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Planned retirement age: do attachment to work and expectations relating to workplace adjustments matter?

Pills and prayers: a comparative qualitative study of community conceptualisations of pre-eclampsia and pluralistic care in Ethiopia, Haiti and Zimbabwe

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Managing mobility: commuting domestic workers, mobile phones, and women’s ‘honour’ in Kolkata

Exploring the performance of system changes in Dutch broiler production to balance animal welfare, ammonia emissions and particulate matter emissions with farm profitability

The Concept of Sustainable Development in the Curriculum of the Medical Universities in Poland

Propagation of Surface Waves in Asphalt Pavements Generated by Different Load Impulse of Falling Weight Deflectometer

The holy grail of clinical supervision

Patient-Centered Insights on Treatment Decision Making and Living with Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Other Hematologic Cancers

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Civilian victimization and international military intervention in civil wars

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The Career Development of Gifted Students

Knowledge and Human Capital as Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Human Resource Management

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Stakeholder expectations on sustainability performance measurement and assessment: A systematic literature review

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Expectations Relating