Introduction to Education Development
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Education Development sentence examples within higher education system
According to the collected data and the current higher education system of various countries, a perfect evaluation index system of higher education development health level is established, which is divided into five levels: higher education foundation, higher education investment; higher education process, higher education development performance and social development foundation, including 37 sub-indicators.
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In response to the current trend of world higher education development, a healthy higher education system has had a profound impact on all dimensions of a country.
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Education Development sentence examples within r 8t h
ir a t 1 9: 12 IR S T o n F rid ay N ov em be r 8t h 20 19 Assessing the Viewpoint of the Professors about Multi-lecturer Courses 14 Journal of Medical Education Development, Vol 12, No 33 Spring, 2019 Introduction Similar to human resources in any organization, university professors are one of the main pillars since they have three key responsibilities of education, training, and research (1, 2).
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ir a t 2 2: 17 IR S T o n F rid ay N ov em be r 8t h 20 19 67 Valimoghadam et al Journal of Medical Education Development, Vol 12, No 33 Spring, 2019 Introduction In the light of globalization, significant changes have made in politics, economics, culture, and communications around the world in the past few decades.
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Education Development sentence examples within h 20 19
ir a t 0 :2 4 IR S T o n S at ur da y N ov em be r 9t h 20 19 Relationship between Characteristics of a Good Teacher and Academic Engagement 54 Journal of Medical Education Development, Vol 12, No 33 Spring, 2019 Introduction Academic Engagement is of interest to scholars and teachers as an academic predictor of learning outcomes such as dropout or graduation (2), and learning and academic achievement (3) because of its comprehensiveness in describing students’ motives and learning in educational centers (1).
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ir a t 6 :0 1 IR S T o n S at ur da y O ct ob er 1 9t h 20 19 Students' Perceptions of Quality of Educational Services 104 Journal of Medical Education Development, Vol 12, No 33 Spring, 2019 Introduction Higher education is an important institution, which educates and supplies human resources and is the main pillar in the comprehensive development of every country.
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Education Development sentence examples within high quality vocational
It is a significant innovation to promote high-quality vocational education development and enhance the influence of national vocational education.
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This thesis firstly analysed the development background of high-quality vocational colleges, secondly demonstrated the important role high-quality vocational colleges played in education development combined with “the Belt and Road Initiatives”, thirdly this thesis introduced the predicament of Computer English teaching and necessity of international Computer English teaching reform in order to explore the path of the Computer English curriculum reform combining with the era background and development of high-quality in higher vocational colleges.
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Education Development sentence examples within evaluation index system
First of all, according to the theory and hypothesis, the comprehensive evaluation index system of higher education development level is established.
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Education Development sentence examples within Higher Education Development
According to the collected data and the current higher education system of various countries, a perfect evaluation index system of higher education development health level is established, which is divided into five levels: higher education foundation, higher education investment; higher education process, higher education development performance and social development foundation, including 37 sub-indicators.
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Education Development sentence examples within Basic Education Development
An analysis of the condition of education in Brazil has been carried out, since 2007, along with the formation of the Basic Education Development Index IDEB in schools and proposing the intention to understand and monitor the growth of basic education, Simultaneously, the scientific inquiry has been expanded to include educational aptitude indicators.
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Educational inequality, quality of teachers, and deficiencies in educational investments are the major restrictions on basic education development in Gansu Province.
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Education Development sentence examples within Medical Education Development
previously conducted a review of medical education developments in response to COVID-19; however, the field has rapidly evolved in the ensuing months.
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Conclusion: The performance of the study group is based on some factors such as the relationship between the Medical Education Development Center and the Medical Education Department and their knowledge of accountability principles and criteria, and the knowledge and application of teaching, assessment, and evaluation methods as well as the knowledge of accountable education.
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Education Development sentence examples within Malaysian Education Development
Therefore, it was proposed that the principal’s leadership needs to adopt the Transformational leadership, Transactional leadership, and Laissez-faire leadership as a guide in managing the school’s climate, especially in ensuring the teacher’s commitments, and the Student Academic Achievements, which can be further enhanced in line with the Malaysian Education Quality Standards 2010 (SKPM), and the Malaysian Education Development Plan 2013 -2025.
