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Behaviour Levels sentence examples within Sedentary Behaviour Levels

Physical activity, sedentary behaviour and smoking status among psychiatric patients in Singapore – a cross-sectional study

Association of Daily Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour with Protein Intake Patterns in Older Adults: A Multi-Study Analysis across Five Countries

Behaviour Levels sentence examples within Preliminary Behaviour Levels

Appropriate identification of age-related macular degeneration using OCT images

Automated identification of SD-optical coherence tomography derived macular diseases by combining 3D-block-matching and deep learning techniques

Estimating changes in physical behaviour during lockdowns using accelerometry-based simulations in a large UK cohort.

A good investment: longer-term cost savings of sensitive parenting in childhood.

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Physical activity, sedentary behaviour and smoking status among psychiatric patients in Singapore – a cross-sectional study

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Appropriate identification of age-related macular degeneration using OCT images

Association of Daily Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour with Protein Intake Patterns in Older Adults: A Multi-Study Analysis across Five Countries

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Self-Directed Passive Aggressive Behaviour as an Essential Component of Depression: Findings from two observational studies

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Spring 2020 COVID-19 community transmission behaviours around New York City medical facilities

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Automated identification of SD-optical coherence tomography derived macular diseases by combining 3D-block-matching and deep learning techniques

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The impact of COVID-19 on the physical activity and sedentary behaviour levels of pregnant women with gestational diabetes

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A qualitative examination of urban vs rural sustainable consumption behaviours of energy and water consumers in the emerging Egyptian market

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Does total volume of physical activity matter more than pattern for onset of CVD? A prospective cohort study of older British men

Fathers and Their Young Children’s Self-Perception, Levels of Being Liked by Their Peers and Prosocial Behaviours

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Behaviour Levels