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Behaviour Prediction sentence examples within Fire Behaviour Prediction

Improved accuracy of wildfire simulations using fuel hazard estimates based on environmental data.

The influence of soil moisture on surface and sub-surface litter fuel moisture simulation at five Australian sites

Behaviour Prediction sentence examples within Reservoir Behaviour Prediction

Simulation of CO2 injection in a depleted gas reservoir: A case study for Upper Miocene sandstone, Northern Croatia

Fracture corridors and fault reactivation: Example from the Chalk, Isle of Thanet, Kent, England

Behaviour Prediction sentence examples within Dynamic Behaviour Prediction

An Improved Method for Dynamic Behaviour Prediction of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Epoxy (CFRE) using Finite Element Model Updating

Different flexibility formulae for finite element modelling and analysis of the dynamic behaviour of a structure with bolted joints

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Behaviour Prediction sentence examples within behaviour prediction model

The Art and Science of User Exploitation: AI in the UAE and Beyond

The influence of soil moisture on surface and sub-surface litter fuel moisture simulation at five Australian sites

Behaviour Prediction sentence examples within behaviour prediction system

Litter and biomass traits of some dominant Moroccan understorey fuels in five fire-prone forest regions

Evaluation of a simple rate of spread index applied to Canadian fuel types

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Artificial Neural Network–Particle Swarm Optimization (ANN-PSO) Approach for Behaviour Prediction and Structural Optimization of Lightweight Sandwich Composite Heliostats

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Sequential UI behaviour prediction system based on long short-term memory networks

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Numerical and Experimental Evaluation of Hydrodynamic Bearings Applied to a Jeffcott Test Bench

Prediction of human driver intentions at a narrow passage in inner city traffic / Intentionsprädiktion menschlicher Fahrer an einer Engstelle im innerstädtischen Straßenverkehr

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A retrospective examination of antisocial and risk-taking behaviours

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Interval Prediction for Continuous-Time Systems with Parametric Uncertainties

Electrochemically reconfigurable architected materials

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Experimental and analytical study on the mechanical behaviour of cable bolts subjected to axial loading and constant normal stiffness

Crowd counting using a self-attention multi-scale cascaded network

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Behaviour Prediction