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Cancer Human sentence examples within Breast Cancer Human
Methods To assess the role of Sdc1 in breast cancer metastasis, we silenced Sdc1 expression in the triple-negative breast cancer human MDA-MB-231 cell line and overexpressed it in the mouse mammary carcinoma 4T1 cell line.
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To assess the role of Sdc1 in breast cancer metastasis, we silenced Sdc1 expression in the triple-negative breast cancer human MDA-MB-231 cell line and overexpressed it in the mouse mammary carcinoma 4T1 cell line.
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Cancer Human sentence examples within cancer human cell
Cancer Human sentence examples within cancer human mda
Methods To assess the role of Sdc1 in breast cancer metastasis, we silenced Sdc1 expression in the triple-negative breast cancer human MDA-MB-231 cell line and overexpressed it in the mouse mammary carcinoma 4T1 cell line.
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To assess the role of Sdc1 in breast cancer metastasis, we silenced Sdc1 expression in the triple-negative breast cancer human MDA-MB-231 cell line and overexpressed it in the mouse mammary carcinoma 4T1 cell line.
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Cancer Human sentence examples within cancer human health
These strategies could also reduce the impacts on water scarcity by 84%, freshwater eutrophication by 57%, cancer human health effects by at least 30%, and land use by 3%.
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Highlights of this study are: 1) The approaches presented here deal with the amalgamation of probability distributions where representations of parameters are of bell shaped fuzzy numbers (BFNs)/FNs; fuzzy numbers (FNs) of various types and shapes plus DSS with fuzzy focal elements of different types within the same framework; 2) Non-cancer human health risk assessment is carried out in this setting and 3) Risk values are obtained in the form of FNs at different fractiles.
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The analysis indicates that even histo-pathologically equally graded cancer nodules from the same tumor have substantially different transcriptomic organizations, raising legitimate questions about the validity of meta-analyses comparing large populations of healthy and cancer humans.
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