Introduction to Dilute Gas
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Dilute Gas sentence examples within dilute gas condition
In particular, measurements show the non-ideal dependence of the pressure ratio across the shock on stagnation conditions in addition to the well-known dependence on the pre-shock Mach number, specific heat ratio and flow deviation angle typical of dilute gas conditions.
In particular, measurements show the non-ideal dependence of the pressure ratio across the shock on stagnation conditions in addition to the well-known dependence on the pre-shock Mach number, specific heat ratio and flow deviation angle typical of dilute gas conditions.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
We consider a dilute gas of bosons with repulsive contact interactions, described on the mean-field level by the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, and bounded by an impenetrable "hard" wall (either rigid or flexible).
We consider a dilute gas of bosons with repulsive contact interactions, described on the mean-field level by the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, and bounded by an impenetrable "hard" wall (either rigid or flexible).
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
The model was based on the two-fluid theory considering momentum, heat, and mass transfer between the solid and gas phases for a dilute gas–solid suspension flow and for which solid interactions were neglected.
The model was based on the two-fluid theory considering momentum, heat, and mass transfer between the solid and gas phases for a dilute gas–solid suspension flow and for which solid interactions were neglected.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
By controlling the external magnetic fields the transitions from a dilute gas of free anyons to various collective states of interacting ones are observed.
By controlling the external magnetic fields the transitions from a dilute gas of free anyons to various collective states of interacting ones are observed.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
On the contrary, recently it has been claimed that the ground state of $^{12}$C is also well described by a nonlocalized cluster model without any of the geometrical configurations originally proposed to explain the dilute gas-like Hoyle state, which is now considered to be a Bose-Einstein condensate of $\alpha$ clusters.
On the contrary, recently it has been claimed that the ground state of $^{12}$C is also well described by a nonlocalized cluster model without any of the geometrical configurations originally proposed to explain the dilute gas-like Hoyle state, which is now considered to be a Bose-Einstein condensate of $\alpha$ clusters.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
The Boltzmann equation is the fundamental equation for dilute gases, while the Navier–Stokes (NS) equations are used for the description of continuum flow at $$\mathrm {Kn}_\mathrm{p}\le 10^{-3}$$Knp≤10-3.
The Boltzmann equation is the fundamental equation for dilute gases, while the Navier–Stokes (NS) equations are used for the description of continuum flow at $$\mathrm {Kn}_\mathrm{p}\le 10^{-3}$$Knp≤10-3.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
The expression of the chemical potential for dilute gases is also shown.
The expression of the chemical potential for dilute gases is also shown.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
While the nature of topological fluctuations in the confined phase is still unsettled, at temperatures well above that for the chiral phase transition, they can be described by a dilute gas of instantons.
While the nature of topological fluctuations in the confined phase is still unsettled, at temperatures well above that for the chiral phase transition, they can be described by a dilute gas of instantons.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
In this article, we examine the effect of a transpiration interface on these correlations—specifically, we consider a dilute gas in a domain bisected by the interface.
In this article, we examine the effect of a transpiration interface on these correlations—specifically, we consider a dilute gas in a domain bisected by the interface.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
Semiconductor photocatalytic technology has great potential for the removal of dilute gaseous NO in indoor and outdoor atmospheres but suffers from unsatisfactory NO-removal selectivity due to undesirable NO2 byproduct generation.
Semiconductor photocatalytic technology has great potential for the removal of dilute gaseous NO in indoor and outdoor atmospheres but suffers from unsatisfactory NO-removal selectivity due to undesirable NO2 byproduct generation.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
Heat transfers in dilute gas-particle mixtures are often modeled using hybrid Euler–Lagrange descriptions, treating the carrier fluid via an Eulerian representation and following each particle in a Lagrangian framework.
Heat transfers in dilute gas-particle mixtures are often modeled using hybrid Euler–Lagrange descriptions, treating the carrier fluid via an Eulerian representation and following each particle in a Lagrangian framework.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
Current codes assume that gas behaves as a dilute gas, but the pressure effect is more pronounced at temperatures lower than ten times the critical temperature of each pure gas.
Current codes assume that gas behaves as a dilute gas, but the pressure effect is more pronounced at temperatures lower than ten times the critical temperature of each pure gas.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
In particular, by analyzing eigenmodes of the staggerd and overlap Dirac operator we show that the dilute gas of calorons in the high temperature phase is very unlikely to play a major role in localization.
In particular, by analyzing eigenmodes of the staggerd and overlap Dirac operator we show that the dilute gas of calorons in the high temperature phase is very unlikely to play a major role in localization.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
While both of these tacks promise improvements in applications, such as remote sensing and directed energy, they open up fundamental issues regarding the standard model used to calculate the nonlinear optical properties of dilute gases.
While both of these tacks promise improvements in applications, such as remote sensing and directed energy, they open up fundamental issues regarding the standard model used to calculate the nonlinear optical properties of dilute gases.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
A Bose–Einstein condensate is the ground state of a dilute gas of bosons, such as atoms cooled to temperatures close to absolute zero1.
