Introduction to Flexible Interface
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Flexible Interface sentence examples within flexible interface layer
We present a flexible interface layer for writing labeling functions based on our experience over the past year collaborating with companies, agencies, and research laboratories.
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Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was employed to identify the flexible interface layer of the SBR composites.
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Inspired by biological organisms, soft engineered robots seek to augment the capabilities of rigid robots by providing safe, compliant, and flexible interfaces for human-machine interactions.
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The features of SC-RBAC associated with flexible interfaces, traceability and security enrich the community of DApps.
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The approach provides a flexible interface between diverse machine learning algorithms and well-developed linear subspace identification methods, as well as demonstrating a connection between the Koopman operator and observability.
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DNAs can act as flexible interfaces for arranging particular reactant partners such as biomolecules and other functional molecules modified on DNAs in close proximity to increase their effective concentrations.
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By using the flexible interface, various co-simulation systems for different purposes are generated.
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, using CRIS which has a flexible interface and specific technical abilities.
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Therefore, a uniform and flexible interface is urgently needed.
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As a data mining platform that integrates a variety of data sources, including protein structures and chemical compounds, TargetMine now offers a powerful and flexible interface for constructing queries to check genetic evidence, tractability and other relevant features for the candidate genes.
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Summary InterMineR is a package designed to provide a flexible interface between the R programming environment and biological databases built using the InterMine platform.
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Spreadsheet systems enable users to store and analyze data in an intuitive and flexible interface.
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Web programming technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS have become a popular choice for user interface design due to their capabilities: flexible interface, first-class networking, and available libraries.
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The artists, familiar with the tool in the context of one task, can take full advantage of the flexible interface and easily apply the tool to another task.
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Despite the fact that object storage provides a flexible interface, scheduling highly concurrent I/O requests that access a large number of objects still remains as a challenging problem, especially in the case when stragglers (storage servers that are significantly slower than others) exist in the system.
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Then, a very flexible interface, smart data acquisition card is developed based on Arduino atmega328p microcontroller system which could be used with a very little effort and will be suitable for any similar process.
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By extending VMI techniques, SECLOUD provides remote tenants or their authorized security service providers with flexible interfaces for monitoring runtime information of guest virtual machines (VMs) in a non-intrusive manner.
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The PDEparams module provides a flexible interface and readily accommodates different parameter analysis tools in PDE models such as computation of likelihood profiles, and parametric bootstrapping, along with direct visualisation of the results.
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Alternatively, equations of motion have also been derived for two-block systems with flexible interfaces, which model the system as having four degrees of freedom, which is considerably more complicated than the SDOF model.
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As a data mining platform that integrates a variety of data sources, including protein structures and chemical compounds, TargetMine now offers a powerful and flexible interface for constructing queries to check genetic evidence, tractability and other relevant features for the candidate genes.
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Researchers have implemented several systems with high-level and flexible interfaces customized for tackling graph mining problems.
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