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Education Community sentence examples within science teacher education
The purpose of this paper is to describe pre- and in-service science teacher education and science education research in Indonesia in an effort to better inform the international science education community about historical developments and present challenges.
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As the title of this editorial makes explicit, we see JSTE playing a critical role for the science teacher education community, especially members of the Associate for Science Teacher Education (ASTE), by serving as a forum for engaging in knowledge and discourse in science teacher education, equity and justice-oriented-focused science teacher education, and a medium for the professional learning for science teacher education scholars.
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Education Community sentence examples within Higher Education Community
While some in the higher education community have used anecdotal evidence to argue that Black students were attending historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) because of the broader racial climate due to Donald Trump’s rise as a political figure, few studies have provided empirical evidence to support this notion.
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Reflecting on these papers, together with a suite of other challenges faced by the higher education community, presents an opportunity to consider the new skill sets that will be required and which theoretical frameworks will drive the forthcoming research agenda.
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Education Community sentence examples within Medical Education Community
In this Foreword, we highlight key concepts presented in this supplement for consideration and action as the medical education community more broadly implements EPAs, fills remaining gaps with continued EPA-based research, and develops the vision and agenda for the next decade of CBME advancement.
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The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 exposed the reactive nature of the medical education community in response to a disruption that, at one time, may have seemed preposterous.
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Education Community sentence examples within Science Education Community
Argumentation has received a significant amount of attention from the science education community.
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LEADS and LEADING have made appreciable collaborative, interdisciplinary contributions to the data science education community; these projects comprise an essential part of the long‐awaited and much‐needed national digital platform.
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Education Community sentence examples within Mathematics Education Community
Problem solving and problem posing have long been of interest to the mathematics education community.
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Nonetheless, what should be our expectation in procedural fluency, for example, in finding the product of 25 and 37 among fifth grade students? Collectively, has the mathematics education community emphasized the value of conceptual understanding to the detriment of procedural fluency? In addition to examining these questions, we survey multiplication algorithms throughout history and in textbooks and reconceptualize the standard multiplication algorithm by using a new tool called the Multiplication Aid Template.
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Education Community sentence examples within Engineering Education Community
Given the growth of the engineering education community in Canada, we argue that a research agendathat reflects our own identity and interests is needed.
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In response to these experiences, we sought support from others within our institutional context and among the engineering education community.
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Education Community sentence examples within Computing Education Community
Such efforts offer both the benefit of improving our own teaching experiences and contributing to the broader computing education community.
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Now, ten years after the publication of the FCS1 assessment and five years after the release of the SCS1 assessment, we can trace the use and the impact that these validated instruments have had on the needs and knowledge of the computing education community.
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Education Community sentence examples within Cs Education Community
There are three annual awards SIGCSE bestows on its best and brightest, highlighting outstanding contributions to CS education, lifetime service to the CS education community, and a paper that has had "meaningful impact on computing education practice and research" that has stood the test of time.
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Education Community sentence examples within International Education Community
The continuous promotion of e-teaching materials in the international education community prompted the Chinese government to incorporate the use of e-teaching materials in its educational system in 2010.
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However, with the issuance of what is commonly known as the Travel Bans, fears emerged from the international education community of the Travel Bans affecting international student recruitment and enrollment.
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Education Community sentence examples within Teacher Education Community
Learning to teach and developing professionally in this climate brings new challenges, so the fact that the teacher education community has risen to this with extraordinary agility, adaptability and inventiveness is a clear testimony to their heroism.
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This in turn provides the global teacher education community with fresh perspectives on the evolving nature of teacher education and mitigates against a self-centric worldview.
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Education Community sentence examples within Stem Education Community
Since, the 1st International Annual Meeting on STEM education (IAMSTEM) 2018 was organized based on seed funding of Thailand Ministry of Education and Khon Kaen University with aiming to bring STEM education researchers and teachers together for building up STEM education community.
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This study sheds light on the importance of creating a shared conception of STEM education in order to have productive conversations across various stakeholders within the STEM education community.
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Education Community sentence examples within Open Education Community
Education Community sentence examples within Profession Education Community
Education Community sentence examples within Nursing Education Community
Nurse educators require information literacy (IL) to use evidence-based practices to design, develop, deliver, and evaluate education; to participate in research and scholarship of teaching and learning; and to disseminate new practices and evidence to the nursing education community.
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The study findings provide useful information for the nursing education community to better address the issue of nursing PhD shortage.
