Introduction to Flexible Office
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Flexible Office sentence examples within flexible office space
Flexible office space is a game-changer in the real estate industry, forecasting a rapid growth over the next years up to 30.
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However, many corporates still work with traditional approaches and lack in making their organizations more flexible such as offering the options of home office or leasing Flexible Office Spaces (FOS) for project teams.
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Given the rise in the use of activity-based flexible offices and coworking spaces this is an area where positive psychology can make important contributions.
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Activity-based Flexible Offices (AFOs) are innovations in workspace design that are being increasingly implemented in organisations.
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Activity-based Flexible Offices (A-FOs) are offices with unassigned desks that provide a variety of workspaces.
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Activity-based Flexible Offices (AFOs) are innovations in workspace design that have been increasingly implemented in organisations in recent years.
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Most respondents in the two consultancy companies have open and flexible offices.
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Corporations balancing real estate holding (CRE) costs with recruitment-retention increasingly use activity-based flexible offices (AFO) to right-size environments for a mobile workforce.
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Abbreviations: A-FOs: activity-based flexible offices; AVG: average; CDQS: creativity development quick scan; CP: creative personality; CPS: creative personality scale; FWP: fun in the workplace; HF/E: human factors and ergonomics; IDV: individualism; MAS: masculinity; MBA: Master of Business Administration; PDI: power distance; PWE: physical work environment; SWE: socio-organisational work environment; UAI: uncertainty avoidance; USA: United States of America; WE: work environment.
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