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This pressure is aimed to both public and private universities in accordance with the third mission of the Malaysian Education Development Plan 2015–2025 and ranking agencies by effectively engaging with the community and business, generating income in the process of tackling fundraising.
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Education Development sentence examples within National Education Development
To do this, we have reviewed the monitoring process carried out by the National Education Development Fund (FNDE) during the Proinfância program.
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The “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for National Education Development” encourages teachers to use information technology to improve teaching levels, innovate teaching models, use flipped classrooms, mixed teaching and other methods to make good use of high-quality digital resources, and form an organic combination of online and offline learning.
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Education Development sentence examples within Vocational Education Development
September 17 – 20, 2020 in Surakarta, Indonesia organized by Center of Vocational Education Development Universitas Sebelas Maret in cooperation with the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Sebelas Maret Theme: “Driving Engineering and Vocational Education to Address Future Challenges in a Smart Environment” The Annual Engineering and Vocational Education aims to encourage and foster discussions among educators, practitioners, policy makers, and those who are interested in engineering education as well as technical vocational education and training (TVET) as well as provide an avenue to share best practices, teaching experiences, and policies to increase student engagement and achievement in engineering education and TVET List of Organizing Committee and Scientific Committee are available in this pdf.
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In this paper, taking light rail training of Shenzhen Metro in Ethiopia as an example, an analysis is made on the problems in the current vocational education development of Africa and the practice and innovation in this training.
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Education Development sentence examples within Character Education Development
This research is a field research and the method of collecting data is observation to observe the character education development model, interviews by asking questions to the asatidz, administrators and students about the character education development model, and the problems faced during implementation and documentation.
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The research results on the integration model of character education development developed at the University of Muhammadiyah Makassar are integrated with moral integrations, namely knowing, feeling, sinverbal, action, habitus, and culture (KFSAHC) to prevent violations of character values.
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Education Development sentence examples within Inclusive Education Development
In the article, the essence of such notions as “inclusive education”, “inclusive education environment”, “inclusive resource center”, “a person with special education needs” is disclosed; the main stages in inclusive education development and formation in the word practices are given; the legal framework for inclusive education in Ukraine is considered as well as conditions in terms of which a higher education institution obtains the inclusive status; considerable changes in the regulative -legal framework concerning inclusive education environment improvement at higher education institutions (HEI) in recent period are determined; focused on that a necessary precondition for efficient forming of inclusive environment at a HEI is improvement of theoretical and methodological foundation of inclusive education, raising the training level of the teaching personnel who are to work with persons with special education needs, their material, technical, digital, and methodological support.
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The author’s periodization that describes the phases in the inclusive education development in the USA is presented.
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Education Development sentence examples within Distance Education Development
The urgency of the problem of distance education development is caused by the fact that in modern conditions the requirements for specialists are radically changing.
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This article considers the perspective of the key social actors (students, teachers and university management) regarding distance education development in Russia.
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Education Development sentence examples within Engineering Education Development
This conference was sponsored by ASEAN Universiti Network/Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-NET) under the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Technical Cooperation Project.
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The conference was co-organized by the Mechanical Engineering Department of De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines and the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia, through funding and technical support from the ASEAN University Network / Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
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Education Development sentence examples within Pedagogical Education Development
The article deals with the conceptual framework and areas for choreographic and pedagogical education development in Ukraine.
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As for these psychological and pedagogical conditions, we would like to refer to the concept of pedagogical education development approved at Southern Federal University; the strategy of preparing Masters in the direction “Pedagogical Education”; the stakeholderfocused model of Masters’ preparation.
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Education Development sentence examples within Knowledge Education Development
A detailed analysis was performed as part of the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development co-financed by the European Social Fund.
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00-00-z082/18 co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund under the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development 2014–2020.
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Education Development sentence examples within General Education Development
The majority were female (66%); African American (77%); single, divorced, or widowed (72%); educated below the General Education Development level (57%), and had a FL (67%).
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The General Education Development (GED) certificate is recognized as a credible alternative to a high school diploma in the US.
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Education Development sentence examples within Teacher Education Development
Also, I highlight several unresolved issues in teacher training and put forward some suggestions for the next stage of teacher education development.