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Education Community sentence examples within Dental Education Community
In conclusion, the worldwide dental education community faced unprecedented challenges due to the onset of COVID-19.
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Conclusion: The authors strongly encourage the dental education community to again reconsider establishment of a minimum core of behavioral sciences and business courses as prerequisites in predoctoral dental education.
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Education Community sentence examples within Cybersecurity Education Community
Education Community sentence examples within Biology Education Community
In addition, as the chapters in this book show, there are some reasons for optimism as the biology education community is gradually building up a corpus of knowledge about what works well when teaching specific aspects of evolution.
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Dear Editor, We bring to the attention of the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education community the 3D-model capabilities of Windows 10 that, combined with newly released features in Office 365, has the potential to enhance pedagogical methods of primary, secondary-school, and undergraduate students.
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Education Community sentence examples within History Education Community
There is an increased interest within the history education community in introducing students to the multi-perspective and interpretative nature of history.
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Despite some pioneering studies, mixed-methods research approaches are uncommon in the German history education community, in contrast to the general increase in mixed-methods research in the educational and social sciences.
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Education Community sentence examples within Marketing Education Community
Education Community sentence examples within Legal Education Community
This paper alerts the legal profession and legal education community to take heed of these developments and become active contributors in shaping these justice innovations.
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This line of inquiry can potentially assist the clinical legal education community to reflect about the reasons for choosing particular tools for reflective practice in our clinical programs.
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Education Community sentence examples within Entire Education Community
The new front was clear, in a few days the entire education community had to adapt to the new environment, developing and creating new plans to provide teaching through different electronic platforms and software.
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The entire education community shared a common vision and sense of responsibility for improving the quality of teaching, especially for literacy and numeracy programs in Government pre- and lower primary classrooms.
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Education Community sentence examples within Literacy Education Community
This platform presents, on an equal footing, approaches and methods from academic research as well as from the literacy education community engaged with people with limited literacy skills.
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Purpose: This study aims to find out how the management of ICT education in the Regional Public Library (PUSDA) of Sumedang Regency, West Java, as an effort for digital literacy education community.
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Education Community sentence examples within Special Education Community
The special education community has now formulated an ambitious practice-based vision for professional preparation, and advocates will find our narratives to be a mix of cautionary tales and cause for optimism.
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News of teenager’s death in California shocked the special education community in early December 2018.
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Education Community sentence examples within Music Education Community
This work presents an approach to the perceptions of students and teachers from an undergraduate music education community in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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The question guiding this study was as follows: In what ways can one transgender music education student’s lived experiences and identity development inform discourse in the music education community? A semistructured interview protocol was used, with approximately 14 weekly one-on-one meetings with the student.
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Education Community sentence examples within Scientific Education Community
But the messages are confusing, and in an age of ‘alternative facts’ and ‘fake news’ the onus is on the scientific education community to make the complex understandable.
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Therefore, considering the small number of works that explore this conception, a promising path can be achieved by broadening their contributions, in order to point out the proficuity of their ideas to the Brazilian scientific education community.
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Education Community sentence examples within Home Education Community
The presence of the Aceh Home Education community is to minimize this condition, by inviting parents, especially fathers, to return to their function as the main educators in the family.
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Given the emphasis that educators, policy makers and researchers have placed upon the arts as an important element in a holistic education, the ways in which the growing home education community are facilitating arts learning warrants consideration.
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Education Community sentence examples within Surgical Education Community
Education Community sentence examples within Global Education Community
Although online learning is seen as an alternative, the COVID-19pandemic has led the global education community to identify it as the best way to continue the educational process.
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The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) was among the first medical institutions to establish a global education community which now provides high-quality transnational health professions education aligned across three locations: Europe, the Middle East and South-East Asia.
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Education Community sentence examples within Chemistry Education Community
Here, we conceptualize student organizations participating in chemistry outreach as a community of practice (CoP) with the goal of expanding the chemistry education community's knowledge of this CoP.
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Previous work situated in university-level mathematics and physics involves considerations and concerns shared by the chemistry education community, such as integrating conceptual and mathematical reasoning during problem solving.
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Education Community sentence examples within Wider Education Community
We believe our open curriculum is a valuable resource to the wider education community and hope that educators will use and improve our lessons, practice problems, and teaching best practices.
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While the study of practice is first and foremost for our current and future teacher candidates, teacher educators’ research into practice is also aimed at improvement in the wider education community.
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Education Community sentence examples within Hcus Education Community