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Climate Within sentence examples within Psychological Climate Within

Socio-psychological phenomena in the modern educational space

Research of psychological stability of the employees of the penal system to the influence of destructive factors of professional activity

Climate Within sentence examples within Safety Climate Within

The Effect of Food Sustainability and the Food Safety Climate on the Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Job Commitment of Kitchen Staff

Assessment of Workplace Safety Climate among Healthcare Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Low and Middle Income Countries: A Case Study of Nigeria

Climate Within sentence examples within Political Climate Within

The Elusive Pursuit of Incentive Systems: Research on the Cadre Management Regime in Post-Mao China

Starting with the Teacher in the Mirror: Critical Reflections on Whiteness from Past Classroom Experiences

Climate Within sentence examples within Ethical Climate Within

‘You can give them wings to fly’: a qualitative study on values-based leadership in health care

Ethical Code Effectiveness in Football Clubs: A Longitudinal Analysis

Climate Within sentence examples within Learning Climate Within

Facilitators and barriers to implementation of Alberta family integrated care (FICare) in level II neonatal intensive care units: a qualitative process evaluation substudy of a multicentre cluster-randomised controlled trial using the consolidated framework for implementation research

How postgraduate trainees from different health professions experience the learning climate within an operating theater: a mixed-methods study

Climate Within sentence examples within Working Climate Within

Problematika Seleksi dan Rekrutmen Guru Pemerintah di Indonesia

The purpose of orientation and role modelling in the clinical practice environment

Climate Within sentence examples within Asian Climate Within

Pathways of Influence of the Northern Hemisphere Mid–high Latitudes on East Asian Climate: A Review

Pathways of Influence of the Northern Hemisphere Mid-high Latitudes on East Asian Climate: A Review

Climate Within sentence examples within Changing Climate Within

A Nonstationary Wind Speed Frequency Model over South Korea: In the Context of Bayesian Mixture Distribution Model

Visualizing Current and Future Climate Boundaries of the Conterminous United States: Implications for Forests

Climate Within sentence examples within Global Climate Within

Climate Change Impact and Conservation on Environment

Greenhouse Gas Inventory Model for Biochar Additions to Soil.

Climate Within sentence examples within climate within workgroup

Collective resources for individual recovery: The moderating role of social climate on the relationship between job stressors and work-related rumination – A multilevel approach

Understanding Emotional Labor at the Organizational Level

Climate Within sentence examples within climate within south

The Influence of South Pacific Convergence Zone Heating on the South Pacific Subtropical Anticyclone

Geographic variation in acclimation responses of thermal tolerance in South African diving beetles (Dytiscidae: Coleoptera).

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Development of the Departmental Climate around Teaching (DCaT) survey: neither psychological collective climate nor departmental collective climate predicts STEM faculty’s instructional practices

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Climate change adaptation in and through agroforestry: four decades of research initiated by Peter Huxley

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Grassroots effort for change

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Using carbon isotopes and organic composition to decipher climate and tectonics in the Early Cretaceous: An example from the Hailar Basin, Inner Mongolia, China

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Effects of High-Rise Residential Building Shape and Height on the Urban Microclimate in a Tropical Region

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Addressing the knowledge divide: digital knowledge sharing and social learning of geographically dispersed employees during the COVID-19 pandemic

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Effects of Mowing, Seeding Rate, and Foliar Fungicide on Soybean Sclerotinia Stem Rot and Yield

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Modeling net primary productivity of tropical deciduous forests in North India using bio-geochemical model

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Rapid metabolic compensation in response to temperature change in the intertidal copepod, Tigriopus californicus.

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Biodiversity and Density of Larvae and Adults of Anopheles Mosquitoes in El Obied City – Sudan

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Study on microclimate observation network for urban unit: A case study in a campus of Shenzhen, China

Modeling Dragons: Using linked mechanistic physiological and microclimate models to explore environmental, physiological, and morphological constraints on the early evolution of dinosaurs

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Emergency Medicine: let’s feed the good wolf

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Solar PV Power Potential is Greatest Over Croplands

Development of Multi-Layered Cellulosic Nanostructure to be Used in Chemical Protective Clothing for Agricultural Applications

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Comparing three approaches to reconstructing streamflow using tree rings in the Wabash River basin in the Midwestern, US

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Força de Clima: Seu Papel Moderador na Relação Entre Clima e Turnover

An integrative approach to discern the seed dispersal role of frugivorous guilds in a Mediterranean semiarid priority habitat

Inferring phenotypic plasticity and population responses to climate across tree species ranges using forest inventory data

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Climate Within