Introduction to Climate Within
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Climate Within sentence examples within Psychological Climate Within
Numerous works, including those carried out directly by the authors, have demonstrated the high importance of taking into account socio-psychological phenomena in optimizing the motivation of teaching children and youth, in creating a favorable psychological climate within student groups and educational organizations, in preventing and resolving conflicts in the educational environment, as well as in implementing psychological and pedagogical activities aimed not only at improving the academic achievements of students, but also at their comprehensive mental and personal development.
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Also, within the framework of the developed psychocorrectional program, the main directions of work on the prevention and correction of destructive behavior are given, which in turn will increase the efficiency of the professional activities of penitentiary officials, improve the social and psychological climate within the team, and prevent discipline among the employees of the penal system.
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Climate Within sentence examples within Safety Climate Within
Background: The food safety climate within an organization represents the job environment that affects the safe management of food and reveals the characteristics of employees.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has presented several organizations with the opportunity to review their operational strategies, as well as the existing safety climate within their establishments.
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Climate Within sentence examples within Political Climate Within
Based on these findings, future research should start thinking seriously and creatively about how to overcome the challenge of obtaining data on the cadre management regime amid an increasingly conservative political climate within the country, exacerbated by strained U.
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While critical whiteness studies have been a robust field of research for the last several decades, scholars have recently called for a refocus in critical whiteness studies to address the current cultural and political climate within educational spaces.
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Climate Within sentence examples within Ethical Climate Within
Climate Within sentence examples within Learning Climate Within
Barriers were (1) design quality and packaging of the intervention, (2) relative priority of AB-FICare in relation to other initiatives, and (3) learning climate within the organisation.
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BackgroundThe learning climate within a learning environment is a key factor to determine the potential quality of learning.
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Climate Within sentence examples within Working Climate Within
To date, the implementation of education in Indonesia could not be separated from the problems of teacher governance, non-permanent or honorary teachers, and bureaucratic reforms that affect the quality of education and the working climate within.
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Clinical orientation provides an opportunity to get to know students individually as well as an opportunity to establish the future working climate within the work group.
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Climate Within sentence examples within Asian Climate Within
This paper reviews recent progress made by Chinese scientists on the pathways of influence of the Northern Hemisphere mid-high latitudes on East Asian climate within the framework of a “coupled oceanic-atmospheric (land-atmospheric or sea-ice-atmospheric) bridge” and “chain coupled bridge”.
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This paper reviews recent progress made by Chinese scientists on the pathways of influence of the Northern Hemisphere mid-high latitudes on East Asian climate within the framework of a “coupled oceanic-atmospheric (land-atmospheric or sea-ice-atmospheric) bridge” and “chain coupled bridge”.
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Climate Within sentence examples within Changing Climate Within
In this perspective, this study explores a mixture distribution based nonstationary frequency (MDNF) model in a changing climate within a Bayesian framework.
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Here, we applied GIS to visualize changes in the ecological boundaries of plant hardiness zones and the Koppen-Trewartha classification system between current climate (1981–2010) and future climate (2070–2099), as well as changing climate within stationary state boundaries of the conterminous United States, which provide context for the future of forests.
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Climate Within sentence examples within Global Climate Within
Global Climate withinside the fresh past: In the 90’s decades there has stood an experience and witnessing of the extremes of various weather events.
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Stabilizing the global climate within safe bounds will require greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to reach net zero within a few decades.
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Climate Within sentence examples within climate within workgroup
We used aggregated individual ratings on social relations with colleagues and supervisors as a primer for social climate within workgroups, calculated the rate of permanent employment contracts per workgroup as a proxy for the stability of social relations within workgroups and used organizational affiliations to specify job settings in terms of routine versus creative tasks.
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Discussion of organizational display rules, job characteristics, and the emotion climate within workgroups explains how individual emotive performance is related to group dynamics.
