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Dynamics Reflect sentence examples within Temporal Dynamics Reflect

Understanding species distribution in dynamic populations: a new approach using spatio‐temporal point process models

Temporal-specific complexity of spiking patterns in spontaneous activity induced by a dual complex network structure

Dynamics Reflect sentence examples within These Dynamics Reflect

The Four Axes of Palermo’s Commerce: a Geographical Perspective

Contracting for sex in the Pacific War

Dynamics Reflect sentence examples within Brain Dynamics Reflect

Atypical intrinsic neural timescale in autism

Multiscale Entropy Analysis for Recognition of Visually Elicited Negative Stress From EEG Recordings

Dynamics Reflect sentence examples within Network Dynamics Reflect

COVID-19 lockdown has altered the dynamics between affective symptoms and social isolation among older adults: results from a longitudinal network analysis

COVID-19 lockdown has altered the dynamics among affective symptoms and social isolation among older adults: results from a longitudinal network analysis

Dynamics Reflect sentence examples within It Dynamics Reflect

Distributed context-dependent choice information in mouse dorsal-parietal cortex

Distributed context-dependent choice information in mouse dorsal-parietal cortex

Dynamics Reflect sentence examples within dynamics reflect initial

Matching the forecast horizon with the relevant ecological processes

Matching the forecast horizon with the relevant spatial and temporal processes and data sources

Prognostic impact of echocardiographic mean transvalvular gradients in patients with aortic stenosis and low flow undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation.

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PPARG in osteocytes controls sclerostin expression, bone mass, marrow adiposity and mediates TZD-induced bone loss.

Exergy Analysis of a Bio-System: Soil–Plant Interaction

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Design Education. University-industry collaboration, a case study

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A change in the zinc ion concentration reflects the maturation of insulin-producing cells generated from adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells

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Dynamics of Dicyanamide in Ionic Liquids is Dominated by Local Interactions

Effect of size disparity on the structure and dynamics of the small component in concentrated binary colloidal mixtures.

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How Solutes Modify the Thermodynamics and Dynamics of Filling and Emptying in Extreme Ink-Bottle Pores.

Neuronal Origin of the Temporal Dynamics of Spontaneous BOLD Activity Correlation

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Dynamics Reflect