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Flexible Hypersonic sentence examples within flexible hypersonic vehicle

Control separation based fault accommodation for flexible hypersonic vehicles

\({\mathcal{L}_1}\) Adaptive Loss Fault Tolerance Control of Unmanned Hypersonic Aircraft with Elasticity

Flexible Hypersonic sentence examples within flexible hypersonic flight

L 1 Adaptive integrated guidance and control for flexible hypersonic flight vehicle in the presence of dynamic uncertainties

Novel Prescribed Performance Control Scheme for Flexible Hypersonic Flight Vehicles with Nonaffine Dynamics and Neural Approximation

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L 1 Adaptive integrated guidance and control for flexible hypersonic flight vehicle in the presence of dynamic uncertainties

Novel Prescribed Performance Control Scheme for Flexible Hypersonic Flight Vehicles with Nonaffine Dynamics and Neural Approximation

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Control separation based fault accommodation for flexible hypersonic vehicles

\({\mathcal{L}_1}\) Adaptive Loss Fault Tolerance Control of Unmanned Hypersonic Aircraft with Elasticity

Prescribed performance dynamic neural network control for a flexible hypersonic vehicle with unknown control directions

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Switched linear parameter-varying modeling and tracking control for flexible hypersonic vehicle

Sensor placement and moving horizon state/parameter estimation for flexible hypersonic vehicles

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Neural Learning Control of Strict-Feedback Systems Using Disturbance Observer

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Flexible Hypersonic