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Anthropogenic Climate sentence examples within sea level rise

Economic damages from Hurricane Sandy attributable to sea level rise caused by anthropogenic climate change

The Vulnerability of Health Infrastructure to the Impacts of Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in Small Island Countries in the South Pacific

Anthropogenic Climate sentence examples within ocean primary production

Oceanic Primary production decline halved in eddy-resolving simulations of global warming

Oceanic primary production decline halved in eddy-resolving simulations of global warming

Anthropogenic Climate sentence examples within Ongoing Anthropogenic Climate

Anthropogenic influence on extreme Meiyu rainfall in 2020 and its future risk

The Global Emergence of Hotter-Drought Drivers of Forest Disturbance Tipping Points

Anthropogenic Climate sentence examples within Curb Anthropogenic Climate

Projected changes in wind power potential over China and India in high resolution climate models

Climate impacts of U.S. forest loss span net warming to net cooling

Anthropogenic Climate sentence examples within Without Anthropogenic Climate

Siberian Heat Wave Nearly Impossible Without Human Influence

Hot Spots and Climate Trends of Meteorological Droughts in Europe–Assessing the Percent of Normal Index in a Single-Model Initial-Condition Large Ensemble

Anthropogenic Climate sentence examples within Mitigating Anthropogenic Climate

Large calcium isotope fractionations by zeolite minerals from Iceland

Old-growth forest loss and secondary forest recovery across Amazonian countries

Anthropogenic Climate sentence examples within Future Anthropogenic Climate

Evaluation and application of a low-cost measurement network to study intra-urban temperature differences during summer 2018 in Bern, Switzerland

Antarctic ice sheet and climate evolution during the mid-Miocene

Anthropogenic Climate sentence examples within Mitigate Anthropogenic Climate

Selective CO2 reduction towards a single upgraded product: a minireview on multi-elemental copper-free electrocatalysts

From values to climate action.

Anthropogenic Climate sentence examples within Abstract Anthropogenic Climate

Psychology of climate change (Psicología del cambio climático)

Breeding season shift by the Oahu Elepaio (Chasiempis ibidis) in response to changing rainfall patterns

Anthropogenic Climate sentence examples within Rapid Anthropogenic Climate

Cave radon exposure, dose, dynamics and mitigation

Long-distance pollen dispersal during recent colonization favors a rapid but partial recovery of genetic diversity in Picea sitchensis.

Anthropogenic Climate sentence examples within Global Anthropogenic Climate

Climate change in the Southern Ocean: Is the Commission for the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources doing enough?

Personality and the pro-environmental individual: Unpacking the interplay between attitudes, behaviour and climate change denial

Anthropogenic Climate sentence examples within Addres Anthropogenic Climate

Missing links between intercultural education and anthropogenic climate change?

Estimating flying-fox mortality associated with abandonments of pups and extreme heat events during the austral summer of 2019–20

Anthropogenic Climate sentence examples within Toward Anthropogenic Climate

The surprising evolutionary heritage of the Atlantic walrus as chronicled by the fossil record

Secure human attachment can promote support for climate change mitigation

Anthropogenic Climate sentence examples within anthropogenic climate change

People-Planet-Health: promoting grassroots movements through participatory co-production.

Justice and climate change

Anthropogenic Climate sentence examples within anthropogenic climate forcing

Understanding the surface temperature response and its uncertainty to CO2, CH4, black carbon and sulfate

Historical warming has increased U.S. crop insurance losses

Anthropogenic Climate sentence examples within anthropogenic climate warming

Anthropogenic climate change has altered lake state in the Sierra Nevada (California, USA).

Promoting climate-driven forest migration through large-scale urban afforestation

Anthropogenic Climate sentence examples within anthropogenic climate crisi

Medical responsibility in the climate crisis-the investment strategies of German Doctors’ pension funds: a conflict between ethics and monetisation

Assigning responsibility for country-level warming to individual major emitters

More Anthropogenic Climate sentence examples

Biome partitioning of the global ocean based on phytoplankton biogeography

Anthropogenic Climate