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Behaviour Survey sentence examples within Travel Behaviour Survey

Modelling work- and non-work-based trip patterns during transition to lockdown period of COVID-19 pandemic in India

Feeling like cycling? Psychological factors related to cycling as a mode choice

Behaviour Survey sentence examples within Health Behaviour Survey

Effect Evaluation of a Peer-Delivered School-Based Intervention Promoting Healthy Dietary and Physical Activity Behaviours Among Secondary Vocational Students

Cross-sectional associations between the diversity of sport activities and the type of low back pain in adulthood

Behaviour Survey sentence examples within Occupant Behaviour Survey

Preliminary study on heating energy consumption distribution of dwellings in hot summer and cold winter climate region of China

Adaptive model and the adaptive mechanisms for thermal comfort in Japanese dwellings

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Behaviour Survey sentence examples within Risk Behaviour Survey

Sexual violence as a mediator of sexual orientation disparities in alcohol use, suicidality, and sexual-risk behaviour among female youth

Developing a children’s health risk behaviour prevention program targeting grade 4–7 learners in the western cape, South Africa: a study protocol

A model of culturally-informed integrated diabetes education and eye screening in indigenous primary care services and specialist diabetes clinics: Study protocol.

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HIV status, knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of persons with and without disability in South Africa: evidence from a national population-based survey

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Screentime and child health

Streamlined assessment to assist in the design of internet-of-things (IoT) enabled products: A case study of the smart fridge

An examination of real-world applicability and acceptability of oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for female sex workers in South Africa

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O2B.3 Work related stress for new zealand workers in high risk sectors: what can we learn from a demographic analysis?

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Behaviour Survey