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Gender Inequality and State Security: The Effects of Women’s Social Equality on Domestic Terrorism

Neo-Ibuism in Indonesian Politics: Election Campaigns of Wives of Regional Heads in West Sumatra in 2019

Invisible Agents of Rural Development. Russian Immigrant Women in the Finnish Border Region

Gender stereotyping and retro-sexism in advertising discourse from a postfeminist perspective


Labor migration is associated with lower rates of underweight and higher rates of obesity among left-behind wives in rural Bangladesh: a cross-sectional study

The Choice between Norm and Freedom: Women and Witchcraft in the Late Middle Ages

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Gendered differences in crop diversity choices: A case study from Papua New Guinea

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Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Pada Dua Sekolah Inklusi Di Ponorogo

Exploring the impact of interactive read-alouds on student perceptions of women’s history

Slums, women and sanitary living in South-South Nigeria

Engendering regulation of artisanal and small-scale mining: participation, protection and access to justice

National Projects and Feminism: The Construction of Welfare States through the Analysis of the 8M Manifestos of Progressive and Conservative Political Parties in Spain

Anti-Immigration Propaganda in the Northern League and the Freedom Party of Austria

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Women’s empowerment and gender equality in South Asian agriculture: Measuring progress using the project-level Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (pro-WEAI) in Bangladesh and India

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Women’s Roles in Iḥyā’ ‘Ulūm al-Dīn and Method of Teaching it at Pesantrens in Indonesia

Portrayals of Women on Ethno-Nationalist and Radical Islamic Websites in Bosnia And Herzegovina

Introduction: Feminine Journeys of the Mahabharata

‘All My Animals Are Equal, but None Can Survive without the Horse’. The Contribution of Working Equids to the Livelihoods of Women across Six Communities in the Chimaltenango Region of Guatemala

Language and Sexism: The Use of English Language as Academic Discourse in Balamban, Cebu Primary Education Textbooks

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Food History and Women in Sub-Saharan Africa

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Approaches to Ancient Religions

Informal Adult Learning: Advertisements in Women’s Magazines in Turkey

Women and fitness on Weibo: the neoliberalism solution to the obligations of Confucianism

Birth preparedness and related factors: a cross-sectional study in Tanzania City area

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The Portrait of Women’s Participation on Inland Fishery Activities in Lao PDR

Artistic Transformation of the Female Image in Kazakh Literature

“All the Different Pieces of Me Being Integrated”: Religion/Spirituality and Identity in Working Christian Mothers

Exploring Gender Equity in Ecological Restoration: The Case of a Market-Based Program in Kenya

Gender authorship of articles in pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus between 2002 and 2018

‘There is still some work to be done, but we’ve come a long way’: the changing position of women in technical television jobs

Women officials of the Turkish Diyanet: Gendered transformations and predicaments of empowerment?

Bridging through “women’s work”: African women and men chasing the rise of China

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Strategies to optimize women’s participation in palm cattle integration

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Imperial Women within the Imperial Family

Citizenship Diversified: Bali-Hindu Customary Institutions and Democratization

School opening during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: Public acceptance of wearing fabric masks in class

Milestones of Egyptian Women’ Progress in Education and Science from the Nineteenth Century to the Present

La representación descriptiva y simbólica de las mujeres en el proceso de paridad de género en Sistemas Normativos Indígenas de Oaxaca, México


Film, Leisure, and Urban Life in West Africa

Changing Women Social Status and Roles in Silent Film During the 1910s to 1930s

Bringing Back the Black Working Class

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Womens Roles 여성 역할

Womens Roles 여성 역할
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