Introduction to Behaviour Patterns
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Behaviour Patterns sentence examples within User Behaviour Patterns
The artificial neural network's learning functionality based on user behaviour patterns also allowed for personal identification without an active account, which has a positive impact on system security.
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The examples demon-strate that architectural objects in roadside spaces are not faceless, voluminous structures de-signed to meet the immediate needs of road users, but rather aesthetic and psychological forms of roadside area organisation that to a certain extent dictate user behaviour patterns.
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Behaviour Patterns sentence examples within Consumer Behaviour Patterns
The results document changes in consumer behaviour patterns that came to dominate at the start of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of the Czech Republic.
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Background Within rural communities, quests for understanding consumer behaviour patterns become key, especially given the challenges that exist in such communities.
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Behaviour Patterns sentence examples within Learning Behaviour Patterns
Despite minimal morbidity
and mortality, There is a substantial impact on lifestyle,
development , mental health and learning behaviour patterns
in Paediatric population.
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In this paper, we introduce new algorithms that are designed to track student learning behaviour patterns, identify their LSs, and maintain dynamic student profiles within a recommendation system (RS).
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Behaviour Patterns sentence examples within Human Behaviour Patterns
Behaviour Patterns sentence examples within Sedentary Behaviour Patterns
The main objective of this study was to device-assess the levels of physical activity and sedentary behaviour patterns of older adults during the situation prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, home confinement, and phase-0 of the deescalation.
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Exercise is currently preferred in prevention and treatment, but it is unknown how different habitual physical activity and sedentary behaviour patterns associate with sarcopenia status.
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Behaviour Patterns sentence examples within New Behaviour Patterns
An entirely personalized advertising experience can be a reality in the nearby future using learning algorithms with training data and new behaviour patterns appearance using unsupervised learning algorithms.
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Also, thanks to this bibliography it’s possible to extract the main issues related to the Italian case study: the relationship between the existing landscape and the network of roads; the relationship between the plans for villages, towns and the architectural features of the new settlements, and finally, the role of public buildings as a system of public facilities promoting new behaviour patterns, and their bold modernist architecture symbolized the conquest of the land.
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Behaviour Patterns sentence examples within Smoking Behaviour Patterns
Using 2620 CpG sites previously associated with cigarette smoking, we investigated DNA methylation change in relation to own smoking measures, smoke exposure duration and frequency, and using longitudinal latent class analysis of different smoking behaviour patterns in 968 adolescents.
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This is important because smoking behaviour patterns in young adults may be subject to ongoing changes.
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Behaviour Patterns sentence examples within Travel Behaviour Patterns
This study proposes a clustering-based framework to identify travel behaviour patterns and detect potential change periods on the individual level.
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Mobile information and communication technologies (MICTs) have fully penetrated everyday life in smart societies; this has greatly compressed time, space, and distance, and consequently, reshaped residents’ travel behaviour patterns.
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Behaviour Patterns sentence examples within Complex Behaviour Patterns
The inclusion of temporal information in the form of vector sequences classified by a Long-Short Term Memory Network, allowed the identification of additional complex behaviour patterns associated to each user, resulting in an average f1-score of 99.
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Behaviour Patterns sentence examples within Risk Behaviour Patterns
Behaviour Patterns sentence examples within Different Behaviour Patterns
Furthermore, it allows agents to adopt different behaviour patterns depending on whether they follow automated or human vehicle agents.
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This study allows to make a relation among the different consumptions of the day to create relationships that lead to the prediction of different behaviour patterns of the curves.
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Behaviour Patterns sentence examples within Social Behaviour Patterns
Chile has a large climatic gradient (≈ 40º of latitude, ≈ 4000 m of altitude and 5 climatic zones, from desert to tundra), but all cities share their social behaviour patterns and regulations.
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In this study, we search for the social behaviour patterns which can act as a catalyst for professional development, with an explicit focus on student teachers’ learning.
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Behaviour Patterns sentence examples within Animal Behaviour Patterns
Moreover, the variability in animal behaviour patterns could be attributed to camel sex- and age-related differences.
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As wildlife is increasingly exposed to humans and their activities, understanding how animal behaviour patterns and cultures are impacted and change in response to anthropogenic factors is of growing conservation importance.
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Behaviour Patterns sentence examples within Similar Behaviour Patterns
Several approaches for the identification of similar behaviour patterns (or motifs) are proposed, illustrated, and the results discussed.
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The generation, which is composed of approximate twenty-five, thirty-year age clusters and is defined as a group of individuals with similar behaviour patterns because of being exposed to the conditions of the same age, has five different forms of expression in the literature.
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Behaviour Patterns sentence examples within Leadership Behaviour Patterns
Conclusion: The Agile leadership and leadership behaviour patterns are formed in a project management behavioural competency system based on agile technology methods and tools.
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Conclusion : The Agile leadership and leadership behaviour patterns are formed in a project management behavioural competency system based on agile technology methods and tools.
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Behaviour Patterns sentence examples within Specific Behaviour Patterns
CLARA has been adapted to recognise solar site specific behaviour patterns, abnormal voltage dip and spike events using the multiple data streams collected at two utility-scale solar power generation sites in England.
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The main clue was the importance of specific behaviour patterns that can be elicited through modeling processes.
