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Education Community sentence examples within science teacher education

Science education in Indonesia: past, present, and future

JSTE as a Forum for Engaging in Knowledge Generation and Discourses in Science Teacher Education, Equity and Justice-Focused Science Teacher Education, and Professional Learning for Science Teacher Education Scholars

Education Community sentence examples within Higher Education Community

“Where I Can Breathe”: Examining the Impact of the Current Racial Climate on Black Students’ Choice to Attend Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Open voices on COVID-19: covid challenges and opportunities driving the research agenda

Education Community sentence examples within Medical Education Community

Entrustable Professional Activities: Reflecting on Where We Are to Define a Path for the Next Decade.

Harnessing the Potential Futures of CBME Here and Now.

Education Community sentence examples within Science Education Community

Blending Creative Drama and Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning for Socioscientific Argumentation

LEADING the Way: A New Model for Data Science Education

Education Community sentence examples within Mathematics Education Community

Empirical research on problem solving and problem posing: a look at the state of the art

Where’s the Procedural Fluency?: U.S. Fifth Graders’ Demonstration of the Standard Multiplication Algorithm

Education Community sentence examples within Engineering Education Community


Early Career Faculty Transitions: Negotiating Legitimacy and Seeking Support in Engineering Education

Education Community sentence examples within Computing Education Community

The Synergistic Cycle of Teaching and Computing Education Research

Uses, Revisions, and the Future of Validated Assessments in Computing Education: A Case Study of the FCS1 and SCS1

Education Community sentence examples within Cs Education Community

SIGCSE 2021 award winners

Dive into Systems: A Free, Online Textbook for Introducing Computer Systems

Education Community sentence examples within International Education Community

Textbook Digitization: A Case Study of English Textbooks in China

Interest Convergence and the Commodification of International Students and Scholars in the United States

Education Community sentence examples within Teacher Education Community

The heroism of teachers: agility and adaptability through professional education

Introduction to the Special Issue: International Approaches in Teacher Education

Education Community sentence examples within Stem Education Community

The 2nd International Annual Meeting on STEM education (IAMSTEM 2019)

Creating a continuum of STEM models: Exploring how K-12 science teachers conceptualize STEM education

Education Community sentence examples within Open Education Community

Taking OER to the LIS: Designing and Developing an Open Education Course for Library Science Students

Leveraging Cataloging and Collection Development Expertise to Improve OER Discovery

Education Community sentence examples within Profession Education Community

When disruption strikes the curriculum: Towards a crisis-curriculum analysis framework

Understanding faculty development as capacity development: A case study from South Africa

Education Community sentence examples within Nursing Education Community

Enhancing the Relevance and Use of Information Literacy in Future Nurse Educators.

Completion and attrition of nursing PhD students of the 2001 to 2010 matriculating cohorts.

Education Community sentence examples within Dental Education Community

Rapid transition to distance learning due to COVID-19: Perceptions of postgraduate dental learners and instructors

Prerequisites in Behavioral Sciences and Business Revisited a Decade Later: Ongoing Opportunities for Dental Education

Education Community sentence examples within Cybersecurity Education Community

viCyber: An Intelligent Curriculum Design Tool for Cybersecurity Education

Curricular Foundations for Cybersecurity

Education Community sentence examples within Biology Education Community

What Now for Evolution Education

“Seeing is Believing.” Enhancing student engagement with dynamic protein‐model visualization.

Education Community sentence examples within History Education Community

Collaborative, Multi-perspective Historical Writing: The Explanatory Power of a Dialogical Framework

The untapped potential of mixed-methods research approaches for German history education research

Education Community sentence examples within Marketing Education Community



Education Community sentence examples within Legal Education Community

What Dinosaurs Can Teach Lawyers About How to Avoid Extinction in the ODR Evolution

Reflective Practice: Connecting Assessment and Socio-Legal Research in Clinical Legal Education

Education Community sentence examples within Entire Education Community

Tourism Education During the Pandemic

Quality of Life Through Capacity Development in Junior Primary Teacher Education

Education Community sentence examples within Literacy Education Community

Equity and inclusivity in research: co-creation of a digital platform with representatives of marginalized populations to enhance the involvement in research of people with limited literacy skills

Training Of Information Technology In West Java Sumedang-Regional Library As An Effort On Digital Literacy Education

Education Community sentence examples within Special Education Community

Sharing a Vision, Sharing Practices: How Communities of Educators Improve Teaching

Seclusion and Restraint of Students With Disabilities: A 1-Year Legal Review

Education Community sentence examples within Music Education Community

Nuevas sonoridades en la educación musical: Voces universitarias ante la pandemia COVID-19

Perspectives of a Transgender Music Education Student

Education Community sentence examples within Scientific Education Community

The future of biological education: the need to communicate what is important whilst also seeking optimal distinctiveness


Education Community sentence examples within Home Education Community

Peran Ayah dalam Pembinaan Karakter Anak Kajian terhadap Pola Asuh di Komunitas Home Education Aceh

The challenges of facilitating arts learning in home education

Education Community sentence examples within Surgical Education Community

Transforming Surgical Education through a Resident Robotic Curriculum

The business of educating the next generation of surgeons.

Education Community sentence examples within Global Education Community

Online Learning, Educational Neuroscience and Knowledge Transformation Opportunities for Secondary Education Students

Academic staff perspectives on delivering a shared undergraduate medical module on three transnational campuses: Practical considerations and lessons learned

Education Community sentence examples within Chemistry Education Community

An all-female graduate student organization participating in chemistry outreach: a case study characterizing leadership in the community of practice

Chemistry and Mathematics: Research and Frameworks To Explore Student Reasoning

Education Community sentence examples within Wider Education Community

Teaching Python for Data Science: Collaborative development of a modular & interactive curriculum

Ethical Issues in Reporting on Teacher Candidate Perspectives in a Cultural Diversity Course: Increasing Trustworthiness, Protecting Participants, and Improving Practice

Education Community sentence examples within Hcus Education Community