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Estimation Within sentence examples within Parameter Estimation Within

Making Tweedie’s compound Poisson model more accessible

Uncertainty Estimation and Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis of Mechanical Dynamic Tests

Estimation Within sentence examples within Age Estimation Within

Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Emergency Physician Performed Biparietal Diameter Estimate for Gestational Age.

Age Estimation on Low Quality Face Images

Estimation Within sentence examples within Motion Estimation Within

Energy-Efficient Hadamard-Based SATD Hardware Architectures Through Calculation Reuse

How to Estimate Global Motion Non-Iteratively From a Coarsely Sampled Motion Vector Field

Estimation Within sentence examples within Location Estimation Within

Real-time visual detection and correction of automatic screw operations in dimpled light-gauge steel framing with pre-drilled pilot holes

Review of Computational Techniques for Performance Evaluation of RF Localization Inside the Human Body

Estimation Within sentence examples within Error Estimation Within

Robust Importance Sampling for Error Estimation in the Context of Optimal Bayesian Transfer Learning

Quantifying Below-Water Fluvial Geomorphic Change: The Implications of Refraction Correction, Water Surface Elevations, and Spatially Variable Error

Estimation Within sentence examples within estimation within male

Age Estimation on Low Quality Face Images

Age Estimation for Low-Quality Facial Images: from Separate DCNNs to a Decision Fuser

Estimation Within sentence examples within estimation within 3

Estimation of Mechanical Power Output Employing Deep Learning on Inertial Measurement Data in Roller Ski Skating

Real-time visual detection and correction of automatic screw operations in dimpled light-gauge steel framing with pre-drilled pilot holes

Estimation Within sentence examples within estimation within 30

Discordance Between Using Estimated and Measured Glomerular Filtration Rate for Drug Dosing in Kidney Transplant Recipients.

Simultaneous orientation and 3D localization microscopy with a Vortex point spread function.

Estimation Within sentence examples within estimation within 1

Closing the Wearable Gap–Part IX: Validation of an Improved Ankle Motion Capture Wearable

Estimation of Frequency-Dependent Impedances in Power Grids by Deep LSTM Autoencoder and Random Forest

More Estimation Within sentence examples

Effects of Visual Cues on Distance Perception in Virtual Environments Based on Object Identification and Visually Guided Action

Opioids and the Labor Market

Model selection for G-estimation of Dynamic Treatment Regimes.


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Estimation Within