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Camara Leaves sentence examples within Lantana Camara Leaves

Apoptotic mechanism of lantadene A from Lantana camara leaves against prostatic cancer cells

Lantana camara: Phyto-constituents and Antimicrobial Activity Study

Camara Leaves sentence examples within camara leaves extract

Lantana camara: Phyto-constituents and Antimicrobial Activity Study

Pathogenicity of Meloidogyne incognita in selected groundnut varieties and its management with aqueous leaf extracts of wild sage ( Lantana camara L.) and locust bean ( Parkia biglobosa Jacq.)

More Camara Leaves sentence examples

In vitro Characterisation of Endophytic Fungi Strains from Lantana camara Leaves Displaying Antifungal Activity Against Phytophthora colocasiae

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Camara Leaves