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Bay Coastal sentence examples within Galveston Bay Coastal

Sabine Pass to Galveston Bay, TX Pre-construction, Engineering and Design (PED) : coastal storm surge and wave hazard assessment : report 3 – Orange County

Sabine Pass to Galveston Bay, TX Pre-construction, Engineering and Design (PED) : coastal storm surge and wave hazard assessment : report 2 – Port Arthur

Bay Coastal sentence examples within Jiaozhou Bay Coastal

Public preference for the ecological restoration of coastal wetlands in Jiaozhou Bay in China based on a choice experiment

Inorganic carbon sequestration and its mechanism of coastal saline-alkali wetlands in Jiaozhou Bay, China

Bay Coastal sentence examples within Laizhou Bay Coastal

Assessment of Organic Contamination along the Coast of Laizhou Bay, China: Combining Chemical Analysis and Integrated Biomarker Responses in the Clam Ruditapes Philippinarum

Analysis of tidal-induced connectivity among coastal regions in the Bohai Sea using the complex network theory

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Bay Coastal sentence examples within Taganrog Bay Coastal

Potentially toxic elements in floodplain soils the Don River basin of Southern Russia

Exchangeable form of potentially toxic elements in floodplain soils along the river-marine systems of Southern Russia

Bay Coastal sentence examples within bay coastal area

Assessment of Organic Contamination along the Coast of Laizhou Bay, China: Combining Chemical Analysis and Integrated Biomarker Responses in the Clam Ruditapes Philippinarum

Source region identification and source apportionment of volatile organic compounds in the Tokyo Bay coastal area, Japan

Bay Coastal sentence examples within bay coastal water

Bacterioplankton Diversity and Distribution in Relation to Phytoplankton Community Structure in the Ross Sea surface waters

Diversity and health risk potentials of the Enterococcus population in tropical coastal water impacted by Hurricane Lane

Bay Coastal sentence examples within bay coastal wetland

Public preference for the ecological restoration of coastal wetlands in Jiaozhou Bay in China based on a choice experiment

Inorganic carbon sequestration and its mechanism of coastal saline-alkali wetlands in Jiaozhou Bay, China

Bay Coastal sentence examples within bay coastal storm

Sabine Pass to Galveston Bay, TX Pre-construction, Engineering and Design (PED) : coastal storm surge and wave hazard assessment : report 3 – Orange County

Sabine Pass to Galveston Bay, TX Pre-construction, Engineering and Design (PED) : coastal storm surge and wave hazard assessment : report 2 – Port Arthur

Bay Coastal sentence examples within bay coastal zone

Potentially toxic elements in floodplain soils the Don River basin of Southern Russia

Exchangeable form of potentially toxic elements in floodplain soils along the river-marine systems of Southern Russia

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Assessment of Organic Contamination along the Coast of Laizhou Bay, China: Combining Chemical Analysis and Integrated Biomarker Responses in the Clam Ruditapes Philippinarum

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Potentially toxic elements in floodplain soils the Don River basin of Southern Russia

More Bay Coastal sentence examples

Public preference for the ecological restoration of coastal wetlands in Jiaozhou Bay in China based on a choice experiment

More Bay Coastal sentence examples

Keys to discern the Phoenician, Punic and Roman mining in a typical coastal environment through the multivariate study of trace element distribution.

More Bay Coastal sentence examples

Sabine Pass to Galveston Bay, TX Pre-construction, Engineering and Design (PED) : coastal storm surge and wave hazard assessment : report 3 – Orange County

More Bay Coastal sentence examples

Sabine Pass to Galveston Bay, TX Pre-construction, Engineering and Design (PED) : coastal storm surge and wave hazard assessment : report 2 – Port Arthur

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Bacterioplankton Diversity and Distribution in Relation to Phytoplankton Community Structure in the Ross Sea surface waters

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Exchangeable form of potentially toxic elements in floodplain soils along the river-marine systems of Southern Russia

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Quantifying Slopes as a Driver of Forest to Marsh Conversion Using Geospatial Techniques: Application to Chesapeake Bay Coastal-Plain, United States

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Optimization spatial pattern method for vegetation landscape in bay based on AHP

Diversity and health risk potentials of the Enterococcus population in tropical coastal water impacted by Hurricane Lane

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Short-Term Forecast of Harmful Algal Blooms on the West Florida Shelf

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Analysis of tidal-induced connectivity among coastal regions in the Bohai Sea using the complex network theory

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Source region identification and source apportionment of volatile organic compounds in the Tokyo Bay coastal area, Japan

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Sabine Pass to Galveston Bay, TX Pre-construction, Engineering and Design (PED) : coastal storm surge and wave hazard assessment : report 1 – background and approach

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Inhibition Effects of Jakarta Bay Sediments to the Growth of Marine Diatom (Chaetoceros Gracilis)

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Inorganic carbon sequestration and its mechanism of coastal saline-alkali wetlands in Jiaozhou Bay, China

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Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in terraced soil on flysch deposits of Kaštela Bay coastal area, Croatia

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Inferring boundaries among fish species of the new world silversides (Atherinopsidae; genus Odontesthes): new evidences of incipient speciation between marine and brackish populations of Odontesthes argentinensis

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Natural groundwater nutrient fluxes exceed anthropogenic inputs in an ecologically impacted estuary: lessons learned from Mobile Bay, Alabama

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Optically stimulated luminescence dating of coastal sediments at Funing Bay, Southeastern China

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The Impact of Land Reclamation on Esturine Environment in Lingding Bay, China

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Changes of ecosystem services value of Hangzhou Bay Coastal Wetland

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Bay Coastal