Introduction to Coefficient Functional
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Coefficient Functional sentence examples within Szego Coefficient Functional
The bounds for the Fekete-Szego coefficient functional associated with quasi-subordination for subclasses of meromorphic functions f defined on the open unit disk in the complex plane are obtained.
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Also Fekete-Szego coefficient functional associated with the $k$--th root transform $[f(z^k)]^{1/k}$ for functions in the class $\mathcal{B}_\theta(\alpha,\beta)$ is investigated.
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Coefficient Functional sentence examples within coefficient functional associated
The bounds for the Fekete-Szego coefficient functional associated with quasi-subordination for subclasses of meromorphic functions f defined on the open unit disk in the complex plane are obtained.
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Also Fekete-Szego coefficient functional associated with the $k$--th root transform $[f(z^k)]^{1/k}$ for functions in the class $\mathcal{B}_\theta(\alpha,\beta)$ is investigated.
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By establishing bounds on some coefficient functionals for the family of functions with positive real part, we derive for functions in the class SB∗ $\begin{array}{} \mathcal{S}^*_B \end{array}$ several sharp coefficient bounds on the first six coefficients and also further sharp bounds on the corresponding Hankel determinants.
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As a consequence, we conclude that the coefficient functionals are continuous if and only if the canonical projections are also continuous (this is a trivial fact in normed spaces but not in topological vector spaces).
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