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Climate Within sentence examples within climate within south
Focusing on the Southern Hemisphere, the seasonality of the three dominant subtropical anticyclones, situated over the South Pacific, South Atlantic, and south Indian Ocean basins, has a large influence on local weather and climate within South America, southern Africa, and Australia, respectively.
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Here, we estimated upper and lower thermal limits, and their capacity to respond to thermal acclimation, in several species and populations of diving beetles (Dytiscidae) from diverse geographic regions representative of variable climate within South Africa.
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Background Investigations into drivers and barriers to the uptake of learner-centered instructional practices in STEM courses have identified the climate within a department as a potential influential factor.
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Quantification of microclimate within and around tree canopies showed a gap between standard climate station data (designed to avoid tree influences) and the actual climate in which crop and tree meristems or livestock operates in real-world AF.
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These results support the idea that implementing practical, sustainable, and data-driven frameworks for effecting change can improve the climate within a departmental community.
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When conducted in tandem, organic petrography and isotopic analyses can be used to interpret regional tectonics and palaeoclimate within a global context.
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Initial results have shown that existing triangle building shape is the best building shape towards improving microclimate within the study area.
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employees who are role models of digital KS and SL, who serve as strong advocates and ambassadors for instilling a KS culture and climate within the organisation have a powerful influence on evoking digital KS and SL organisation-wide.
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This results in a microclimate within the canopy less suitable for disease development.
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We simulated the monthly NPP and LAI of three plant functional types (PFTs) [dry mixed (DM), sal mixed (SM) and teak plantation (TP)] having distinct tree species compositions, canopy structure, different carbon assimilation rates and microclimate within a broad tropical deciduous forest during 2011–2012.
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This study demonstrates a time course of rapid metabolic compensation in response to temperature that occurs in a small intertidal animal, and suggests intertidal invertebrates can thermally acclimate within a few hours of a significant temperature change.
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The macro and microclimate within which the larvae and the adults A.
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(2) The urban unit microclimate observation network, as a supplement to the traditional meteorological observation system, makes up for the deficiencies of coarse resolution and limited capability of the traditional observation system on describing urban heterogeneity, and can be used to more precisely depict the heterogeneity of the microclimate within the urban units.
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We tested them under a variety of assumptions about resting metabolic rate, evaluated within six microclimate models that bound paleoenvironmental conditions at 12° N paleolatitude, as determined by sedimentological and isotopic proxies for climate within the Chinle Formation of the southwestern United States.
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Every member of the multidisciplinary team will be aware of the current climate within the National Health Service and have felt its effects in some capacity.
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Where should future solar power installations be placed to achieve the highest energy production and best use the limited land resource? The premise of this work is that the solar panel efficiency is a function of the location’s microclimate within which it is immersed.
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The wetting envelope, a graphical presentation of polar component against dispersive component of surface energy, exhibited a complete shift of the nature of wettability that might be attributed to the change in topography and microclimate within the assembly.
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Here, to better understand the historic hydroclimate within the Wabash River Basin, we reconstructed June–September streamflow for a tributary of the Wabash River using three statistical approaches: the traditional basin approach, and the recently-developed climate-footprint, and drought-reconstruction approaches.
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However, in recent years, climate literature has paid increasing attention to a new construct: climate strength, which refers to the degree of agreement among employees about climate within a work unit or organization.
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European Union priority habitat 5220* is defined as “Mediterranean arborescent shrubland with Ziziphus lotus” and it represents a favorable microclimate within the severe climatic conditions typical of the semiarid south-eastern region of the Iberian Peninsula.
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Aim: To test whether intraspecific trait responses to climate within and among populations across species distribution ranges can be untangled using field observations, under the rationale that, in natural forest tree populations, long-term climate shapes local adaptation of populations while recent climate change drives phenotypic plasticity.
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The seasonal NDVI response under non-vegetated/barren land class and moderate vegetation class was well related to shortage of dry spell and deficiency in precipitation that occurs due to abrupt changes in climate within the season.
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