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Behaviour Model sentence examples within capability opportunity motivation

Descriptive contents analysis of ParticiPAte CP: a participation-focused intervention to promote physical activity participation in children with cerebral palsy.

Behaviour Change Practices in Exercise Referral Schemes: Developing Realist Programme Theory of Implementation.

Behaviour Model sentence examples within Planned Behaviour Model

Effect of Dietary Patterns and, or Nutrition Strategies Reducing Risk in Adverse Maternal Health Occurrences during Pregnancy: A Systematic Review

Analysing factors affecting developers’ behaviour towards the adoption of prefabricated buildings in China

Behaviour Model sentence examples within Fire Behaviour Model

Forest fire fuel through the lens of remote sensing: Review of approaches, challenges and future directions in the remote sensing of biotic determinants of fire behaviour

Effects of fuel spatial distribution on wildland fire behaviour

Behaviour Model sentence examples within Health Behaviour Model

Social Determinants and Health Behaviours among Older Adults Experiencing Multimorbidity Using the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging

Planning for the health impacts of climate change: Flooding, private groundwater contamination and waterborne infection - A cross-sectional study of risk perception, experience and behaviours in the Republic of Ireland.

Behaviour Model sentence examples within Consumer Behaviour Model

Consumer Lifestyle Forming Under the Influence of National Culture


Behaviour Model sentence examples within Travel Behaviour Model

Time Use and Travel Behaviour with Automated Vehicles

How will automated vehicles shape users’ daily activities? Insights from focus groups with commuters in the Netherlands

Behaviour Model sentence examples within Occupant Behaviour Model

Characterization of occupant behaviour models for simulation engineers and architects

Li-BIM, an agent-based approach to simulate occupant-building interaction from the Building-Information Modelling

Behaviour Model sentence examples within Driving Behaviour Model

Driving behaviour modelling in the context of heterogeneous traffic and poor lane discipline conditions: the state of the art and beyond

Lane Change Detection Using Naturalistic Driving Data

Behaviour Model sentence examples within Normal Behaviour Model

Fault detection by an ensemble framework of Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) in the operation of offshore wind turbines

Unusual Insider Behaviour Detection Framework on Enterprise Resource Planning Systems using Adversarial Recurrent Auto-encoder

Behaviour Model sentence examples within Viscoplastic Behaviour Model

Time-temperature superposition in viscoelasticity and viscoplasticity for thermoplastics

A Pragmatic Approach for Modelling the Viscoelastic-Viscoplastic Behaviour of Short-Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastics Coupled with Anisotropic Damage

Behaviour Model sentence examples within Agent Behaviour Model

Technological learning modelling towards sustainable energy planning

Coupling economic models and environmental assessment methods to support regional policies: A critical review

Behaviour Model sentence examples within Mechanical Behaviour Model

From Uniaxial Testing of Isolated Layers to a Tri-Layered Arterial Wall: A Novel Constitutive Modelling Framework

Development of a thermo-mechanical behaviour model adapted to the ITER vacuum vessel material

Behaviour Model sentence examples within User Behaviour Model

Towards an Exhaustive Framework for Online Social Networks User Behaviour Modelling

Multi-task Deep Learning based Environment and Mobility Detection for User Behavior Modeling

Behaviour Model sentence examples within Driver Behaviour Model

Effects on Traffic Performance Due to Heterogeneity of Automated Vehicles on Motorways: A Microscopic Simulation Study

Modelling Individual Driver Trajectories to Personalise Haptic Shared Steering Control in Curves

Behaviour Model sentence examples within Environmental Behaviour Model

Exploring the influence of religiosity on engaging in pro-environmental behaviours for college students at Taiwan under the climate change environment

Developing individual creativity for environmental sustainability: Using an everyday theme in higher education

Behaviour Model sentence examples within Human Behaviour Model

Older People’s Attitudes And Perspectives Of Welfare Technology In Norway

Wearable Devices for Human Activity Recognition and User Detection

Behaviour Model sentence examples within Material Behaviour Model

Numerical Simulation of High Velocity Impact on Composite Targets Using Advanced Computational Techniques

A Novel Constitutive Modelling for Spring Back Prediction in Sheet Metal Forming Processes

Behaviour Model sentence examples within Dynamic Behaviour Model

Effects of silver diamine fluoride/potassium iodide on artificial root caries lesions with adjunctive application of proanthocyanidin.

A Dynamic Behavioral Approach to Nutritional Assessment using Process Mining

Behaviour Model sentence examples within Identified Behaviour Model

Climate Change and Behavior Patterns of Urban Residents

Experimental and numerical study of DC04 sheet metal behaviour—plastic anisotropy identification and application to deep drawing

Behaviour Model sentence examples within Movement Behaviour Model

Long-distance dispersal and home range establishment by a female sub-adult tiger (Panthera tigris) in the Panna landscape, central India

Exploring the influence of road network structure on the spatial behaviour of cyclists using crowdsourced data

Behaviour Model sentence examples within Motivation Behaviour Model

Applying the COM-B behaviour model to overcome barriers to heart failure self-care: A practical application of a conceptual framework for the development of complex interventions (ACHIEVE study).

Investigating the Adoption of Clinical Genomics in Australia. An Implementation Science Case Study

Behaviour Model sentence examples within Choice Behaviour Model

Developing Policy Framework of Dynamic Toll Pricing in India

Route Choice Behaviour Modeling using IoT Integrated Artificial Intelligence

Behaviour Model sentence examples within behaviour model available

Modelling fission gas behaviour in fast reactor (U,Pu)O2 fuel with BISON

A review of ocean forces interaction model with offshore structures near the free surface

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Distributed Ensemble based Deep Learning architecture for Intrusion Detection against Cyber attacks

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Behaviour of Economic Agents in Services Market (Educational Services)

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Virtual commissioning of automated manufacturing systems — Quality-handling station case study

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Implementation of evidence-based PCOS lifestyle management guidelines: Perceived barriers and facilitators by consumers using the Theoretical Domains Framework and COM-B Model.

Studying the Stability of the K/Ar Isotopic System of Phlogopites in Conditions of High T, P: 40Ar/39Ar Dating, Laboratory Experiment, Numerical Simulation

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Cultivation of College Students’ Low-Carbon Consumption Behaviours based on Mobile Education: A Behavioural View

Behaviour models of audit quality reduction associated with auditor’s work stress

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An integrated pre-pregnancy care programme framework theoretically modelled from the perspectives of women with Type 2 diabetes and healthcare professionals.

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Repair motivation and barriers model: Investigating user perspectives related to product repair towards a circular economy

Barriers and enablers to consumer and community involvement in research and healthcare improvement: Perspectives from consumer organisations, health services and researchers in Melbourne, Australia.

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Top-level Scene Information Extraction from Eye-level View Images

Behavioural changes in African elephants in response to wildlife tourism

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Persuasive Health: Back to the Future

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Correcting childhood fears by means of rationalization

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Training Algorithms for Multiple Object Tracking

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Online petitions of the German-language platform “openPetition” as a form of modern protest communication

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Development and application implications of enabling occupant behaviour modelling within building performance simulation