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Behaviour Patterns sentence examples within Online Behaviour Patterns
This paper uses time series mining algorithms, and uses Microsoft's data mining tools to model the data sets collected from data halls, so as to discover the user's online behaviour patterns and potential online rules within a certain period of time.
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This approach, is used to demonstrate how cluster analysis can be used to group the students who are having similar online behaviour patterns in the VLEs.
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Behaviour Patterns sentence examples within behaviour patterns could
Moreover, the variability in animal behaviour patterns could be attributed to camel sex- and age-related differences.
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It is not clear whether site fidelity in bats is species-specific or a more general trait or why it is exhibited but behaviour patterns could be important for conservation and management objectives.
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Behaviour Patterns sentence examples within behaviour patterns within
Behaviour Patterns sentence examples within behaviour patterns depending
Furthermore, it allows agents to adopt different behaviour patterns depending on whether they follow automated or human vehicle agents.
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Measurements were used to build representations of the layer’s behaviour patterns depending on its surface covering, comparing the behaviour in vegetated conditions with behaviour observed under bare conditions over the previous 4 years.
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Usually, such descriptions are related to a person’s energy and otherness or changes in his/her behaviour patterns.
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They have become addicted to them and they already display some behaviour patterns.
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, behaviour patterns) of different movements transmitting autonomously and periodically the data to an acoustic biotelemetry receiver.
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Patterns of compliance behaviour were identified using latent class analysis, and multinomial logistic regression was used to assess demographic, socioeconomic and personality predictors of behaviour patterns.
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Our analysis of data created by users who voluntarily used check-ins with a mobile application can give insight into a user’s mobility and behaviour patterns.
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Because, the patriarchal norm of femininity is an enormous web of numerous concepts, thinking, ideology, behaviour patterns of roles, art, literature and dress codes.
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Our results reveal (1) benefits for ideation, and costs for efficiency, when suggesting multiple phrases; (2) that non-native speakers benefit more from more suggestions; and (3) further insights into behaviour patterns.
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NILM techniques can be applied in different application fields, such as energy efficiency, active demand response management, or even as a way to infer the behaviour patterns of the people living in a certain household under monitoring, in the context of Ambient Intelligence for Independent Living (AIIL).
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To this end, the study draws upon Jung’s notions of the Shadow and the Individuation to explore the key psychological motives behind the characters’ behaviour patterns, as well as to examine their level of subjectivity and agency in harnessing the same motives.
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This may provide useful insights into more effective and efficient ways to help people change relevant beliefs, motivations and behaviour patterns.
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SM can help people take the right decisions and enable change in their behaviour patterns to introduce infection control practices.
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Patterns of compliance behaviour were identified using latent class analysis, and multinomial logistic regression was used to assess demographic, socioeconomic and personality predictors of behaviour patterns.
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Conclusion Socio-economic status, mental well-being, knowledge of SHCs and prevention care, behaviour patterns, patient activation and owning an appropriate assistive device can influence prevention of SHCs.
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a predictive safety management system which would entail the development of an expanded and well-organised safety database, as well as the use of predictive (forecasting) methods to identify potential and emerging hazards, trends and behaviour patterns.
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Thus, the primary purpose of this study is to analyse the changes during the pandemic in individual consumers’ behaviour patterns in the tourism sector.
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Setting out clinical material in a descriptive but also emotionally engaging way, and then commenting from a considered and reflective perspective, drawing upon analysis of the emotional content as well as behaviour patterns and interactive phenomena, perhaps also owes something to a deeply established observational stance, a result of many years of infant observation training and teaching.
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Human-created problems require human-centred solutions and these require different ways of thinking and acting to those behaviour patterns that are contributing to the challenges.
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The article presents in detail differences in behaviour patterns at the stage of making purchasing decisions in Poland, depending on gender, education, and percapita income in the household.
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The conducted sociological research revealed the vectors of effective inclusive social practice for the elderly people in the public organization “Gardeners’ Club” in Kharkiv, which unites people following their vital interests, values, and behaviour patterns.
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Latent class regression determined the associations between health-behaviour patterns, sociodemographic, and health-risk indicators.
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We formulate a problem of simultaneously tracking the objects and learning their behaviour patterns.
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This book draws on data from over 500 people, across all age ranges, and powerfully demonstrates that participating in martial arts can have a profound influence on the construction of behaviour patterns that are directly linked to lifestyle and health.
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Global consent with regard to behaviour patterns, especially to bodily self-presentation and the related cognitive styles, leads to the obliteration of traditional knowledge, which is interwoven with the behaviour upon which identity had been defined previously.
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The paper shows how the smart homes technology data and its analysis can be used to determine the behaviour patterns of the residents; how the important data can be saved; how to compare the behaviour patterns with actual situation; how to evaluate the difference between the patterns and reality; how to calculate the intervention of the expert systems; how to inform about a change in behaviour of the residents; how to report an alarm when house space seems being disrupted and how to react when serious malfunctions occurs.
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Therefore, this preliminary research provides information about the relationship between behaviour patterns and biomarkers of stress in saliva in horses, and opens the possibility of wider use of selected biomarkers in saliva, such as butyrylcholinesterase or alpha-amylase, for the evaluation of acute stress in horses.
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