Introduction to Behaviour Intentions
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Behaviour Intentions sentence examples within Health Behaviour Intentions
Two studies, one experimental (N = 747; M age = 25; 54% female) and one correlational (N = 407; M age = 24; 55% female), assessed beliefs about future health, affect, motivation, health behaviour intentions (both studies), and health behaviour choices (Study 2).
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Bootstrapped multiple mediation analysis found significant indirect effects of procrastination on health behaviour intentions, through outcome, but not efficacy, expectancies for hoped-for-HPS.
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Behaviour Intentions sentence examples within Environmental Behaviour Intentions
As expected, environmental responsibility partially mediates the relationship between environmental sensitivity and environmental behaviour intentions.
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In contrast, there is less willingness to engage in pro-environmental behaviour intentions that involve more active engagement activities.
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Besides, to understand people’s behaviour intentions, this study uses self-evaluation as the data to be analyzed using an extended theory of planned behaviour model.
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Research was conducted in this context to investigate the behaviour intentions of the customers regarding digital payment usage through application of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of the Technology-2 (UTAUT2) model.
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Research limitations/implications
Religion, culture, gender, income level, age and educational level could be used as moderating factors for better understanding of people’s behaviour intentions.
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