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Fig Leaves sentence examples within fig leaves extract

Formulation, Evaluation of Physical Properties, Anti-Cholesterol Activity from Ficus carica L. Leaves Extract Tablet

Antischistosomal effects of Ficus carica leaves extract and/or PZQ on Schistosoma mansoni infected mice

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Studi Pustaka Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Buah dan Daun Tin (Ficus carica)

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Antioxidant And Antibacterial Activities Of Methanol Extract Of Fig Fruit And Leaves (Ficus Carica L.)

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The Anti-inflammatory Effect of Ethanol Extract Gel of Fig Leaves (Ficus carica Linn.) and Sidr Leaves (Ziziphus mauritiana Linn.)

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Removal of tetracycline from aqueous solution by Azolla, fig leaves, egg shell and egg membrane modified with magnetite nanoparticles

Fig (Ficus exasperata and Ficus asperifolia)-Supplemented diet improves sexual function, endothelial nitric oxide synthase and suppresses tumour necrosis factor-alpha genes in hypertensive rats.

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Biosafety assessment of Fig (Ficus carica) leaves, an alternative preservative agent

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Aktivitas antihiperurisemia teh asam daun tin (Ficus carica) terhadap tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus)

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Protective Effect of Aerial Parts of Portulaca oleracea and Ficus carica Leaves Against Diclofenac-Sodium Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats

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Relationship between chlorophyll content and soil plant analytical development values in two cultivars of fig (Ficus carica L.) as brassinolide effect at an open field

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Is it Possible to Feed Nile Tilapia the Diets Containing Wastes of Opuntia ficus-indica?

Response to letter on the Cape Town Declaration

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Visual Deception: From Camo to Cameron

Phytophotodermatitis related to Peucedanum paniculatum Loisel, a case report

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The Processing of Fig Leaves (Ficus carica L.) by Posdaya Lancar Barokah in Pokoh Kidul Wonogiri

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The Effectiveness Fig Leaves (FICUS CARICA L) Steeping Water Towards SGOT SGPT Serum on Male Wistar Rats in Critical Hepatitis Model

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Protective Effect of some plant Extracts on Hyperuricemia in Experimental Animals

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Utilization of Ficus carica leaves as a heterogeneous catalyst for production of biodiesel from waste cooking oil

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Fig Leaves