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Communicating Climate sentence examples within communicating climate change

Characterization of Climate Change Communication: Implication for Environmental Sustainability in Ogba, Egbema, Ndoni Local Government Area of River State, Nigeria

Environment Actors Confronting a Post Climate-Related Disaster Scenario: A Feasibility Study of an Action-Based Intervention Aiming to Promote Climate Action

Communicating Climate sentence examples within communicating climate information

Opportunities and barriers for using climate information for building resilient agricultural systems in Sudan savannah agro-ecological zone of north-eastern Ghana

Users cognitive load: A key aspect to successfully communicate visual climate information

Characterization of Climate Change Communication: Implication for Environmental Sustainability in Ogba, Egbema, Ndoni Local Government Area of River State, Nigeria

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Opportunities and barriers for using climate information for building resilient agricultural systems in Sudan savannah agro-ecological zone of north-eastern Ghana

Users cognitive load: A key aspect to successfully communicate visual climate information

Environment Actors Confronting a Post Climate-Related Disaster Scenario: A Feasibility Study of an Action-Based Intervention Aiming to Promote Climate Action

Klimawandel und Gesundheit: Welche Rolle spielt der Klimawandel im Gesundheitsbewusstsein der Befragten? Ergebnisse einer deutschlandweiten Bevölkerungsbefragung

Human-Centered Design in the Age of Climate Change

Remembering and Communicating Climate Change Narratives – The Influence of World Views on Selective Recollection

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Blogging Climate Change: A Case Study

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Climate Change Litigation: A Powerful Strategy for Enhancing Climate Change Communication

Communicating climate change in a “post-factual” society: lessons learned from the Pole to Paris campaign

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Transnational and Postcolonial Perspectives on Communicating Climate Change Through Theater

Bees, Extinction and Ambient Soundscapes: An Exploratory Environmental Communication Workshop

Addressing the Challenges in Communicating Climate Change Across Various Audiences

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An Overview of the Challenges in Climate Change Communication Across Various Audiences

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Unintended Effects of Emphasizing the Role of Climate Change in Recent Natural Disasters

Emotional responses to climate change map framing using facial emotion recognition technology

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The “Paris Lifestyle”—Bridging the Gap Between Science and Communication by Analysing and Quantifying the Role of Target Groups for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: An Interdisciplinary Approach

Water quality improvements offset the climatic debt for stream macroinvertebrates over twenty years

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Consequence evaluations and moral concerns about climate change: insights from nationally representative surveys across four European countries

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Moving Forward in Climate Change Communication: Recommendations for Rethinking Strategies and Frames

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Between science and local knowledge: improving the communication of climate change to rural agriculturists in the Bolgatanga Municipality, Ghana

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Communicating Climate