Introduction to Coupling Enhancement
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Coupling Enhancement sentence examples within Functional Coupling Enhancement
However, we also found evidence for a double dissociation, with anterior hippocampus and VTA showing distinct patterns of post-novelty functional coupling enhancements, targeting task-relevant regions versus large-scale networks, respectively.
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However, we also found evidence for a double dissociation, with anterior hippocampus and VTA showing distinct patterns of post-novelty functional coupling enhancements, targeting task-relevant regions versus large-scale networks, respectively.
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Coupling Enhancement sentence examples within coupling enhancement effect
A "signal-off" surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) platform has been constructed for ultrasensitive detection of miRNA-21 by integrating exonuclease-assisted target recycling amplification with plasmon coupling enhancement effect.
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Especially after uniform load of Au-Pt alloy nanoparticles, the photothermal aerobic oxidation activity was further enhanced due to their boosted synergistic local coupling enhancement effect between distinct components in the N, N-dimethylformamide solvent medium.
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5% without any light out-coupling enhancement.
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The coupling enhancement of double-arc electromagnetic field in LIDTW can effectively suppress keyhole backfill and increase the duty ratio of coupling discharge.
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The ferrite core plays an essential role in coupling enhancement and magnetic shielding for the wireless power transfer of electric vehicles.
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0%, without any light out-coupling enhancement, which is significantly higher than that of 5.
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2% without outcoupling enhancement through controlling the concentration of the precursor solutions.
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Based on the easy-loss defect of microbial in practical application and previous research on the coupling enhancement of Cr(VI) bioreduction by phosphorus minerals, Microbial-Phosphorus minerals-Alginate (MPA) immobilized particles were proposed and investigated in this study.
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A coupling enhancement (″1 + 1 > 2″) of photothermoelectric conversion is observed in the ZnO device.
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First of all, the delay lines are introduced between multiple coupled-line sections for coupling enhancement.
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The structure parameters' effects on the coupling enhancement of surface plasmons are examined, and the structure design guidelines are given.
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To expand the structural performance of the handshake-shaped unit, an annular line for coupling enhancement is added inside the U-shaped structure to form an integrally coupled annular unit structure.
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6%, respectively, without any out-coupling enhancements.
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We demonstrate that the radiation pressure dominates the coupling enhancement of photonic and phononic modes because of the slot, whereas the electrostrictive surface pressure plays a minor role and the electrostrictive body force has a negligible contribution.
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The white OLED with a sandwiched CCL exhibited directional emission and high color stability along with an optical outcoupling enhancement of 39% in power efficiency and 31% in external quantum efficiency.
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By introducing parametric squeezing into the primary cavity which is only virtually excited under specific parametric conditions, coupling enhancement between atom and auxiliary cavity is realized for proper squeezing parameters.
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