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Prediction of tinnitus masking benefit within a case series using a spiking neural network model.

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Acoustic measure accuracy: Telepractice platforms (Weerathunge et al., 2021)

Finite element method and dynamical energy analysis in vibro-acoustics - A comparative study

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Clinical Application of Stromal Vascular Fraction Gel in Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis.

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Hydroacoustic survey standardization: Inter-vessel differences in fish densities and potential effects of vessel avoidance

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Effectiveness and Feasibility of Telepractice on Voice Therapy for Female Teachers in Elementary Schools with Self-Reported Voice Disorders.

Principles and Methods for Psychoacoustic Evaluation of Tinnitus.

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Accuracy of Acoustic Measures of Voice via Telepractice Videoconferencing Platforms.

Plane wave frequency domain analysis of resonance free pipes with moving medium

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Прибор и методики измерения акустической анизотропии и остаточных напряжений металла магистральных газопроводов

Simultaneous photoacoustic imaging and white light video endoscopy for guiding laparoscopic surgery (Conference Presentation)

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Aerodynamic noise assessment for a vertical axis wind turbine using Improved Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation

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A Multiscale Approach to Investigate the Biosemiotic Complexity of Two Acoustic Communities in Primary Forests with High Ecosystem Integrity Recorded with 3D Sound Technologies

Assessing noise with provisions for ventilation and overheating in dwellings

Neurodevelopmental disorder with dysmorphic facies and distal limb anomalies syndrome due to disruption of BPTF in a 35‐year‐old man initially diagnosed with Silver‐Russell syndrome

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Psychoacoustically Motivated Active Noise Control at Remote Locations

Laryngeal and Vocal Characterization of Asymptomatic Adults With Sulcus Vocalis

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Perfil clínico e implicações do zumbido em indivíduos com e sem perda auditiva.

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Acoustic and Perceptual Analyses of Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia in Mandarin-speaking Chinese.

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Clinical profile and implications of tinnitus in individuals with and without hearing loss.

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Acoustic Vowel Parameters Based Dialect Classification for Punjabi Speech

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Integrated methodology for the prediction of helicopter rotor noise at mission level

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Acoustic Assessment