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Body Odour sentence examples within Human Body Odour

Natural fibres in next-to-skin textiles: current perspectives on human body odour

The Effects of Artificial Fragrances on Human Olfactory Communication

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Effect of New Zealand Blackcurrant Powder on Skin Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds in Middle Aged and Older Adults (P06-092-19).

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Perfumed Performances: The Reception of Olfactory Theatrical Devices from the Fin-de-siècle to the Present Day

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The effect of complete caloric intake restriction on human body odour quality

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Dogs demonstrate the existence of an epileptic seizure odour in humans

Attraction of mosquitoes to primate odours and implications for zoonotic Plasmodium transmission

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Dressing a Demanding Body to Fit In: Clean and Decent with Ostomy or Chronic Skin Disease

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Large Foreign Body in Nose in Adult for a Long Time: A Rare Case

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Body Odour