A Bose–Einstein condensate is the ground state of a dilute gas of bosons, such as atoms cooled to temperatures close to absolute zero1.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
The obvious failure of the classical second virial coefficient determined for dilute gas (g) phase to represent the actual predominance of repulsive collective interactions between particles in the so-called overheated v-phase (termed the interphase by CVL-methodology) needs the additional experimental and/or simulation confirmation.
The obvious failure of the classical second virial coefficient determined for dilute gas (g) phase to represent the actual predominance of repulsive collective interactions between particles in the so-called overheated v-phase (termed the interphase by CVL-methodology) needs the additional experimental and/or simulation confirmation.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
The Boltzmann equation is a fundamental kinetic equation that describes the dynamics of dilute gas.
The Boltzmann equation is a fundamental kinetic equation that describes the dynamics of dilute gas.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
On the one hand, the nanoconstriction is conceived as a dilute (degenerate) Fermi gas (relatively low electron concentrations are considered) and, on the other hand, non-dilute gas is considered.
On the one hand, the nanoconstriction is conceived as a dilute (degenerate) Fermi gas (relatively low electron concentrations are considered) and, on the other hand, non-dilute gas is considered.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
There are technical challenges to giving a description of the thermal equilibrium of a dilute gas of such solitons.
There are technical challenges to giving a description of the thermal equilibrium of a dilute gas of such solitons.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
Rosenfeld proposed two different scaling approaches to model the transport properties of fluids, separated by twenty-two years, one valid in the dilute gas, and another in the liquid phase.
Rosenfeld proposed two different scaling approaches to model the transport properties of fluids, separated by twenty-two years, one valid in the dilute gas, and another in the liquid phase.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
Recent experiments with rotational diffusion of a probe in a vibrated granular media revealed a rich scenario, ranging from a dilute gas to a dense liquid with cage effects and an unexpected superdiffusive behavior at large times.
Recent experiments with rotational diffusion of a probe in a vibrated granular media revealed a rich scenario, ranging from a dilute gas to a dense liquid with cage effects and an unexpected superdiffusive behavior at large times.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
Both for a more homogeneous gas and a very inhomogeneous gas containing both dense clumps and channels with low gas density, the ionized region in the dilute gas above the galactic plane can cease to be radiation-bounded, allowing the ionizing radiation to leak into the intergalactic medium.
Both for a more homogeneous gas and a very inhomogeneous gas containing both dense clumps and channels with low gas density, the ionized region in the dilute gas above the galactic plane can cease to be radiation-bounded, allowing the ionizing radiation to leak into the intergalactic medium.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
This paper explores the relationship between momentum accommodation of nanoparticles in dilute gases and surface adsorption.
This paper explores the relationship between momentum accommodation of nanoparticles in dilute gases and surface adsorption.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
Persimmon fruit are known to result in phytobezoars, a relation attributed to a soluble tannin called ‘Shibuol’, which forms a coagulum when the astringent unripe fruit comes into contact with dilute gastric acid.
Persimmon fruit are known to result in phytobezoars, a relation attributed to a soluble tannin called ‘Shibuol’, which forms a coagulum when the astringent unripe fruit comes into contact with dilute gastric acid.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
A method is proposed for the calculation of bulk viscosity, μ_{b}, of dilute gases using nonequilibrium molecular dynamics (NEMD) simulations.
A method is proposed for the calculation of bulk viscosity, μ_{b}, of dilute gases using nonequilibrium molecular dynamics (NEMD) simulations.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
In a dilute gas of triplet magnetoexcitons, complete thermalization does not occur because the energy and momentum cannot be conserved simultaneously.
In a dilute gas of triplet magnetoexcitons, complete thermalization does not occur because the energy and momentum cannot be conserved simultaneously.
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More Dilute Gas sentence examples
The airflow quality and the related mass flow rate in the ventilation system should be sufficient to dilute gases and remove dust inside the tunnel.
The airflow quality and the related mass flow rate in the ventilation system should be sufficient to dilute gases and remove dust inside the tunnel.
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Keywords related to Gas
Condensing Gas
Horizontal Gas
Mechanical Gas
Co2 Gas
Cyanide Gas
Mos Gas
No2 Gas
Helium Gas
Propellant Gas
Hypercapnic Gas
Axial Gas
Promising Gas
Decomposition Gas
Disk Gas
Solid Phase Microextraction Gas
H2 Gas
Solving Gas
Henry Gas
Direct Gas
Column Gas
Intercooled Gas
Reducing Gas
Low Gas
Spectroscopic Gas
Multiphase Gas
Vacuum Gas
Ar Gas
Cathode Gas
Polyethylene Gas
Two Gas
Condensate Gas
Total Gas
Generation Gas
Integrated Electricity Gas
Chlorine Gas
Carrier Gas
Within Gas
Concentration Gas
Liquefied Gas
Voc Gas
Granular Gas
Non Ideal Gas
Marine Gas
Real Time Gas
Fermi Gas
H2 Rich Gas
Resistive Gas
Initial Gas
Process Gas
Environmental Gas
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Dilute Gas