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The link between coworking space demand and venture capital financing: Empirical evidence from European office market

Corporate Real Estate Management

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Towards a Positive Psychology of Buildings and Workplace Community:the Positive Built Workplace Environment

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Workspace preferences and non-preferences in Activity-based Flexible Offices: Two case studies.

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Policies in Activity-based Flexible Offices -‘I am sloppy with clean-desking. We don’t really know the rules.’

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From fading novelty effects to emergent appreciation of Activity-based Flexible Offices: Comparing the individual, organisational and spatial adaptations in two case organisations.

Knowledge workers deserve differentiated offices and workplace facilities

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Activity-based flexible office: Exploring the fit between physical environment qualities and user needs impacting satisfaction, communication, collaboration and productivity

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The influence of cultural dimensions when implementing fun in the workplace approach as a driver of creativity

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Flexible Office