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Behaviour Survey sentence examples within Travel Behaviour Survey
In total 1945 participants participated in the travel behaviour survey and their responses with respect to work-based and non-work-based trips during transition period were analysed to understand their adaptation towards COVID-19.
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Also, the results of this study provide support for including psychological measures in sustainable urban mobility plans, as well as in travel behaviour surveys in general.
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Behaviour Survey sentence examples within Health Behaviour Survey
Behaviour Survey sentence examples within Occupant Behaviour Survey
The results reveal that the heating energy consumption simulation method based on occupant behaviour survey can be used to predict the distribution of the energy consumption over the entire heating season in this region and areas with similar climate.
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In order to quantify the seasonal differences in the comfort temperature and to develop a domestic adaptive model for Japanese dwellings, thermal measurements, a thermal comfort survey, and an occupant behaviour survey were conducted for 4 years in the living and bedrooms of dwellings in the Kanto region of Japan.
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Behaviour Survey sentence examples within Risk Behaviour Survey
Using the population-based 2017 Youth Risk Behaviour Survey, we examined sexual violence as a mediator of sexual orientation disparities in health-risk behaviours among female youth.
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Phase 1 - baseline data collection (needs analysis) using the child health risk behaviour survey.
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A nurse-credentialled diabetes educator and certified retinal imager will deliver three study components: (a) retinal photography as a diabetic retinopathy screening and patient engagement tool; (b) lifestyle and behaviour surveys, administered at baseline and at the final visit, in 12 months.
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Methods Cross-sectional data of 26404 participants 15 years and older from the "2012 South African national HIV prevalence, incidence and behaviour survey" were analysed.
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Over 350 000 young people in the UK and US have self-reported data to three large cohort studies: Monitoring the Future, Youth Risk and Behaviour Survey, and the Millennium Cohort Study.
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High-quality secondary data and a user-behaviour survey were able to highlight critical aspects of a smart fridge?s design.
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A range of methods were used to answer this overarching aim including: an adapted meta-ethnography to explore and understand previous research regarding motivations and barriers to uptake and use of female-initiated HIV prevention technologies that could be used by women in sub-Saharan Africa; formative research in South Africa, using a grounded approach to examine the practical and contextual factors that might influence successful delivery of a PrEP intervention with the aim of designing an intervention; focus group discussions with FSWs to examine community-level acceptability of PrEP with potential end users (the final activity in the formative research); demographic and behaviour surveys conducted during the Treatment And Prevention for Sex workers (TAPS) Demonstration Project to identify key characteristics of FSWs who took up and used PrEP within the context of TAPS; and, in the individual perspectives and lived experiences of PrEP users in TAPS are explored through analysis of in-depth face-to-face interviews with FSW.
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The study used data from the Health and Safety Attitudes and Behaviour Survey (HSABS) 2016.
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