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Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within User Behaviour Pattern

Intelligent System for Preventing Rubber Ducky Attacks Using Deep Learning Neural Networks


Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within Sedentary Behaviour Pattern

Impact of the Home Confinement Related to COVID-19 on the Device-Assessed Physical Activity and Sedentary Patterns of Spanish Older Adults

Moderate‐to‐vigorous physical activity modifies the relationship between sedentary time and sarcopenia: the Tromsø Study 2015–2016

Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within Consumer Behaviour Pattern

The effect of COVID-19 on consumer shopping behaviour: Generational cohort perspective

The relationship between nutrition reading and label use and nutrition knowledge amongst a sample of rural youth studying at a university in South Africa

Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within Human Behaviour Pattern

Spatial Temporal Variation Graph Convolutional Networks (STV-GCN) for Skeleton-Based Emotional Action Recognition

Show me your mobile and I will tell you who you are: Forecasting consumer compassion and altruism behaviour through smartphone type and usage

Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within Different Behaviour Pattern

Adapting a cellular automata model to describe heterogeneous traffic with human-driven, automated, and communicating automated vehicles

Adapted treatment of ANCA-associated vasculitis during the COVID-19 pandemic

Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within Learning Behaviour Pattern

Covid 19 pandemic and its impact on children

A Novel Algorithm for Dynamic Student Profile Adaptation Based on Learning Styles

Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within New Behaviour Pattern

Machine Learning Technology Overview In Terms Of Digital Marketing And Personalization

The new towns in the Agro Pontino: a literature review and critical bibliography

Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within Smoking Behaviour Pattern

Investigating the impact of cigarette smoking behaviours on DNA methylation patterns in adolescence

Residential environments and smoking behaviour patterns among young adults: A prospective study using data from the Interdisciplinary Study of Inequalities in Smoking cohort.

Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within Similar Behaviour Pattern

The relationship between functional breed selection and attachment pattern in family dogs (canis familiaris)

Financial Time Series: Market Analysis Techniques Based on Matrix Profiles †

Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within Travel Behaviour Pattern

A Clustering-Based Framework for Individual Travel Behaviour Change Detection

Travel Behaviours of Sharing Bicycles in the Central Urban Area Based on Geographically Weighted Regression: The Case of Guangzhou, China

Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within Complex Behaviour Pattern

Optimizing Supply Chains Through System Dynamics Modelling and Simulation

AuthCODE: A Privacy-preserving and Multi-device Continuous Authentication Architecture based on Machine and Deep Learning

Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within Common Behaviour Pattern

The impact of implementing a modified YEARS algorithm on the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism

Accessibility of tourism websites: the level of countries’ commitment

Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within Risk Behaviour Pattern

How risky are the socially responsible investment (SRI) stocks? Evidence from the Central and Eastern European (CEE) companies

Socio-economic and demographic characteristics associated with risk behaviour patterns for chronic non-communicable diseases in Brazil: data from the National Health Survey, 2013.

Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within Individual Behaviour Pattern

Loss and re-emergence of plastic ancestral behavioural traits: influences on phenotypic and evolutionary pattern

Associations between precision sensor data with productivity, health and welfare indicator traits in native black and white dual-purpose cattle under grazing conditions

Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within Movement Behaviour Pattern

Eye Movement Patterns Can Distinguish Schizophrenia from the Major Affective Disorders and Healthy Control Subjects

Changes in physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep across the transition from primary to secondary school: A systematic review.

Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within Social Behaviour Pattern

Environmental determinants of COVID-19 transmission across a wide climatic gradient in Chile

Facilitating social learning in teacher education: a case study

Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within Animal Behaviour Pattern

A tool for functional selection of leisure camels: Behaviour breeding criteria may ensure long-term sustainability of a European unique breed.

Cultural change in animals: a flexible behavioural adaptation to human disturbance

Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within Leadership Behaviour Pattern



Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within Customer Behaviour Pattern

UCBVis: Understanding Customer Behavior Sequences with Visual Interactive System

Prediction Model Development using Neural Network Approach

Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within Seeking Behaviour Pattern

Healthcare-seeking Behaviour among Working Women with Disability in Karnataka, India

Evaluation of Drug use Pattern and Behavior in Rural and Urban Population

Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within Specific Behaviour Pattern

Solar farm voltage anomaly detection using high-resolution μPMU data-driven unsupervised machine learning

13 Nurturing mentorship in health care organizations: ‘how do you know’

Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within Online Behaviour Pattern

Research on Model and Algorithm of User Access Pattern Data Mining

Clustering Techniques to Identify Low-engagement Student Levels

Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within Consumption Behaviour Pattern

Pengaruh Electronic Money, Gaya Hidup Dan Pengendalian Diri Terhadap Perilaku Konsumsi Islam

Managing Waste in the Smart City of Singapore

Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within Saving Behaviour Pattern

Predicting Energy-Saving Behaviour Based on Environmental Values: An Analysis of School Children’s Perspectives

Changes in household saving and borrowing behavior during the economic crisis

Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within Abnormal Behaviour Pattern

Intrusion Detection System using Deep Neural Networks and Principal Component Analysis

Give Them a Toy or Increase Time out of Kennel at Lawn Areas: What Is the Influence of These Interventions on Police Dogs’ Welfare?

Behaviour Pattern sentence examples within behaviour pattern toward

The relationship between functional breed selection and attachment pattern in family dogs (canis familiaris)

Study on Human Fingers Perception over Textured Surfaces for the Textural Applications in Haptics Technology

Mythological Creatures in the Samogitian Daily Discourse of the 2nd Half of the 20th Century

More Behaviour Pattern sentence examples

The Impact of Social Network Sites on Students’ Psychological Problems

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Influence of mono- and two-component organic modifiers on determination of lipophilicity of tetradentate Schiff bases

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Fine-scale behaviour of the Lusitanian toadfish assessed in situ with the AccelTag

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Patterns of compliance with COVID-19 preventive behaviours: a latent class analysis of 20 000 UK adults

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Investigation of Social Behaviour Patterns using Location-Based Data - A Melbourne Case Study

More Behaviour Pattern sentence examples

Prevalence of Tea Consumption among University Students of South-Eastern Region of Bangladesh and Associated Factors

‘Wuthering Heights’, the female version of the male form & ‘The Second Sex’ in it

The Impact of Multiple Parallel Phrase Suggestions on Email Input and Composition Behaviour of Native and Non-Native English Writers

More Behaviour Pattern sentence examples

Recurrent LSTM Architecture for Appliance Identification in Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring