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Behaviour Due sentence examples within Complex Behaviour Due
Powders display a complex behaviour due to their ability to rearrange under stress, and as a result, granular flow is generally classified into three flow regimes, namely a quasi-static regime dominated by frictional contacts, an inertial regime dominated by collisional and kinematic stresses and an intermediate regime where the three sources of stress are important to establish a stress-strain rate relationship.
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Experimental studies on the frost action in concrete have showed a complex behaviour due to a high thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical coupling.
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Behaviour Due sentence examples within Dynamic Behaviour Due
Experiments are subsequently conducted to validate the geometrically nonlinear dynamics behaviour due to high tip displacement and to understand the influence of the beam cross-section geometry.
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) Real outdoor scenes may include the objects with dynamic behaviour due to illumination, blurring, or weather conditions effects.
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Behaviour Due sentence examples within Seeking Behaviour Due
Logistic regression analyses were performed to investigate if the following factors were associated with adolescents' care-seeking behaviour due to neck or LBP: daily activity limitations, physical activity (PA) domains, items of the social support scale.
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This stigmatization further influences patients health-seeking behaviour due to the trust deficit in the public health system.
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Behaviour Due sentence examples within Ferromagnetic Behaviour Due
13% impurity atom per supercell exhibit half-metallic ferromagnetic behaviour due to the spin-polarized 2p orbitals of the dopant atom, which are localized within the energy gap of the host lattice.
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The nanocomposite possess enhanced ferromagnetic behaviour due to increased point defects, uncompensated spins and exchange coupling between Cu2+ and Ni2+ ions.
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Behaviour Due sentence examples within Mechanical Behaviour Due
The anisotropic mechanical behaviour due to the shale lamination effect was considered by drilling samples at seven different inclinations with reference to the bedding plane.
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The onset and progression of pathological heart conditions, such as cardiomyopathy or heart failure, affect its mechanical behaviour due to the remodelling of the myocardial tissues to preserve its functional response.
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Behaviour Due sentence examples within Different Behaviour Due
Reconstituted and compacted soils are commonly assumed to exhibit a fundamentally different behaviour due to different microstructure.
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The total-kinetic-energy distributions for the three isotopes show radically different behaviour due to varying contributions from different fission modes, with a double-humped distribution for $^{258}\text{Fm}$.
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Behaviour Due sentence examples within Motor Behaviour Due
We investigated a genetic interaction between gba1−/− and smpd1−/− in gba1−/−;smpd1−/− double-mutant zebrafish and observed an unexpected ameliorating effect of sphingomyelinase deficiency on the gba1−/− related phenotype with prolonged survival and normalisation of motor behaviour due to rescue of mitochondrial function.
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More importantly, in our age group the neurological examination might not have enough discriminating power to discern differences in motor behaviour due to perinatal exposure to PCBs and dioxins.
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Behaviour Due sentence examples within Fluorescence Behaviour Due
Both receptors L1 and L2, exhibited an off/on fluorescence behaviour due to complex formation with Cu(II).
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The prepared material was fully characterized by XRD, XPS, Raman and microscopic techniques and its fluorescence behaviour due to the presence of phthalimide conjugate was also studied.
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Behaviour Due sentence examples within Structural Behaviour Due
As the result, the bridge is considered to be a very interesting research case as it was identified during the site testing, specifically in terms of its intriguing structural behaviour due to thermal effects.
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Many particulate composites show heterogenous mesoscopic structural behaviour due to a random distribution of irregular shaped particles with different sizes ranging from micro to macro scale.
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Behaviour Due sentence examples within Damage Behaviour Due
However, the hydrophilic SiO2-based hybrid tends to induce an exterior-to-interior salt-damage behaviour due to the frequent circulation movement of water with salt to result in the formation of surface efflorescence and interior sub-efflorescence in the protected sandstone.
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The discontinuous carbon fiber composite (DCFC) has a different damage behaviour due to non homogenuous sub structure.
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Behaviour Due sentence examples within Linear Behaviour Due
The third and final phase addresses the dynamic analysis under traffic actions, which provides greater sensitivity in the detection of non-linear behaviour due to the effects of high-amplitude actions induced by regular train loading profiles.
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This article suggests that the adjustment towards the long-run trend in house prices could display non-linear behaviour due to some intrinsic characteristics of the housing market.
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Behaviour Due sentence examples within Strain Behaviour Due
Behaviour Due sentence examples within Frequency Behaviour Due
The second category is pop-up frequency selective surface which similarly can change its frequency behaviour due to applied strain.
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It is concluded that for the investigated test grid, first approach (using existing models) is not sufficient to validate the frequency behaviour due to non-modelling of all affecting parameters.
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Behaviour Due sentence examples within Ductile Behaviour Due
Frames with small beam cross sections showed ductile behaviour due to catenary action, whereas frames with larger beam cross sections displayed brittle failure and predominate arch action.
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The most profound difference was recorded between the untreated and post-treated specimen, as the untreated had almost brittle behaviour during plastic deformation, and the post-treated specimen depicted a more ductile behaviour due to stress relief, softening and microstructural changes.
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Behaviour Due sentence examples within Soil Behaviour Due
Behaviour Due sentence examples within Aggressive Behaviour Due
The results revealed that feeding of Nile tilapia fingerlings three times per day is better than both one and two times / day due to increasing the chance of feed intake and ingestive behaviour which lead to optimum growth rate, decreasing surfacing behaviour, improving swimming behaviour and reducing aggressive behaviour due to decreasing competition for food, this confirms that feeding frequency plays an important role in achieving Nile tilapia welfare and indicates the importance of feeding as an essential factor that should be adjusted in aquaculture industry for high growth.
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Primary intestinal melanoma (PIM) is associated with a worse prognosis and a more aggressive behaviour due to its rapid growth.
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Behaviour Due sentence examples within Consumption Behaviour Due
The assumption of this research assumes that there is a change in consumption behaviour due to the knowledge of the poor which is formed by advertisements with very high exposure and frequency every day.
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Based on governmental restrictions at national and regional level, we explore changes in consumption behaviour due to enacted restrictions.
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Skewed masonry arch railway bridges are common, yet their structural behaviour under typical working loads, along with gradual changes in behaviour due to degradation, can be difficult to determine.
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Further, the change in such behaviour due to different mechanical properties of rock joints, such as stiffness, friction angle and dilation, is investigated.
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While longer term changes through centuries and millennia have been shown before, it is difficult to constrain short-term variations in the Sun’s behaviour due to the enormity of the atmospheric carbon reservoir, which acts to smooth out changes in 14C production.
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ABSTRACT Computing the moments in RC structures after the yield by linear elastic analysis can lead to an inaccurate assessment of the behaviour due to the nonlinear behaviour.
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Here, we present a formal model capturing the core properties of the attack: firstly, the reputation of an actor failing to reflect their behaviour due to lag and, secondly, a malicious actor exploiting this for their personal gain.
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By acknowledging a shift in tourists’ behaviour due to the advent of disruptive factors, this paper conceptualises the recently emerged notion of ‘the smart tourist’.
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Results of self-reported data from survey in real traffic on vehicles’ road user’s behaviour due to the usage of protective equipment between 2014-2016 were collected and analysed.
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Such stories are likely to exercise considerable influence on debate participants’ views and behaviour due to their being more vivid, engaging, and accessible than other forms of evidence or argument.
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The metrics highlight the changes in behaviour due to the addition of stickiness between the lips in the synthetic mouth model and show quantitatively improved behaviour in relation to real mouth movements.
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