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Distinct Motor sentence examples within Two Distinct Motor

Kinesin associated protein, DmKAP, binding harnesses the C-terminal ends of the Drosophila kinesin-2 stalk heterodimer.

Motor context coordinates visually guided walking in Drosophila

Distinct Motor sentence examples within Three Distinct Motor

Identification of multiple distinct neurogenic motor patterns that can occur simultaneously in the guinea pig distal colon.

Delirium in the ICU

Distinct Motor sentence examples within distinct motor unit

Quantitative electrodiagnostic patterns of damage and recovery after spinal cord injury: a pilot study

Quantitative electrodiagnostic patterns of damage and recovery after spinal cord injury: a pilot study.

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Distinct Motor sentence examples within distinct motor phenotype

Essential role of the mouse synapse associated protein Syap1 in circuits for spontaneous motor activity and rotarod balance

An essential role of the mouse synapse-associated protein Syap1 in circuits for spontaneous motor activity and rotarod balance

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Differential Gene Expression in Primary Cultured Sensory and Motor Nerve Fibroblasts

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Co-Designing and Field-Testing Adaptable Robots for Triggering Positive Social Interactions for Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy

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Distinct Motor