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The study offers practical recommendations for teachers and teacher education development by which to further develop educators’ skills, in response to skill preparation for students in the fast-changing study and working environment demands.
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Education Development sentence examples within Malaysium Education Development
The Malaysia Education Development Plan 2013-2025 focuses on empowering school principal leadership as the main platform for developing school excellence.
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’ The findings will effectively assist the process of promoting a positive school learning climate among the principals and teachers of secondary schools in Malaysia in the wake of meeting the goals of National Philosophy of Education, Vision 2020 and the aspirations of the Malaysia Education Development Plan 2013-2025 in the era of IR 4.
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Education Development sentence examples within Open Education Development
After a decade of MOOC and open education development there is an abundance of available online content.
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Solving requirements means to create an improved open (computer-based) environment with advanced computer facilities of educational institutions, laboratories, libraries; updating methodological support, pedagogical technologies and the content of distance and e-learning based on the use of ICT; introducing new forms and methods of organizing the education process; introducing open educational systems; using the method of forming information and communication competences in scientific and pedagogical workers, methods for evaluating the quality of open electronic systems and free access to open educational resources; as well as to study the condition, trends and monitoring of open education development.
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Education Development sentence examples within Preschool Education Development
The significance of this study lies in the formulation of the problem of language education of small languages and cultures of the peoples of the North, Siberia, and the Far East in preschool education and finding the ways of preschool education development in modern conditions.
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The article discusses the urgent problem of the education system - the preschool education development in the context of digitalization.
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Education Development sentence examples within Future Education Development
Innovation and entrepreneurship have changed various fields, and the integration with English education will become an important direction for future education development.
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Big data in education plays a pivotal role in university course learning at present, and it is also the trend of future education development.
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Education Development sentence examples within Medium Education Development
The specific needs and priorities of media education development have been determined in regard to the European values implying counteracting information threats from external sources.
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Analysis of scientific monographs, articles and Internet resources allows to conclude that there is no single concept of mass media education development in the CIS countries.
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Education Development sentence examples within Primary Education Development
This article analyzes new systems of primary education development in the process of higher pedagogical education.
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The paper argues that much as policy reforms on primary education development that were made during the colonial times were criticized because colonial education was seen as alien, Ugandanisation of education after independence and the reforms by the successive governments did not change the sector so much.
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Education Development sentence examples within Design Education Development
Next, the study explores Taiwan’s design education development which transforms from adopting STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) to STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics) in secondary school, and understands how it overcomes challenges by the help of both public and private sectors.
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This paper aims to investigate the significance of trend forecasting incorporated in the design education development process, and to set a practical guidance to educators to create a culture of anticipatory progress in learning, teaching and assessment that is completely aligned with the strategic objectives.
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Education Development sentence examples within International Education Development
As the core of the accumulation of educational resources in Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao, the current situation, future opportunities, and development path of international education development in the Greater Bay Area while building a world-class international education center have become the starting point of this study.
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However, beginning the 1970s such courses were less frequently offered, while graduate courses and programs in comparative and international education continued to grow in number, attracting future professors of comparative education as well as international education practitioners (researchers/evaluators, international education development professionals, and foreign exchange and study abroad administrators).
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Education Development sentence examples within Global Education Development
In this paper, we as the teachers and researchers of a course titled Global education development informed by theories of decoloniality, report on our analysis of our self-critical and constructive.
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PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to compare two UNESCO reports on educational development in Cambodia, one from 1955 and the other from 2010, in order to understand how the global education development agenda has impacted shadow education.
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Education Development sentence examples within Physical Education Development
One of the interesting points of the study is the comparison of Kenya's educational values with those of Malaysia or Africa, and also specifically mapping the physical education development of Kenya.
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The data obtained were then compiled and analyzed using the sport and physical education development index for the fitness index.
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Education Development sentence examples within Sustainable Education Development
The paper considers the consequences of the pandemic impact that hinder the sustainable education development.
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This research is aimed to reveal authentic experiences of school students assuming responsibility for learning, emphasizing prospects of sustainable education development in practice and possibilities for improvement by employing the strategy of participatory action research.
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Education Development sentence examples within Secondary Education Development