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Circumferential Crack sentence examples within stress intensity factor

Distribution of Mode I Stress Intensity Factors for Single Circumferential Semi-Elliptical Crack in Thick Cylinder

An analytical model for the fracture behavior in hollow cylindrical anodes

Circumferential Crack sentence examples within thermo mechanically induced

Monitoring of the Effect of Thermal Shock on Crack Growth in Copper Through-Glass Via Substrates

Resolving Thermo-Mechanically Induced Circumferential Crack Formation in Copper Through-Glass Vias

Circumferential Crack sentence examples within Wall Circumferential Crack

Investigating the Effectiveness of a Composite Patch on Repairing Pipes Subjected to Circumferential Cracks under Combined Loadings

Determination and verification of triaxiality dependent cohesive zone parameters of SA333 Grade 6 steel

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Circumferential Crack sentence examples within Induced Circumferential Crack

Resolving Thermo-Mechanically Induced Circumferential Crack Formation in Copper Through-Glass Vias

Elimination of Thermo-Mechanically Driven Circumferential Crack Formation in Copper Through-Glass via Substrate

Circumferential Crack sentence examples within circumferential crack near

Strength Evaluation of Bonded Round Bar Using Stress Intensity Factor of Circumferential Crack

Relation between stress intensity factor of circumferential crack and adhesive thickness in bonded round bar

Performance of field-aged polymeric spray lining for water pipe rehabilitation

More Circumferential Crack sentence examples

Numerical simulation of micro-crack leakage on steam generator heat transfer tube

A Study on Mode Shape and Natural Frequency of Rotating Flexible Cracked Annular Thin Disk

Femtosecond Laser Trimming with Simultaneous Nanostructuring to Fine Piercing Punch to Electrical Amorphous Steel Sheets

Vibration Propagation Analysis of Periodic Pipeline With Crack Defects

Experimental and numerical study on fragmentation mechanism of copper sheet in laser dynamic forming

More Circumferential Crack sentence examples

Detection of circumferential cracks in heat exchanger tubes using pulsed eddy current testing

Cracking Pattern of Indented Ice Sheet Bending Failures

Ballistic impact response of resistance-spot-welded (RSW) double-layered plates for Q&P980 steel

An Insight into the Excavation-Induced Stress Paths on Mechanical Response of Weak Interlayer Zone in Underground Cavern Under High Geostress

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Design and development of modified cold compaction die for fabrication of nickel-titanium composite

Fracture Mechanical Analysis of Thin-Walled Cylindrical Shells with Cracks

Effectiveness of SiO2/TiO2/Al2O3-Based/TiO2 Coating for Suppressing Circumferential Cracking in Boiler Tubes at Thermal Power Plants

Fatigue Response of Aluminum 7075-T6 Joints through Inclusion of Al2O3 Particles to the Weld Nugget Zone during Friction Stir Spot Welding

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Finite element method investigation of geometrical influences of adhesive and patch in the safety for 90° elbow piping system

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Evaluation of fatigue life and fatigue limit of circumferentially-notched Type 304 stainless steel in air and hydrogen gas based on crack-growth property and cyclic stress-strain response

Impact of Main Pipe Flow Velocity on Leakage and Intrusion Flow: An Experimental Study

A Study on the Failure of AISI 304 Stainless Steel Tubes in a Gas Heater Unit

Failure Analysis on Pressure Leakage of FRP

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Influence Factors of Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Reactor Pressure Vessel under Pressurized Thermal Shock

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Numerical Simulation Based on XFEM

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Initial-contact-induced bending failure of a semi-infinite ice sheet with a radial-before-circumferential-crack pattern

Microstructure Evolution and Failure Behavior of Stellite 6 Coating on Steel after Long-Time Service

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Cracking failure analysis of convection tube of heat recovery steam generator

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Detection of cracks with arbitrary orientations in a metal pipe using linearly-polarized circular TE11 mode microwaves

Analysis and Study on Crack Characteristics of Highway Tunnel Lining

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Experimental investigation of a circumferential crack in a PMMA cylindrical shell using caustics

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Evaluation of failure properties of a DLC/steel system using combined nanoindentation and finite element approach

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Experimental study on the flow and thermal characteristics of two-phase leakage through micro crack

Electromagnetic Testing of Rod Cluster Control Assemblies in Pressured-Water Reactor Power Plants

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Circumferential Crack