Introduction to Distinct Motor
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Distinct Motor sentence examples within Two Distinct Motor
The heterotrimeric kinesin-2 consists of two distinct motor subunits and an accessory protein, KAP, which binds to the coiled-coil stalk domains and one of the tail domains of the motor subunits.
The heterotrimeric kinesin-2 consists of two distinct motor subunits and an accessory protein, KAP, which binds to the coiled-coil stalk domains and one of the tail domains of the motor subunits.
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Exploratory flies display two distinct motor contexts, characterized by low speed and fast rotations, or by high speed and slow rotations, respectively.
Exploratory flies display two distinct motor contexts, characterized by low speed and fast rotations, or by high speed and slow rotations, respectively.
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Distinct Motor sentence examples within Three Distinct Motor
In conclusion, we have identified three distinct motor patterns that can occur concurrently in the isolated guinea pig distal colon.
In conclusion, we have identified three distinct motor patterns that can occur concurrently in the isolated guinea pig distal colon.
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There are at least three distinct motor subtypes of delirium: hypoactive (decreased movement), hyperactive (increased movement and at times agitation) and mixed (features of both).
There are at least three distinct motor subtypes of delirium: hypoactive (decreased movement), hyperactive (increased movement and at times agitation) and mixed (features of both).
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Distinct Motor sentence examples within distinct motor unit
EMG data were decomposed using custom software into constituent motor unit trains and each distinct motor unit was analyzed for firing rate and amplitude.
EMG data were decomposed using custom software into constituent motor unit trains and each distinct motor unit was analyzed for firing rate and amplitude.
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EMG data were decomposed using custom software into constituent motor unit trains and each distinct motor unit was analyzed for firing rate and amplitude.
EMG data were decomposed using custom software into constituent motor unit trains and each distinct motor unit was analyzed for firing rate and amplitude.
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Distinct Motor sentence examples within distinct motor phenotype
More Distinct Motor sentence examples
The current findings indicated that Fbs expressed the distinct motor and sensory phenotypes involved in different patterns of gene expression, biological processes, and effects on SCs.
The current findings indicated that Fbs expressed the distinct motor and sensory phenotypes involved in different patterns of gene expression, biological processes, and effects on SCs.
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More Distinct Motor sentence examples
The paper presents the development and a series of field tests of a new robot game platform, which is envisioned to level the playing field for users with distinct motor and cognitive capacities by adapting the robots to their abilities.
The paper presents the development and a series of field tests of a new robot game platform, which is envisioned to level the playing field for users with distinct motor and cognitive capacities by adapting the robots to their abilities.
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Keywords related to Distinct
Distinct Pattern
Distinct Types
Distinct Properties
Distinct Sets
Distinct Subtype
Distinct Killer
Distinct Microbial
Distinct Supramolecular
Distinct Chronic
Distinct Light
Distinct Requirements
Distinct Psychosis
Distinct Generation
Distinct Serum
Distinct Functions
Distinct Retinal
Distinct Auditory
Distinct Expression
Distinct Sars Cov 2
Distinct Mouse
Distinct Response
Distinct Reactivities
Distinct Spatial
Distinct Gene
Distinct Methods
Distinct Strains
Distinct Lineage
Distinct Conformational
Distinct Immunological
Distinct Mutational
Distinct Programs
Distinct Modulation
Distinct Biomarker
Distinct Disease
Distinct Effects
Distinct Dynamic
Distinct Transcriptome
Distinct Neuron
Distinct Temporal
Distinct Interaction
Distinct Morphology
Distinct Sensitivity
Distinct Environments
Distinct Subclass
Distinct Regions
Distinct Lh
Distinct Alterations
Distinct Community
Distinct Impacts
Distinct Subpopulations
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Keywords related to Motor
Canned Motor
Spherical Motor
Torque Motor
Coil Motor
Flywheel Motor
Special Motor
Vagal Motor
Affects Motor
Mediating Motor
Specialized Motor
Tubular Motor
Improve Motor
Vehicle Motor
Servis Motor
Basic Motor
Poor Motor
Kinesthetic Motor
Long Term Motor
Desarrollo Motor
Testing Motor
Low Motor
Causes Motor
Decoding Motor
Ameliorates Motor
Private Motor
Childrens Motor
Flagellar Motor
Presenting Motor
Two Motor
Implicit Motor
Transcranial Motor
Scale Motor
Underlying Motor
Preserves Motor
Dc Motor
Direct Current Motor
Early Motor
Piston Motor
Class Motor
Pada Motor
Protect Motor
Altered Motor
Switching Motor
Slow Motor
Upper Limb Motor
Survival Motor
Toroidal Motor
Dorsal Motor
Synchronous Motor
Experiencing Motor
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Distinct Motor