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Education Still sentence examples within Higher Education Still
Education Still sentence examples within Character Education Still
Asynchronous was chosen because this character education still requires students to meet and discuss with teachers to find out the results of this education.
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While the factors that inhibit the implementation of the character education are different characteristic students, the different environments of students, the funding of character education still charged fully to the school, the students readily not focus, and the monitoring of the center of curriculum is not enough.
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Education Still sentence examples within Medical Education Still
Undergraduate medical education still relies on lectures as the core teaching activity.
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00 in the Richter magnitude scale, the objects of study carry out the higher evaluation in general, but they think the process of accreditation still have several questions, in the aspect of strengthening the objectivity of accreditation, enhancing the homogeneity of experts training, formulating reasonable planning accreditation schedule, paying attention to continuous improvement of colleges and universities, and reinforcing the re-evaluation of the accreditation of the Chinese medical education still need further improvement.
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Education Still sentence examples within School Education Still
Parental involvement in pre-school education still remains questionably low when it comes to promoting pre-school children’s education amidst the diverse family backgrounds in the current generation.
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Questions about students with autism have been discussed for over 60 years, but school education still has much to do for them.
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Education Still sentence examples within education still need
On the one hand, compared with foreign countries, engineering ethics education still needs to be actively promoted and innovated in China.
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It is concluded that inclusive education still needs more solid public policies aimed at this public and that really contemplate all the students with special educational needs of Brazil.
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Education Still sentence examples within education still remain
Parental involvement in pre-school education still remains questionably low when it comes to promoting pre-school children’s education amidst the diverse family backgrounds in the current generation.
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Despite the large number of studies on the issue of psychological and pedagogical security of educational environment, the sphere of higher education still remains underexplored.
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Education Still sentence examples within education still face
Education Still sentence examples within education still require
Asynchronous was chosen because this character education still requires students to meet and discuss with teachers to find out the results of this education.
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At this stage, receiving a complete education still requires or requires education as a system and a whole, and should be further deepened.
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Education Still sentence examples within education still leaf
It is considered that nursing education still leaves gaps related to the subject, representing a challenge for educators to improve didactics on the subject.
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However, in spite of government efforts and significant measures assumed by both private and public institutions to promote the use of African languages, this article reveals that the use of African languages in higher education still leaves much to be desired.
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Education Still sentence examples within education still use
But, learning method that applied in higher education still use traditional method, which is lecturer has an important role in the learning process.
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The results of the study show that collaboration information management systems in education still use conventional information and technology, and are needed to expand information access needs between the two parties.
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In Indonesia, education still has constraints related to the quality of education, so the learning process is not optimal and the motivation carried out by teachers and students is still lacking.
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