at-risk, hard-to-reach groups are often synonymous with football fans (middle aged and older males).
The most at-risk, hard-to-reach groups are often synonymous with football fans (middle aged and older males).
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More Football Fan sentence examples
To evaluate the effectiveness of a men-only weight loss programme, Football Fans in Training (FFIT), delivered by football clubs in the German Bundesliga, we did a non-randomized trial with a waiting list control group.
To evaluate the effectiveness of a men-only weight loss programme, Football Fans in Training (FFIT), delivered by football clubs in the German Bundesliga, we did a non-randomized trial with a waiting list control group.
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Professional football teams in Thailand were the focus because of the increasing numbers of football fans, more money circulating in the market, and the high competitive advantage of teams.
Professional football teams in Thailand were the focus because of the increasing numbers of football fans, more money circulating in the market, and the high competitive advantage of teams.
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Keywords related to Football
Football Practice
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Football Referees
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Football Fans
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Keywords related to Fan
Transonic Fan
Composite Fan
Contra Rotating Fan
Engine Fan
Ky Fan
Axial Fan
Damodar Fan
Ducted Fan
Centrifugal Fan
Multiple Fan
Cooling Fan
Small Fan
Deep Sea Fan
Sports Fan
Flow Fan
Piezoelectric Fan
Mediterranean Fan
Sea Fan
Sublacustrine Fan
Ventilation Fan
Submarine Fan
Alluvial Fan
Facebook Fan
Draft Fan
Mine Fan
Brand Fan
Jet Fan
Pitch Fan
Exhaust Fan
Ceiling Fan
Bengal Fan
Axial Flow Fan
Tail Fan
Online Fan
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Football Fan